Drugs Effects

Teenage Drama Love

Donghae never realized his love one was being hurt at home. Jessica and Yoona were at their house pulling each other's hairs and spanking each other. Donghae was just too busy doing drugs, flirting with other girls and being drunk.

"Woo I'm so freaking drunk. Hey Eun-seo, wanna make-out?" 

"Sure lovey-dovey."

And both of them threw eachother to a near by couch and kissed each other. At times, Donghae would puke because of the drugs' effects to his body. He came home late at night, not even caring about what had happened to his girlfriend at home. It was dark and Donghae had not noticed the bruises and wounds of Yoona because of Jessica. Donghae had gotten so obsessed with the drugs that he did not bother coming home anymore. Yoona was worried but she still thought of Tiffany's health and safety. "I'd rather stay here at home and take care of Tiffany rather than going after Donghae and putting my baby in danger." she thought.


One day, Yoona had had enough of Donghae coming late. She decided to wait for him tonight and confront him. She did. As Donghae crept silently into the room, he opened the door and screamed by accident.


"I'm sorry Yoona. I thought you were a ghost."

Yoona just ignored him. "What's going on with you, Donghae? You can't keep staying out all night. Look at the state of you!" She gave him a really worried face and let him in.

Donghae turned all jumpy and anxious. "What!? Oh, I'm fine honestly. I'm just letting off a little steam to calm myself..."

"I'm worried about you." she said, her eyes tearing up.

"Can't we just leave this and wait until the morning Yoona? Please. I'm tired."


Yoona started bursting out in tears and screamed.

"Yoona, I promise I'm alright. You've got nothing to worry about, trust me!" Donghae assured Yoona about his health and safety. He also assured and promised nothing bad is happening to him.

Donghae walked up to baby Tiffany's crib and kissed her.

"I'm so sorry for being a bad father to you Tiffany. You deserve so much better than me."

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))