I'll show you what love is

I'll show you what love is


“ Noona??? DongHae Hyung??? What are you guys doing there???” Asked by ChunHei’s  younger brother.


“ Yoseob, she’s your sister??” DOngHae is still holding on his left cheek.

“ What happened here?” asked by ChunHei’s father. “ ChunHei, you are back.” He help her to stand up.


“ WHO EXACTLY  IS THIS GUY?????!!” ChunHei  is still blushing.


“ He is DOngHae hyung, did you forget him??? He’s the guy who really likes appa’s baked cake. He’s always here when we are still kids.” Explained by Yoseob.


“ Him??! Huh!” and  then she entered the shop angrily.


Outside her father and Yoseob are talking  to DongHae.


“ DongHae shi, what happened?? We haven’t seen her for a long time, and now she’s angry.. ChunHei is a type of person that is not easily getting angry.. but whathappened?”  asked by her father.


“ Don’t tell me hyung that noona slapped you? I can still see her hand marks on your cheek.”


“ Ne. she slapped me… the reason is I didn’t mean to kiss her…”


Her appa and Yoseob got surprised.


“ You kissed noona???”


“ Its not what you think.. I was on my way here but I lost my balance on my bike.. I crashed onto her ,I fell on top of her and I kissed her unintentionally.. Ajjushi I really didn’t mean it…”


“ Gwenchana DOngHae shi… its just an accident..” its okay for her father since they know each other for along time. “Why don’t you go inside and have a snack??”


DOngHae shake his hands. “ Aniyo ajushi.. maybe next time.. ChunHei is in the bad mood.. for sure she will be angry.. I’ll just go ahead and see you again tomorrow..”


When DOngHae left, Yoseob and their father entered the shop, they saw ChunHei preparing a cup of coffee for herself.. the staff and crew we’re shocked because she didn’t asked permission to them.


“ Sir.. the girl just come inside and she invaded the kitchen..” the crew said.


“ Gwenchana, she’s my daughter.. she didn’t come home for seven years.. she knows how to do all those things don’t worry..”


“ Noona is really moody…..  I wonder if this is about what happened outside..” Yoseob go near to his sister. “ Noona, would you mind making one for me?”


“ Hmm. Ne..” after making her coffee and latte for her brother they sat on the empty chair near the counter.


“ So tell me ChunHei, are you planning to stay here for good??”


“ Appa, aniyo I’m just in vacation.. I wanted to spend it here with the two of you..” plain response.


“ Noona, you must be tired.. why don’t you rest upstairs..” Yoseob carry her bag. “ Lets continue talking inside your room.”


Inside ChunHei’s room.


“ What’s the reason that you came back here noona?” Yoseob started the conversation.


“Just simple, I will celebrate valentines day here with all of you.. and why here because I just broke up with my  idiot boyfriend.” She said plainly.


“Mwo? You broke up with your BF? But why??”


“Yoseob, lets not talk about him okay…”


Yoseob leave her noona to have a rest, he went down and told their father about what happened.


“Yoseob, now is the right time for ChunHei and DongHae…” said her appa, since then They want DongHae to be ChunHei’s boyfriend. Their appa know DongHae since a kid and until know, Hae always stay in their bake shop, sometimes their father teach him to bake some cakes, specially now that is Love month, the bakery need some extra workers, DOngHae always work there as a part timer.


“ Appa, what if noona doesn’t  want??”


“I’ll find the way for her to like dongHae. Besides when they we’re kids they are close.”


The following day, ChunHei woke up early, she went t o the kitchen,, the bakers are still not there. Even her appa and Yeosob is still sleeping. She get the ingredients for making a cake inside the fridge. She felt comfortable in that moment. There’s a smile on her face, but then the smile fade away cause she saw the guy who steal a kiss from her yesterday.


“Oh.. good morning..” DOngHae greeted.


ChunHei nods, and then she go back to baking. Donghae put down the supplies that he’s carrying. And wear the apron and stand beside her.


“What are you doing???” asked CHunHei.


“I will be working here as a part timer, cause its valentine season many people will buy cakes.”


“SO you do baking??” ChunHei stopped and looked at DongHae.

“Not much, I assist the bakers if they want me to do something..”


“Then start working, assist me here okay..” ChunHei asked Hae to prepare the utensils and the oven. Asking him to do this and to do that.


DongHae noticed that ChunHei is making fun of him.


ChunHei is very serious in decorating the cake, he wanted to surprise her appa and Yeosob.


“ChunHei..” Hae called her.


“What??” then ChunHei look… she freezes cause her face is just an inch away from Hae’s face. She can clearly see his cute and handsome face, his smooth and fair skin, his nose, and kissable lips. Their eyes contact.


“Beautiful… “ said DOngHae then he winks.


ChunHei  frowned her face. “ If you are going to play the door is open.. leave.”


“Yah, CHunHei ah, I’m just joking, the aura is so serious and I noticed that you keep asking me to do nonsense things.”


“You don’t want then go outside..”


“ChinHei ah..” he put some icing in her nose.


“Yah..! are you crazy I’m in the m idle of a serious thing..”  she pushed him away.

“ Ajjushi told me that the baker should enjoy baking.. you look angry while baking.. I bet the people who will eat that cake will be  upset.” DOngHae keeps on teasing her.


“ Hey.. you.. stop this okay…”


DOngHae shut when she saw the tears on ChunHei’s eyes.  After she finished doing the  cake,  the other bakers arrived.


“Owh.. good morning ChunHei shi, DOngHae shi..”


“Wow… what a cute cake.. did you make that  ChunHei shi??” the baker asked.


“Yup…” ChunHei replied.  She’s excited about the cake. ChunHei assembled the cake on the table, she made a nice presentation for it. DOngHae is watching her. There’s a smile on ChunHei’s face.


“Good morning…” their appa greeted.  He saw the cake on the table, but he didn’t pay attention to it.


 “ Appa I made a cake for you and for Yeosob.” ChunHei is anticipating about it. “ Appa, taste it, it’s my specialty in my work.”


Her appa just look at her. And then he went to the kitchen. She wondered, her appa never treat her just like that. she waited for Yeosob, but same there’s no reaction. Chunhei was hurt. She went to the balcony at the back of the bakery. Thinking whats happening.


DOngHae saw her reaction before when she’s making the cake, now that the cake she made is not recognized, he felt sorry for her. He go back to see ChunHei.  “ Gwenchana?  ( Are you okay?? )” he saw ChunHei wiped her tears.


“ Ne.. I’m fine..”she was about to enter the bakery but DOngHae stopped her. “ Lets eat the cake, it really looks tasty, is it okay if I grab a bite of it??”


ChunHei nods. “ You can have all of it if you want..”


“ Okay.. thank you..”  DOngHae left her.


“ AIsh.. that guy!”  she looked at her phone, she had a 13 missed calls. And the calls are from her ex. And there are messages too. “ Aish! This idiot  guy, what does he want from me??!” she wanted to throw her phone from the balcony but she got stunned when DOngHae called her. “ MWO???!”


DongHae stopped as he saw the angry face of ChunHei. “ Mianhae ( Sorry )” and then he smiled, he grabbed ChunHei’s hands. “ Ajushi! I’ll borrow ChunHei for a couple of hours.”


“Yah! Yah! Yah! You, where are you taking me??” she wanted to remove DOngHae’s hands from her but his grip is tight.


When they were outside the bake shop.


“So…..????????’ ChunHei said?” ChunHei noticed the cake box on the other hand of  DongHae.


“ We will stroll around Mokpo, I know you missed this place so much right???” his smile is full of anticipation.


“What?? Who are you to know about those things? If you want to go then go. Stop bothering me. And if you are planning to stroll around town using that thing.” Pointing at DOngHae’s bicycle.


“Wae?? Bicycle is the best vehicle to enjoy the places here in Mokpo.

“ I don’t want to..”


“ No, you will go with me..” DOngHae pulled her. “ Come on. You will enjoy this believe me. “ he smiled.


Looks like she was convinced by DOngHae’s smile. “ Fine, I’ll go..”


DOngHae and ChunHei stroll the town with his bike, ChunHei is looking around the surroundings. She realized that there are many things that changed in Mokpo. Even the attitudes of her family towards her.


Before lunch time they stopped at the park.


“ Here…” DongHae parked the bike near the beanch. “ lets rest first.” While ChunHei is resting, DongHae opened the cake box. “ Lets eat this together.”


“That’s my cake…” she looked Down and smile a bit.


DongHae prepared it. “ Here.” Handing the pork to ChunHei.


“ You really brought that cake with us.. “ she smiled.


“Look at you, you are smiling now..” Hae beamed a smile on her. “ Your made cake I so delicious.”


“Really? Delicious… thanks to that…” ChunHei continue eating the cake.


“ SI, its been seven years since you last came home, what made you think to go home??” DongHae  opened the conversation. He noticed the smile on ChunHei’s lips fade away.. “ Oh no, did I say anything wrong??”


Before ChunHei answered his question, her phone rings. The number flashed in the screen says that it was her ex. ChunHei got furious and she throw her phone away from her, and she started yelling. “ I hate you!! You bastard!! How can you do that to me!! You such a freak! A jerk! Anything ! you idiot!”


DongHae got surprised and he stood up, he hold on to ChunHei’s hands. “ ChunHei, ChunHei, calm down.. shhh shhhh shhhh..” he hugged ChunHei.


As ChunHei fell down on her knees, and started crying so hard. “ I gave all my love for him! But how can a idiot guy played my feelings that much and now he wanted to get me back, is he crazy, I will never go back to that damn guy again! I promise to myself that I won’t love again!”


DongHae gulped as he heard the sentence that ChunHei said. “ ChunHei, don’t close your heart.. I know there will be a perfect guy for you.. that guy doesn’t deserve your love..” he’s caressing her long hair.


ChunHei find herself hugging DongHae back, but they she pushed him slowly away from her. “ Mianhae.. I shouldn’t act like that.. what a childish reaction.” She wiped the tears on her face, and she put back her attention to the cake.


“ Hey.. do you want to go to the beach??” DongHae asked.


“ Huh???” ChunHei replied.


“ Owh, I guess maybe next time..” DOngHae continue to eat his cake.

After they ate the cake, DOngHae decided that they should go back to the shop. ChunHei  is still quiet. She wear her apron right away, so as DongHae and they started to work, ChunHei tried to make different sweets as DOngHae assist her. Her appa and Yoseob is looking at them.


“ Appa, you think the plan is working??” Yoseob asked his father, they are sneaking at the bakery’s kitchen.


“ I guess so… lets just pretend more okay.. I know its hard for us, but I really want DongHae for your sister.”


Days passed, DOngHae clings around ChunHei, he shows his care for her. ChunHei is there, entertaining him, ChunHei found him as a good friend. DongHae made a promise to his self that ChunHei will fall for him before valentines day and she will be his girl. He’s also happy to see her smiling.


ChunHei is very serious finalizing the final touches to her cake, she didn’t even blink in a second. She’s designing new cakes for the valentines day.


As DOngHae seeing her serious, he put a smile on his face. “ She’s really beautiful..” he carefully walk towards her hoping that ChunHei won’t notice him.


As ChunHei put the last décor for the cake,  then she saw a flower pops out in front of her. She looked back and she saw DongHae. For the past few days DOnghae always do that to her.


“ Hey… thanks again…” she smiled. And then she put back her attention to the cake.


DongHae smelled the Strawberry scent on her shampoo, he ends up thinking that she wants her so badly. If she turned out to be a strawberry he will eat her immediately.


“ Hey.. you think the people will like this one??” ChunHei is waiting for DongHae’s answer.

“ Huh??” he snapped out from imagining things. “ E? yeah.. yeah..”


“ And I’m looking forward to it..” she smiled back at him.



And for that day, the shop is opened for business. ChunHei is happy assisting the crew for the costumers orders, since she came back the costumers doubled in number, they like her cakes, and even reserving for the valentines day. ChunHei is still bothered by the way her father and yoseob treat her. But she find DongHae beside her, she felt relieved and happy at the same time.


They are currently serving the costumers when someone barge inside the shop, the guys is serious and he’s looking for some one, and when he found what he’s looking for.. “ ChunHei!” he pulled her arms.


“ Yah!” ChunHei shouted. “ How did you find me here?? You are not allowed to be here, go now and leave me alone!!” she calmly said.


“ No!”  the guy pulled her outside the bake shop.


DOngHae is in the kitchen and he didn’t noticed about the happenings outside.


“ Would you!” ChunHei pulled back her hands. “ I don’t care about you anymore! Okay! We broke up right! And you F***ING cheated at me!” she’s shouting.


“ Appa, noona is in trouble..” Yoseob wants to help her  noona.


“ Nope Yoseob, I want something more interesting..” The two of them are watching from the counter.


“ ChunHei, look… I’m here cause I want to make up with you,  I realized that I was wrong okay.. lets go back to Seoul.”


“ Huh! Go back to Seoul alone! I won’t go back there with you!!” she keeps on shouting.


And finally inside the kitchen, DOngHae noticed the commotion happening outside the shop. He saw ChunHei being pulled by a guy that he don’t know. Its like a bad side of the good DOngHae wakes up, seeing the girl that he like being pulled by another guy. He hurriedly went outside.


“ This is it Yoseob… the moment we’ve been waiting for.” Their dad is excited.


“ Yah!” DongHae shouted as her take ChunHei on his side. “ Who the hell are you??” he asked angrily.


“ Hey.. hey, you don’t need to get involved in this one. I can take care of it.” ChunHei said to DongHae. He’s calming her down.


“ ChunHei, who the hell Is this guy??” her ex asked.


“ Him… he is..”


“ Im-“ DongHae didn’t finished he’s saying.


“ He’s my boyfriend… you broke up with me right, and I told you that I will find a guy much better that you, and here he is.. “ she proudly said to her ex.


“ Shut it ChunHei! I know you will never find any one else cause your world revolves around me.”


“ Huh, and who do you think you are to praise your self?! Watch me! He is more deserving than you!” ChunHei pulled DongHae near to her. “ Mianhe” she whispered and then she kissed him in public, in front of the costumers and her father specially to her ex. The kiss is different from the kiss that they shared for the first time… the kiss that she believe DOngHae stole to her.


DongHae was surprised for ChunHei’s sudden attack. But he didn’t hold back, instead he wrapped her hands on her waits and lean properly and kiss ChunHei back, their lips move on top of each others. ChunHei put her arms around DongHae’s neck to support and she played with his hair.


“ Appa!” YoSeob yelled. “ Hey, noona is in public place..!”


Even her appa is surprised on what ChunHei acted. He was speech less.


ChunHei, knows that she shouldn’t do it.. her minds wants to stop but her body doesn’t want too. She enjoys kissing the guy in front of her, the guy that she just  met a few days ago. She don’t want to fall for somebody that easily.


And for the cute guy DOngHae, the kiss makes him more high over ChunHei, just like ChunHei is his drug, everytime he’ with her his thought are always about kissing and hugging her. Since then he knew that ChunHei’s appa like him to be his daughters boyfriend.


“ ChunHei!” her ex angrily pulled her. “ You stay away from my girl understand!” he warned Donghae.


Donghae and ChunHei gasp for air after the breath taking passionate kiss that they shared in the middle of the streets.


“ Hey! Let go of me!” ChunHei is removing the guys hands on her arms.


“ She said let go.” DongHae holds the other arm of ChunHei.


But the guy punched DongHae in his face. DongHae wanted to fight back but ChunHei stopped him.


“  You bastard! “ she slapped her ex. “ Go back to your new girl, stop bothering me! I’m happy with my life now! Now go away!” he pushed him away. And then she look back at Donghae, she put the handkerchief on his bleeding wound near his lower lips. “ Mianhae…” she hold her arms and then they go inside the house, which is just at the side of the bake shop.


“ Appa, should we go inside and take a look??” YoSeob asked.


“ No… they can take care of their selves.”


Inside the house…


“ I’m sorry… about.. w.w.what happened before..” said the stuttering ChunHei. she get the emergency kit to clean DongHae’s wounds. 


“ Gwenchana.. ( It’s okay ) you don’t need to say sorry  how about you?? Are you okay?? Did the guy hurt you??”


“ No…” ChunHei replied and then she started to clean DongHae’s wound. “ I’m sorry about the kiss..” she know that she was blushing she just can’t control it.


“ You are saying sorry for kissing me?? But why??” DongHae asked with a sweet tone of voice.


“ Cause… cause.. there’s nothing between us.. and its so embarrassing.. me kissing a guy that I just met a few days ago..” she’s being honest to herself.


“But you know me since we’re kids. You just left the town…” DongHae cupped ChunHei’s face for him to see her clearly. “ I wanted to go to Seoul… to follow you but appa died.. and I never fulfill my plan to follow you.”


ChunHei wondered why DongHae is acting like that and saying those words to her.  “ Why are you saying that??”


“ Because I always long for you.. ChunHei… my ChunHei, the ChunHei that I love, the ChunHei who holds my heart.. Ajushi know that I love you.. ChunHei please don’t close you heart.. I’m here, loving you..” he touched ChunHei’s face.


ChunHei was left with a shocking expression on her face. So this cute guy really confess his love for her??  But will she be able to accept it??


“ It’s not-“ ChunHei stopped.


Donghae lean his face forward to hers. “ Saranghae yo…”


ChunHei looked down… “ I told my self that I won’t fall for a guy… but why?? You came and you take all the sad memories away… only days left before valentines day…… but I easily fall for your charm…” she smiled.


DongHae hugged her. “ Just stay here with me, I will take away all the pain..” he gave her a smack on her lips.


“ You won’t hurt me right??” ChunHei assured, she’s afraid of getting hurt again.


“ Yup, promise…” he hug her, just like he never want to let her go.


The following day, it’s the day before valentines day, the most awaited event of the month. The bakers are so busy baking the cakes and the orders. ChunHei and DongHae enjoys their time together, working and helping each other. Her appa finally talked to her. They didn’t told her about the plan. YoSeob starts to bug her sister again.


“ ChunHei, after work, do you want to go to the beach?? “ Donghae is waiting for a yes answer.


ChunHei flashed a smile saying that she wanted the idea. “ Yup sure..”


“ You two shall enjoy each others company okay, since its valentines day.. time to shower some love..” Her appa cheered.


After work.. ChunHei and DOngHae went to the beach.. they walk near the sea side hand in hand. DongHae hold on to ChunHei just like he don’t want to let her go. This cute guy is really in love with the beautiful  baker.


They ended up lying on the sand. DOngHae is just looking at ChunHei.


“ Why??” ChunHei asked.


“ You are so beautiful, and hate that guy form making you cry.. ChunHei, I won’t make you cry trust me okay..” he smiled.


“ Gomawo…. DOngHae..”


“ Oh?? What did you say?? Did you just say my name?? can you say it again??” DongHae got excited.

“ Huh?? Did i?? hey you..” ChunHei looked at other place.


“ Say it again…. Say it again, say it again, say it again..” he keeps doing aegyo so ChunHei will give in and call him by his name.


“ DongHae…” she replied.


“ For a week you finally called me by my name..”  Donghae cupper her chin and he softly kiss her lips, they are both lying on the sand. Donghae’s hands starts to explore ChunHei’s body.


“ DongHae..” ChunHei said.


“ Wae??” He looked at her.


“ An.. ani.. the hand thing…” she said shyly.


“ Mianhae.. “ DOngHae smiled. He continue to kiss his beautiful girlfriend.



After sharing the moment together at the beach.. the two decided to go home since it was about dinner time. They are cuddling each other, really high about their love. And when they finally arrived, at the bake shop. DongHae entered first.


“ DongHae oppa!!” a girl hugged DongHae and kissed him right on his lips.


And ChunHei just saw it right on time. She was looking at the girl seriously.


DongHae noticed her.. “ ChunHei..”


“ My gosh.. appa, what is this?” YoSeob whisper to his dad.


“ Annyeong…” ChunHei greeted.


“ Annyeong..” the girl replied. And then she look back at DongHae. “ Oppa I missed you so much… I’m sorry I didn’t arrived on time.. there are some things that I need to settle in U.S. but now I’m here already.. we can continue the wedding.” The girl is so happy to see DOngHae.


“ Wedding??” ChunHei repeated.


“ Ne.. oh by the way. I’m Im YoonAh, DOngHae oppa’s  fiancé, nice to meet you..”


“ YooNah! Hey stop saying that, the wedding is off, you already know that..”  DongHae is removing YooNah from clinging to his arms.


“ Congratulations…” ChunHei put a fake smile on her face. And then she run out of the shop.


“ ChunHei!” DOngHae followed her but YoonAh stopped him. “ Ajushi…”


“ Let her go on this time..” Her appa followed her instead.


ChunHei locked herself on her room, crying and crying.. before at the beach Donghae promised to her that he won’t make her cry, but what’s happening now?? She’s crying so badly, in just one week she got broken hearted for two times.


“ ChunHei, open up the door let appa talk to you..”


“ ANiyo…! I don’t want too!” she’s shouting. “ Boys are boys! They will never change!”


“ Noona, I’m a boy also..” Said YoSeob.


“ Shhh..” said their dad to YoSeob. “ ChunHei.. come on.” He opened the door using the spare key. He saw her daughter lying on the bed crying like a child. “ ChunHei, don’t be like this… tomorrows valentines day, the day to enjoy and shower some love.”


“F**K valentines day! I hate that day! I hate all boys around me!” she’s sobbing and finding hard to breath.


While DOngHae, he’s at the staircase, he can hear the conversation between ChunHei and her father.


“ I fall in love at the wrong place at and at the wrong time again!” emphasizing to the word again.


“ Noona, DongHae hyung didn’t accept the proposal to marry YoonAh noona, her dad just want YoonAh noona for him.. but since then he loves you.” YoSeob is helping DongHae.


“ ChunHei… rest first okay, and tomorrow talk to DOnghae..” her appa gave her a kiss on her fore head.


ChunHei nods, and then she lay down on the bed, her appa left her. She just cry herself until she finally gets a sleep. That’s the time DOngHae got the chance to enter her room, he’s just down stairs waiting for the right time. He can see the swollen eyes of ChunHei, knowing that she cried herself to sleep. He sat on the floor.


“ ChunHei.. mianhae..” still looking at her. “ YoonAh and I are nothing, she wanted to get married but I refused about it.. ChunHei believe me. I didn’t intend to hurt you. I love you as much as I love myself..  I don’t want to loose you again.” DongHae rest his head near ChunHei’s pillow, there he fall asleep.


When the morning comes, ChunHei opened her eyes she saw DOngHae’s beautiful face in front of her, she smiled as she thought about dreaming about him.. but when she finally realized that the scenario is true, she get out from the bed. Donghae woke up because of that.


“ ChunHei…”


“ Wha…. Wha.. what are you doing here in my room???!” she showed her angry face.


“ ChunHei let me explain… YooNah is just a friend..”


“ Stop… stop!!  Lalalalalalal..” she don’t want to hear him.


“ ChunHei! “ DOngHae grab her. “ Listen to me first okay! How many times will I tell you that Me and YooNah are off, the wedding is just my appa’s plan.. and I really don’t want to obey it.. ChunHei I waited for you, so please don’t push me away… don’t believe what you saw…”


ChunHei sit on the chair. “ its hurtful to see the person you love was being cuddled and kissed by other people..”


DongHae bend his knees to reach ChunHei’s face. “ I know the feeling… mianhae ChunHei… I know the thing between us is too mutual cause we did grow up together, but I now we can fill the times that we are not together. I want you to trust me… trust is the most important in a relationship.” He smiled at her.


ChunHei looked at her.. “ DongHae!” she hug him tightly and they fell on the bed. With ChunHei on top of Donghae still hugging him. “ From now on I will trust you.. and don’t do things that will make me loose my trust to you..”


“ Yes…” A simple reply from the cute guy. He kissed her neck.. “ I love you…”


“ I love you too DOngHae..” she replied.


“ Hey…” DongHae removed ChunHei from hugging him, now she’s sitting on donghae’s stomach. No worries cause ChunHei is a y girl and she not that heavy.


“ Wae???”


“ You finally said I love you to me… and it includes my name..” he smiled.


“ Why?? Is there wrong saying, I love you DongHae…”


“ Can you repeat it??”


“ I love you..”


“ I love you too. Allow me to show you what love is.” DongHae hugged her. And then he started to tickle her.


“ Hey… hey.. stop that..” ordered by ChunHei.


Her room is noisy… hearing all the laughter and the sound of DOngHae’s kisses to her.


“ Appa, should we go upstairs and check them out??” YoSeob is currently enjoying his breakfast.


“ Aniyo.. let them share this moment together.. your sister is a big girl now, she knows what to do.” He take a zip of his coffee.


“ My gosh.. how long will I endure this things early in the morning… lovey dovey…” Yoseob sighed and then he continue eating…


“ DongHae!!!!” a loud sweet shout was heard all over the house and it was followed by a laughter from the couple… which is enjoying their couple time.






Sorry for the error, spelling or grammars.. i'm just lazy to edit all of it.. please do understand.. ^^ thank you...

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Awesome!! Very sweet and cute!!
DdazzlingZYX #2
Very cute story :-)