Cuteness still trumps all

The weekend when it all started

This time, you want to make sure that no date is going to take you by surprise again. As your back was facing the entrance of the café, you discreetly turn around to see if anyone is coming your way and you saw another young man with a good build walking towards you. The sun is setting, it’s almost dusk, but this guy wears a shade indoors. You don’t get the idea, so you turn back towards the empty seat in front of you. It turns out that the guy with the shades is your next date!

He slides into the empty seat in front of you and smiles shyly to you. Shades or no shades, a shy smile definitely makes your heart flutter. For the next 4 seconds, he doesn’t say a word and just keeps smiling. You decided to about his shades and suggested that you’d like to see if his eyes smile as shyly as his pretty lips. He burst into a cute shy laugh and quickly admits that his small eyes are a complex to him. You go silent for a while and keep smiling because you still want him to take off the shades. He realizes that you are adamant about your request, and slowly takes off his shades, putting it in front of him on the table. Initially he doesn’t want to look up to meet your eyes, but he steals a glance or two, perhaps to check the reaction on your face. “There there, that’s not so bad. At least you can see me better,” you keep teasing him and he seems to love the comforting attention. You have grown to love his cute laughter, too. He has the body and personality of a man, but you can’t get over the cute things about him. He was right about his eyes, though. Still on the small side, and you won’t say that he’s more handsome than G-Dragon, but you love how much of a gentleman he is. That fact, and that he’s super shy, make your heart flutter like a thousand butterflies are dancing in your chest.

 The white t-shirt and the leather vest that he’s wearing today don’t do justice to his upper body, you thought – but it’s not like clothes are optional in this kind of events, in public. You constantly have to remind yourself that this is a speed date event and it’s not appropriate to start touching a man’s body in full view of public, on your first date! You can feel your head is going dizzy with holding these urges back, but this man should see you as a lady on your first date, not a -crazed, shameless woman. He should be talking more to distract you from these thoughts but apart from his shy smiles, he’s not exactly a talker – and he doesn’t flirt too, unlike G-Dragon that left your heart racing earlier.  I guess that leaves the job to you.

Although it’s a little too late in the conversation to be touching on this issue, you asked him about his real name. He told you that it’s Youngbae, and that is yet again another cute thing about him. “Will it be alright if I call you Youngbae then? It’s a really nice name.” He looks surprised by your request but assures you that you can. You repeated his name softly – it almost came out as a purr. That makes him laugh, but you suspect that it’s not because he thinks it’s funny. You can feel the vibration of his nervousness in the air, and instead of affecting you, it turns you on. Right there in the middle of the sweet little café, in public, this man is turning you on, and he’s not even touching you to the very least. This is not right, you think to yourself and you remind yourself that you need to retain your lady composure.  With that thought in mind, you let out a cute laugh to match his cuteness and starts to talk about the small things that don’t matter, like where he lives and how did he get to the café.

You use your sense of humour to get through this date without jumping on this man, and the end of the grueling minute finally arrives. He also realizes that the time for him to leave has arrived, and he slowly stood up and bows a little, a Korean social tradition that you find endearing.  He tells you that even though it was short, he had a great time, and maybe you could come to dinner with his BIGBANG friends one day.  That is very nice of him, but you’re not so sure what to make of that. If he suggested that you should spend time with him and his friends, does that mean that he likes you or not? Oh well, either way, you enjoy the extra hormonal charge this date has given you, and you’re pumped for the next date.

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missuslee #1
So did she really jump on Tabi? Hehehe. Man... If Tabi doesn't talk on a date, I'd find myself annoying. Hehe. But it's Tabi... And I'll make my one minute with him worthwhile. Hahaha
milky_appler #2
update ^ㅠ^