His gentle voice

The weekend when it all started

“You’re ready?”, June, the colleague of yours greeted you with a big smile when you reached the speed dating venue. It’s a sweet little café somewhere in downtown Seoul that you think no one ever comes to anyway. You’re starting to think that you are a bit overdressed for the occasion, but June approves of your outfit and gives 2 thumbs up. Somehow, you sensed that June is setting you up for something outrageous, judging on that big smile she has been wearing since you arrived. She directed you to a small table at a secret corner of the café and tells you to wait for your first date to show up. “Good luck!”, she said and pecked you lightly on the cheeks. You take out the small compact mirror you carry around in your clutch and check your makeup for one last time. You might not know who your date is, but it won’t hurt to look smashing – and that is something you have a talent for.

“Hello there!”, you heard a soft voice say and a face just suddenly appeared in front of yours. Out of nowhere, this young man with the cheekiest smile you have ever seen has seated himself in front of you. You’re not exactly paying attention to your surroundings, but he just appeared like wind. Upon recognizing his face, you gasped discreetly, because you don’t want him to know that you’re actually super surprised to sit at the same table with BIGBANG’s G-Dragon. You nodded lightly, and flash your own big smile. “Sorry if I am late, I got a little lost. I have never been here.” He confessed in a gentle voice while adjusting his seat. “Don’t worry about it, I got lost trying to get here, too.” He makes you comfortable with that cheeky smile of his, and you start to think that this whole speed date idea is not so bad after all.

“You look really beautiful, I feel like I don’t dress well enough for you.” You can’t quite figure out his style but it works on him, and it wins your approval. Up close, you realized that he’s way more handsome that you ever noticed.  His eyes are on the small side more than you would’ve preferred, but they have an emotional feel about them. His nose and his mouth are perfectly shaped, though. In your head, you’re thinking that he has the kind of mouth that can drive women crazy. Saving the details for yourself, you tell him that what he wears looks fine enough and that his smile is the best part of his outfit today. He laughs nervously, but excitedly, so you think you’re doing fine up to this point. You realize that he can’t take his eyes off you, so you’re thinking that maybe you could say or do something risqué.

“I like girls with short hair,” he commented, and immediately your hands shot up to the ends of your short hair, half- your neck too – not on purpose, but you can’t help being affected by his words. He adjusted his seat once more, and it looks like he’s getting fidgety, but somehow you interpreted that it’s a good sign. You asked him about what he’s been up to lately, but even though he’s telling you about his travels around the world lately, he don’t look like he’s very excited to talk about himself. You notice that he keeps interjecting the conversation with compliments of how you look that evening. His soft, comforting voice is making your heart sway a little, and it’s a familiar feeling.

The one minute limit quickly arrives, but this young man seems hesitant to leave his seat. To your surprise, he took your hand as he gets up to leave, gives it a light kiss, and then flashes that familiar cheeky smile again. “You’ve been wonderful; I’d like to see you again.” With that, he just flowed away from the table, and your heart can’t stop racing. You can’t believe how the softness of his hands and his kiss set your heart racing like that, but you quickly recompose your thoughts and gets ready for the next date.

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missuslee #1
So did she really jump on Tabi? Hehehe. Man... If Tabi doesn't talk on a date, I'd find myself annoying. Hehe. But it's Tabi... And I'll make my one minute with him worthwhile. Hahaha
milky_appler #2
update ^ㅠ^