

The following day the event has come up the teams are starting to get ready for the game competions 


Bona has always been competitive  

The first time eunseo saw bonas competitive side and bona actually smiles at eunseo (she was blushing) Because she got caught by bona when she was staring at her  


After the first game eunseo and bonas team won the first round  


The teams have a break time  


Bona came to eunseo to say she aint that bad at the game  

Eunseo takes that as a compliment  

Chengxiao sees that bona and eunseo was getting along that makes her heart sad or hurt because the girl she loved the most is being happy with another woman that isn't her 

So chengxiao decided to just ignore eunseo  

But eunseo doesn't notice until afterwards 


The second half of the game starts with eunseo and luda focusing on trying to get the kill on the tower bona starts to look for alternatives to start defending their towers after that strategy was done the game ended making eunseo and bonas team won the prize and the money Eunseo's team didn’t care about the money so they just gave it to bona  


Bona was confused about why they gave the prize money to her? 


“Ya your share of the prize money why aren't you taking it?!?” said by bona 

“We don’t need the money we just wanted to play the game so we won't need it you can keep it” Eunseo was smiling the whole time she told that to bona  


After they talked eunseo and her friends left bona and her friends. 


Bona was touched by eunseo and her friends but the thing they didn’t know she really needed the money for her college tuition (she was tearing up) 


Meanwhile eunseo and her friends after they left 

“EUNSEO UNNIE WHY DID YOU GIVE ALL THE MONEY I WANTED FOOD” Dayoung was practically almost crying meanwhile yeoreum trying to calm her done 

“YA SHHH!!! THEY MIGHT HERE YOU!! I did that for Jiyeon I can see that she's having it rough these days especially she's a working student and she needs to study and pay for her college tuition too.” Eunseo said that to dayoung who can't stop crying  

“Eunseo ya how did you know about Kim Jiyeon's problems?” Dawon asked curiously 

“Well, I Have my way dawonie hehe” Eunseo smirks  

“Eunseo unnie sometimes stalks people” Yeoreum laughing beside dayoung and yeonjung 

“Ya yeoreum ah shush” 


After that day Bona and eunseo are getting more and more close but not in a teasing way but more on friendly way she starts to know more about eunseo except for Eunseo's secret it’s the time that she falls even faster for eunseo 


While for eunseo she's still the same for bona (maybe yes or maybe no) 


And this is basically almost college graduations eunseo keeps wondering why does chengxiao keeps ignoring her and that’s why she tries to chat her. 

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Okay i should have made the chapters quite longer but per chapter is 500+ words so pls bare with me here qwq


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