Someone brand new

It wasn't meant to be..

I woke up with a start. But all I remember from last night was that man..What was his name again? My alarm clock came minutes later, so I decided to turn it off and proceeded to the bathroom for a nice hot shower. Before I got in, I noticed that my glasses were still in the sink, broken. I picked it up and examined it carefully. I placed it back on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. Aish, everything was so blurry for my right eye. I took them off and rubbed my eyes. This wont do.. I tossed them back into the sink and took my clothes off for my shower.

After a few minutes, I got changed and got ready for another day in hell. I grabbed my books and placed them in my bag this time. I wore my long collared button shirt and left the first two buttons undone. Then I placed my vest on top. Something didn't feel right. I ran infront to the front of my mirror and looked at how I was dressed. I took the vest off, somehow, I looked like a changed person; especially without my glasses. I combed my hair in an orderly fashion and rolled back the sleeves of my shirt. Then I noticed something, something at the corner of my eye, stood that creep from yesterday. I jumped and slowly backed up a little. He was just standing there eyeing me from top to bottom again with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yah, are you going to school like that?" He responded "I get that you are trying to achieve that wimp look but what the hell"

I looked at myself again, top to bottom. I saw nothing wrong but a change in style. My head started to irritate as I kept glancing to see his disgusted expressions. 

"Why the hell are you here?! Get out! I don't need advice from someone who looks like a " I scolded him, but my feet couldn't move. I couldn't back up my words with my actions. Was I scared of him? HELL NO! But why can't I even...move?

"Oh so you are judging my clothes now?" He smart-talked back "I don't expect this from someone who looks like they get beat up everyday"

I had enough of these stupid comments! My teeth grinded and my fists clenched. My eyebrows furrowed and my nose flared. I ran up to him with all I could and smacked his face hard. I don't need his stupid comments. I already had enough of those at school. I don't need it here! 

After 1 blow he already positioned his attack. He was much too fast for me to handle. He's already got both my arms pinned above my head and against the wall. I struggled and kicked as much as I could but he kept tightening his grip against me. His face came close to mine. I felt him breathing on my face. I shut my eyes tight and tried to scream for help but the agonizing pain from my wrists hurt me causing me to yelp an unmanly sound. He took his right hand and covered my mouth with it. Although I kicked as much as I could, I just couldn't get out of his touch.

He hushed me and whispered in my ear, "Don't you dare do that to me again or you will regret it" and with that, he let go of my hands causing me to fall to the floor. I fell on my knees and my hands supported my fall. Although, a few seconds after that my whole body gave out and I fell on my stomach. I slowly rubbed my wrists and wiped my mouth. I sniffed and curled up into a ball. 'WHAT THE HELL!' I shivered and I also felt my lips quiver. I never felt so scared, so angry, so humiliated in my life. All these emotions bursted in my head. It felt like it would just explode here and now. I hugged my knees tight in an armadillo position. 'I have no idea what to feel right now. Mostly because I was confused.' 

Later on, I splashed my face up with the water in the sinks of the bathroom. I ran to escape the house today. I didn't want to see that looking thing again! I splashed a bit more on my face and rubbed it gently. I looked at myself in the mirror again. My eyes were puffy as it has ever been. I sniffled and wiped the incoming tears that seemed to form. I gazed up to look at myself again. 'In times when the hero was like this...he would have a friend to turn to...' I chuckled to myself. 'What am I talking about? I'm no hero, and what friend, not even a friend...What PERSON, HUMAN BEING would ever come to me.'

main image credit; jyginthecube    
written by; Xen Chang

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please update soon i like the story please update !!T_T
Can't understand at all....iut welcome to Junkwang kingdom!
spikecollar600 #3
Awesome story! poor poor kiki being treated like dirt,Jun needs to save him,well try since he already scared him and looks like kiki holds grudges againts his tormenters,haha jun has a long road ahead of him.cant wait to see what happens update soon!
Junkwang Forever!woo!
AshXIII #4
Vampire fic? Or something along those lines?

Too short for me to tell you much. Gikwang got bullied? (blinks and gives a creepy smile) Just give me the names and it'll all be taken care off.