#part-2 Clumsy Morning


Clumsy Morning.


Jennie casually stroll into her kitchen in her tank tops and baggy long pants. Her hair is poking out as if she's been electrified the night before. From the look of it, definitely a good sleep although there's a generous deep eye bags decorating her porcelain face.


Jennie thought it's going to be a casual morning but of course, Jesus kept on surprising her. "I swear to God you look like a homeless chicken waddling like that" Jennie jumped almost loosing her grip on her mug.


She cursed at the splattered coffee then turned to look at the intruder square in the face saying, "Honey, fix your English. There's no 'homeless chicken' only headless." sarcastically.


The intruder shrugged, seeming unaffected, "You can be the first one -HOLY " the intruder hides under the countertops with the glass flying everywhere. "THAT COULD'VE BEEN MY HEAD!" exclaimed the intruder hysterically.


"Oh it'll be your head next time alright." Jennie threatened calmly.


Just then a series of footsteps thumping towards their direction along with string of questions. 


"Do. Not. Say. A.Word..." her personal lawyer came into view in her dark academia outfit, "without me" Jennie squint her eyes and ask, "What are you doing here?" Jennie questioned.


"Kids, calm down it's only 7 in the morning for God's sake." her business partner came into view before her lawyer even got the chance to speak up. Not that her lawyer would though, by the stoic expression she had at the moment.


"How did you get in- you know what, nevermind I figured, I know" glancing at the intruder menacingly which were replied with cheeky grin.


Before she could possibly end the intruder's life savagely, Jennie then caught a muscular woman was standing in front of her next, "Woah. When did you get in here?" she asked, voice turned soft out of the blue.


The intruder groaned "Oh cruel. We get the 'Why are you here bull' but she gets the sweet soft, caring 'When did you get in here?' " she whined mockingly.


"Heck you almost died from the glass alone" remarked her black haired business partner shorty softly. 


Jennie smirks knowingly at her business partner, "Relax Jisoo, I did no harm..." eyeing the tall blonde behind the countertop before switching her attention to the light-haired Rosé who's already made herself comfortable on Jennie's kitchen counter.



She observed as Rosé pulled out her laptop, setting it up  while Jisoo helps the blonde girl to clear the piece of glasses. Jennie has always thought of Rosé being an organised person, not to mention pretty much to herself.


Jennie clears , gaining her lawyer's attention "Would you like some juice?" she manages to croak out while she's trying hard to fix her hair with her fingers.


"Definitely." echoes from the other two, followed with an excited 'jinx'.


"What can I get for the two of you?"  Jennie inquired when the light-haired woman was too immersed in her own space, like usual.


Rosé, instead of answering her directly, turned to Jennie's lawyer, asking with gentle voice "What 'bout you? Got any cravings?" it was sweet. It irked something in the brunette.


"Anything with mangoes is nice" she replied to which Rosé smiled then turned to Jennie with and politely stated, "We'll have mango juice if it wasn't a hustle."


Jennie nodded her head before snapping her attention towards the doe-eyed girl with an attitude, "And I want the counter cleaner than your blonde Lili." 


Rosé perked up hearing that and looked at Jennie quizzically, "I thought her name is Lisa?" she asked.


Jisoo shakes her head with a smile, "Nickname, dear." she replied after throwing the pieces into the garbage bin.


"You sound so old for saying 'dear'" snorted Jennie as she busies herself with the juice.


Jisoo gasped in horror and Lisa's a few seconds short before she could covers Jisoo's ear with her puppy eyes gleaming. "No... it's adorable you know.." Lisa whined.


The rest chuckled at the scene while Rosé being Rosé, type away on her laptop. After minutes passed by, Jennie with her semi-morning hair broke the silence "Got anything for me yet?" Jennie inquired as she put down glasses for the two.


After a few taps and seconds silence, Rosé straighten up "Actually, yes. Come closer." Rosé then proceed to make some room for Jennie.


Jennie studied the numbers on the screen, it didn't decrease, of course "Hmm.. that's quite a few thousands there-" Jennie words were caught of when she felt a finger brushing her hair back behind her ear leaves her cheeks liven up in pink.


"Sorry, I needed to monitor the screen" Rosé smiled softly, ignoring the flaming poker face Jennie had on. Jennie switched her attention back to the screen, mind blank, almost deaf too.


Jennie cursed under her breath for being stunned like a fool. It was obvious she's not used to being the one who's intimidated. Jennie has held up the reputation of intimidating others. It has always been the other way round. However, the table has turned. It felt like a simple gesture could freezes her entire body, oddly.


"As you can see, it wasn't their first time, based on the past records, it has been done by the similar worker ID that was registered under this name." Rosé explained, "It's impossible to be malware because my system had sets it to be only one device that could be logged in. Other access than that requires not only their ID but also the permission through their main device."


Jennie nodded and hums as she let Rosé explained the whole tracking and monitoring system although half of her body is still tingling, almost paralysing her. She couldn't quite grasp the entire lengthy explanation, which made Rosé re-explained it in a simpler sentence.


By then, it was past noon and Jennie had ordered up fried chicken for lunch break. They all gathered in the spacious living room, Jisoo and Lisa had a brawl in the middle because of fried chicken.


"So, how do you know each other?" Jennie striked up a conversation, ignoring Lisa's fake cry admist the chaotic noise.


Her lawyer was the one who answered, "I'm Roseanne's sister actually." 


Taken aback, Jennie eyed both of the woman from head to toe. "Just how many names does she has? Jesus. But I still can't believe she's your sister" exclaimed Jennie.


"I second that!" Jisoo shouted.


"Me third that!" Lisa chimed in.


This result in Rosé raising her brows challengingly at them, "How so?" 


"My point, exactly." deadpanned Jisoo, earning a childish high-5 from Lisa as if they didn't just brawled earlier.


Rosé rolled her eyes, shaking her head "Personality wise, Alice here is much sociable than me-"


"Correct." the other three admitted bashfully.


Rosé hummed in acknowledgment, face stricken "To be fair, I prefer to interact within my circle." she defended.


"And to be fair, your dog is not included." Alice cutted in, "Nor does the dogs at the shelter." making Rosé pursed her lips in silence.


Jennie thought it was cute. Showed her that there's hint of  playfulness under the tough exterior Rosé had. The thought brings a smile to her face.


Jisoo then demonstrate the awkward ride she has to endure that morning picking both Alice and Rosé up on their way to Jennie's. "-and Rosé was like a deer caught in headlights"


Snapping out of her thoughts, "What? What happened?" Jennie asked the people in front of her who's giggling and laughing, genuinely curious.


Lisa who was holding her stomach, in a fit of giggles said "Rosé actually had been judging Jisoo's driving skills the whole ride" slapping Jisoo's thigh "it was so obvious that Jisoo had to pull up and showed them that she actually has driver's license" Lisa burst out laughing.


Everyone around chuckles, and heartily joined in. It was then Jennie caught Rosé glancing towards her in the corner while casually sipping on her drink. Maybe it was the way Rosé eyed her for the first time that she felt... exposed. It made Jennie shy away and this didn't go unnoticed by Rosé herself.


The corner of Rosé's lip tugged in a teasing smile, or Jennie could be imagining it. Who knows...




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@sophiee_ my girl <3


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Chapter 1: Nice chapter author
thank you in advance for this new chaennie collection..