The Mil to My Nyu, Hi


Let me facechase for once.. TBZ fcs hello there especially to Hyunjae fcs, cause 2022 is MilNyu year ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ...


I can offer to be your..

  1. Cuddle buddy (and anything beyond that if you wish hah ha!)
  2. Lap warmer.. someone to fulfill your romantic wishes. I'm in!
  3. Netflix & chill? Music & chill? Have cpdps? Yesspls.
  4. Special note: I'm a very intimate person, very touchy with a lot of random kisses. Also loves to say some petnames so if you aren't uncomfy then I'm sorry please skip this ad.

Does it give you sparks? If yes, read below some essential info about me:

  • Just like the title says, I'm your New ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ...
  • My platform is Discord only.
  • I'm NRS(?), no relationship if that's what people mean nowadays hahah. I'm a flirting in short.
  • I'm at the GMT +8 side (but don't be afraid minus side people, I'd wait like a good kitty). Schedule's messed up every day but I'd reply in the afternoon or evening quickly I believe.
  • stuff: We can talk about the kinks privately. (Right, make sure you're ooc or else bye)

Does it give you fireworks at this rate? If yes, send me a private message your dc tag. 

So yeah, see you when I see you! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ..


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hi! hope you don't mind me jumping in, but do you mind if someone's not a tbz fc? would still love to get to vibe and chat. 😵‍💫

also fyi, your PMs are closed!