Chapter 2

A SHINee Story

Chapter 2

-Jonghyun's POV-

I looked over the photos they took for our teaser photos and album covers while Kibum talked to the stylist and photographer. They were using terminology that I never really cared to learn so I wasn't contributing to the conversation. I didn't really understand what I was looking at anyways. I chuckled at Taemin's picture - he looked like a possessed boy who was taken over by a girl.

I skipped over my photos because I hated that they had to wipe out my muscles... even though I worked really hard on those.. But we didn't make the concept and whatever they think will work - will work. We have full trust in them, no matter how awkward it is. We're lucky to have the people SM finds us, I guess.

It's been about two weeks since the fight of Minho and Kibum and things had died down since then. Every once in awhile I walk in and they are glaring at each other, but I know they dare not to fight in front of me or Taemin-ah, which I'm grateful. I really hate scolding them.

Onew hyung still hasn't contacted us, but Manager hyung said that he was working out a time for us to see him.

Our comeback was in less than a month and we needed to practice.

I was starting to get frustrated with Onew hyung. What makes him think that any if this is okay? If he is sick - fine, then just tell us and we will know what to do. If there are family problems - fine, we will figure out those too. But if he just keeps quiet, what does he expect us to do?

Taemin is the most stressed out of all of us. I came home one night from a schedule and he was sleeping on the couch - tossing and turning. I tried waking him up and he was half asleep/half awake when I asked him what was wrong and he cried out, "I don't want to break up!!!" and burst out into tears. I just looked at him while he cried himself to unconsciousness.

I know Taemin-ah is worrying too much, but he made me think about the future. If we continue like this, continuously without Onew, what is expected to happen to us? If we make our debut without Onew - we are done for. Nobody will take us seriously, they will just be worrying too much on the fact that Onew is missing. They will speculate SM did something to him to make him leave - like over work.

Everyone always blames SM for over working their artists - but we are the ones who agree to do the things we do. If we didn't want to do the activities we did, obviously we wouldn't do as well as we are doing.  The reason we are tired is our own fault.

I sighed and looked down at my phone, wanting to call Onew hyung so badly. He was the one who got tired the most out of all of us because of his asthma. I was worried about him - what if his condition got worse?

As I was fighting myself to call Onew hyung or not, telling myself that it was pointless because he wasn't going to answer, manager hyung called.

"What? The recording director wants to see us?" I said with disbelief after answering the phone.

Kibum looked up from the pictures and frowned at my words.

"We will be right out." I stated bitterly, hanging up.

Kibum groaned and grabbed his jacket and sunglasses and we left the building, bowing to the photographer and stylist on our way out.

Key's POV

"You have got to be joking." I said, completely annoyed.

"The song sounds odd. We need to re record 'Judas' one more time." The recording director stated, without looking at me.

"Sir, we've already recorded it 45 times! It sounds fine. Lee Soo Man-nim even listened to it himself and agreed."

"We can always record it 46 times and more if we need to. What it takes to make it even better."

"Sir, the recording of the album is to be sent to the company tomorrow morning to start making the CD's and the songs are to be released later in the day on the online music websites. We don't have time." Manager hyung said, trying to reason with him.

"Whatever I say, goes. SM can plan around our recordings. They hired me - they know what is at stake. And where is your damn member, Onew? He has missed all other recordings."

"Don't put down Onew hyung like that." I warned, glaring at the recording director.

Jonghyun looked at me, mentioning me to back down and I turned around and flung myself onto the couch, furious.

"Director, I understand that recording without one of the member is difficult. But he has been ill and hasn't been able to come in. Please try to understand." Jonghyun stated morea reasonably than I. 

"It's been two months. I think that is long enough. Bring Onew in tomorrow morning or I am not editing his part in it at all." The director finalized, leaving the recording booth.

I let out a stream of terrible names for the director and stood up and started to pace, trying to think of the best way to drag Onew here.

"Hyung, we need to talk to Onew." Jonghyun stated to his manager.

Key looked up, expecting to receive the same no they have been receiving for the past two months but then saw a slight nod.

"Yes, I think it is time we ask Onew has been acting this way." 

Manager hyung took out his phone to call our van and for it to be arranged for Taemin to be picked up.

"Finally." I replied. "I'm so ready to hit Onew hyung." I stated, walking out of the booth, slightly more annoyed than that stupid director.

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Chapter 1: Oh my godz!!!! Please update!!! Why are you not updating?? Are you seriously ill?? If not....UPDATE!!!! fighting!!! XD
poor SHINee.
i proud of Jjong for stepping in to the leader role when it needed.
update soon! ^^
wow~ I like it so far! it's interesting. I wonder what happens next~