Chapter 1

A SHINee Story


Chapter 1

-Taemin's POV-

Onew hyung wasn't here and Kibum hyung and Minho hyung were fighting again. Sometimes Kibum hyung could say just the right thing to make Minho hyung tick. Onew hyung usually stepped in and said something to make them forget whatever it was, but he was sick and he hasn't been here for over a month.

I looked at Jonghyun hyung, who was sitting across from me on Minho hyung's bed. He doesn't like them fighting either, but it's so hard to reason with them that I don't blame him for not even trying.

That's why we need Onew hyung.

"What are they fighting about again?" Jonghyun hyung finally asked, still looking out the window.

I shrugged and sighed. "Who knows?"

"Onew would." Jonghyun hyung muttered.

I nodded and put my earphones in my ears and put my head back against the wall, closing my eyes, trying to forget how much I wanted to cry.

"Ya, Taemin-ah." I heard Jonghyun hyung say to me. I pretended that I couldn't hear him.

I heard him get off Minho hyung's bed and felt him coming onto mine. I finally looked at him.

He took my earphones out of my ears.

"You know you shouldn't ignore your hyung." Jonghyun hyung said with a smile.

"Sorry." I said.

"I'm trying to convince Manager hyung to let us go see Onew hyung." He said after settling down next to me.

I shook my head. "That won't work. Our schedule is so packed with our comeback coming so soon and Onew hyung won't even talk to us. How are we going to be able to see him, hyung?" I asked, with no hope.

"Have faith in your hyung. We have to see him, this isn't fair to us, and I don't think I can stand one more night of their fighting." Jonghyun hyung nodded to the door, where outside Minho hyung and Kibum hyung were still fighting.

When I didn't say anything, Jonghyun hyung changed the subject and asked, "So what time is your Immortal Song 2 practice?"

I looked at my watch. "I should be at the company in about a half hour."

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" He said, scolding me.

"I need to take a shower."

Jonghyun hyung nodded, understanding. To get to the shower, I have to walk in the fire of our members.

"It's about time they quit anyways, let's go." Jonghyun hyung said, getting off the bed.

I followed him out the door where we saw Kibum hyung sitting on the couch texting, ignoring whatever Minho hyung was saying. We watched Minho grab Kibum hyung's phone out of his hand and was about to throw it to the ground when Jonghyun hyung grabbed Minho hyung's hand.

It was odd seeing Jonghyun hyung using force with Minho hyung because of their heighth difference. Minho hyung looked at Jonghyun hyung and looked like he was about to say something, but backed down. Kibum hyung was standing now and watched as Jonghyun hyung took his phone out of Minho hyung's hand.

"You guys need to stop." Jonghyun hyung said firmly. He let go of Minho hyung and gave Kibum hyung back his phone.

Without a word, they both went into their rooms, slamming the door.

"Go take a shower, Taemin-ah." Jonghyun told me.

I gave him a bow and obeyed, rushing into the bathroom.

I the water and got in after taking off my t-shirt and sweatpants.

I hummed the song I was singing for Immortal Song 2 in my head as I scrubbed my tired body. I should have been sleeping in the two hour free time I had between my last schedule and the next but I was too preoccupied with the other members.

I sighed and put my head under the water, forcing myself to wake up.

I was thankful for Jonghyun hyung, making the members stop. I know why he did it... There's one thing that Jonghyun hyung can't stand and that's something getting in the way of our work. And since I said it was because of Minho hyung and Kibum hyung that I couldn't get ready to go, he said something. I can't say I didn't do it on purpose, but it eeded to be done and I was thankful.

I ran myfingrs through my hair one last time and turned off the water. I got out and toweled up and looked at my reflection.

"Let's do well today!" I told myself, smiling.

-Jonghyun's POV-

Manager hyung dropped Taemin-ah and I off at the company. I didn't have to be here for another hour but I wanted to be there with Taemin to help him practice. 

As I sat in with Jin hyung, who was our second vocal coach, and Hosung unni, our head vocal coach, I listened to Taemin and was of course blown away. I've heard Taemin sing plenty of times, but I'm always amazed when I do. He has grown so much since debut and I'm proud to call him my dongsaeng. When he finished the first practice, Hosung unni went into the room and I could tell she was telling him to watch his expression and remember that there was an audience. Taemin nodded, obediently.

"I'll be back later." I told Jin hyung.

He nodded and I left the room.

I walked around a little, looking in on some trainees practices. I was about to head to vocal practice when my phone rang. I looked at who was calling, it was Kibum.

"Hello?" I answered.

"hyung, I wanted to apologize about Minho and I' actions today. We talked it out and we both decided we should call you." When he finished, I could hear him passing the phone to Minho.

"I'm sorry, hyung. You had to use force to make me realize what I was doing. I should have apologized to you then but I just slammed the door. I'm very sorry." 

"As long ad you realize you were both in the wrong. When you see Taemin-ah, you both should apologize to him too. It was because of your yelling he wasn't able to sleep and get the energy he needs to finish today. I know we are all stressed because of the comeback and Onew hyung, but we need to stick more together, okay?"

"Yes, hyung." I heard them say in unison.

"I'll see you guys later at dance practice. Work hard okay?"

"Goodbye hyung."

I hung up and sighed. How did Onew hyung have strength to do this? I was about to go in the vocal room when I saw Leeteuk hyung looking at me. He had just come out of the dance room.

"Hi hyung!" I said with a smile, bowing to him.

He smiled and walked up to me. "Hi Jonghyun-ah. I was listening to your conversation with Kibum and Minho, you did well." He praised me.

"Oh, thank you hyung. Since Onew hyung isn't here, I had to scold them earlier."

He laughed. "I'm proud of you. I know it's been hard without Jinki."

I suddenly got an idea.

"Hyung, you know how Onew hyung won't let us talk to him? Do you think you could try?"

"You don't think I haven't? I try almost every day. If I had the chance, I would have gone to his house and demand him to tell me what's wrong and what is making him so sick that he can't come be with s. I can't, because of my schedule."

I could tell Leeteuk hyung was mad at Onew hyung. I apologized on the behalf of Onew hyung.

"I'm sorry hyung, but one more thing... Do you think you could talk to my manager about letting us off for a day so we could go to Onew hyung?"

Leeteuk hyung shook his head.

"You guys need as much practice as you can get. Your comeback is in a month. As much as I want you guys to see him, it's his job to come to you. He is your leader."

I nodded, head down.

"I'm sorry, but cheer up Jonghyun-ah. I have heard your song and it sounds amazing. Get back to work with a smile."

I looked up at my hyung and smiled. No one can refuse his kind smile.

"Thank you, hyung." I bowed to him, wished him good luck and went back into vocal practice.

-Onew POV-

I looked down at my phone as it rang and saw Minho's name flash up at me. That was the first time for him today.

It wasn't like I was trying to keep track of the people I ignored, I just noticed who called me or not.

I felt bad, I wanted to talk to them, I did. I just didn't know what to say.

How do I say to them that I want to leave the music industry?

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Chapter 1: Oh my godz!!!! Please update!!! Why are you not updating?? Are you seriously ill?? If not....UPDATE!!!! fighting!!! XD
poor SHINee.
i proud of Jjong for stepping in to the leader role when it needed.
update soon! ^^
wow~ I like it so far! it's interesting. I wonder what happens next~