looking for: You


yes this is another ad looking for friends! I am putting mainly my friend up for offer and below are the product (my friend's) details.



Stock: 2 (including me)

Material: Cute, Funny, Adorable, Splendid, Amazing, Friendly, Kind, Pretty, Attractive, Lovely, Graceful.

Warranty Duration: None, it's guaranteed good quality and u can't refund!

More details!
Product #1 

- fcs females usually but fcs males sometimes too for fun. If it matters, she usually fcs isa, ningning, ryujin. Willing to try out new fcs too!
- a single btw
- platform: dc
- a gamer!!! loves playing games and is amazing at it, if u need someone to carry or if you wanna carry her. please hit me up!
- timezone is +8
- cute movie dates available, willing to hyperbeam or teleparty with you!! 
- does very cute and quality edits!! <3
- always up for cpdp, she can doodle btw if you are lazy to
- will send u funny (or questionable) tiktoks, if your heart can handle this, please take her
- she is a 10!!! but she has a friend (me) who will try to thirdwheel your dates sometimes :D
pm for dc handle and she will hit u up soon! 

Product #2

- usually fcs female fcs too, another +8 too, platform is dc too, another single too. (I swear this is not the same product as #1)
- plays genshin only for now bc limited storage space :pain: and is not even that good at it...
- loves watching movies!! but enjoys horror movies mainly...
- able to make simple edits for u if u are cute enough
- slow replies sometimes... but WILL REPLY.

what are you waiting for, pm us now and leave a 5 star rating!!



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