Saturday was too far away. Jimin had counted down the days until he would finally see Seokjin again. It's as if the more he looks forwards to something, the longer it takes.

He got of waiting and looking around for Seokjin like a lost puppy, eventually becoming determined to find the older himself. It's didn't take long for Jimin to find the man's social media accounts. He made sure to make burner accounts before following Jin. He didn't want to seem like a stalker.

Despite having the older's number, he was too nervous to text or call, afraid whatever he'd say would ruin his chance. The last thing he wants to do is scare the older away, so he found himself going through Seokjin's accounts instead. It was just easier that way.

He'd perk up with happiness whenever Seokjin would post, and he would scroll and scroll through the older's pictures. He had to stop himself from doing that because the more he saw, the angrier he'd become.

There was this other guy Seokjin would post often. They appear to be close. Too close for Jimin's liking. Seokjin has cute nicknames for the male, and they seem to spend most of their time together.

Jimin did some more digging and managed to find the guy's account. Jeon Jungkook. He's twenty-one, a film major, and Seokjin's "best friend."

Jimin isn't dumb, it's clear something is going on between the two, and quite honestly, he'll do whatever he has to split them apart.

Seokjin will be his. He'll make sure of it.

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