Saturday night rolled around, and parties like this are only the ones he's seen in movies.

Jimin was never much of a partier, in fact, this was the first one he's ever been to. In his high school years, he spent most of his time at school and home. His studies were his top priority, plus he didn't have many friends, not like he was getting invited out anyway.

Jimin was so out of his element.

The home had an odd chill despite the number of people in the small room. The lights were purple and dim, so despite being completely sober, he felt hazy. Music blasted through the house. Jimin could feel the bass buzz beneath his feet. Sweaty bodies were in the middle of the room, grinding against each other. Some stood in corners conversating with each other while others sat on the couches, squished and huddled together. It all looked so uncomfortable, leaving Jimin wide-eyed as he walked through the home, dogging strangers left and right until he isolated himself in an empty corner which honestly was a tough spot to find.

Jimin's eyes scanned the room, searching all over for Seokjin. He could just text or call, but he was too nervous to do so. He looked all over until his eyes locked with a man who gave him a big smile waving his arms, signaling the boy over and Jimin reluctantly walked over.

"Hey, freshman!" Seokjin greeted with a wide smile.

"Jin hyung," Jimin smiled back as he neared the older who engulfed him into a tight hug.

"You actually came! I'm so happy. I've been wanting to see you. How come you never texted me?" The older pouted as he wrapped an arm around Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin chuckled shyly, "I was busy, sorry hyung," he lied.

He could never outwardly confess he was too much of a coward. The last thing he'd want is for someone as cool as Seokjin to realize he's a socially inept loser.

"Hey, come meet my friends," Seokjin said as he pulled him over to three other guys who were standing against a wall, but Jimin could only recognize one of them. Jungkook.

Jimin forced a smile on his face as he greeted the three. He held back the urge to stare Jungkook down. All he wants is to make a good impression on Jin.

"Oh, you're the freshy Jin adopted," one spoke up.

Jimin could only nod. He'd hate to admit it, but the two looked intimidating. One had  a smile resembling a heart shape, his features sharp and striking, and beside him was a man with feline-like features. The shorter one looked soft but still had this cool guy demeanor, the smug look and all.

"Hoseok is the one with the heart smile, Yoongi is the one that looks like a little kitten, and Jungkook is the one with the bunny teeth. Hoseok Yoongi, Jungkook this is Jimin. I now pronounce you all friends!"

"Hyung, that has to be the dorkiest thing you've ever said," Yoongi groaned, rolling his eyes but the smile he attempted to hold back said otherwise.

"No, he's definitely said worst," Hoseok sighed, shaking his head.

"Shut up and be nice to Jimin. Jungkook come with me to go get drinks," Seokjin ordered the boy, who threw his head back and groaned.

"Ugh, fine." Jungkook kicked back off the wall and followed Jin into the kitchen.

Jimin's eyes followed the two into they fell out of his view. He reluctantly spared a glance at the other guys. "So- Is there something on my-"

Yoongi had an intense stare as he eyed Jimin up and down. "You have a thing for Jin hyung, don't you?"

"What?" Jimin questioned, laughing as he tried to play it off. He couldn't have been that obvious.

Hoseok laughed, "You totally do!"

"Dude, that's so gross," Yoongi grimaced as he shook his head in disapproval.

Jimin frowned, "Is it? I mean-Seokjin hyung is really nice-"

"Yeah, he's nice. He looks like prince charming, and his eyes light up like stars, but he's also a dork and tells horrible dad jokes. You have bad taste," Yoongi scoffs before taking a sip from his cup.

"Don't let Jungkook hear you say that," Hoseok comments teasingly.

Jimin's eyes narrow at the mention of the man's name.

Yoongi shrugs, drawing the cup back from his lips."Even Jungkook would agree."

Jimin grows more curious as he eyes the two. Could it be possible Jin and Jungkook are together?

"Is Jungkook his boyfriend?" Jimin blurts out, his mouth moving too quick for his brain to even process it.

Hoseok shakes his head, "Nah. Those two are brothers."

"Blood-related?" Jimin questions, and the two glance over at each other seemly confused before looking back at the male.


"I would have never guessed," Jimin mutters more so to himself as he tries to fight back the grin threatening to creep onto his face.

"No one does. But hey, now you don't have to worry your little head about competition over Jin hyung."

Jimin's head snaps up at the two, and he frowns. "I don't have a crush on him," He says. The words come out a bit more defensive than he had warranted.

Yoongi scoffs, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid," He teases.

Hoseok moves closer to the man's side and whispers in his ear. Jimin stares confused when the two look at him, smug looks rising on their faces.

Yoongi places a hand on Jimin's shoulder and begins to walk him to the middle of the room, Hoseok trailing slowly behind. Jimin's mind starts to panic, but he says nothing and complies.

"You dance at all?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin shakes his head, still feeling a bit nervous. "Not exactly why?" he questions.

Yoongi pulls the younger one closer and points to Seokjin. "Jin hyung is dancing alone. Go make your move," the male urges.

Jimin looks at him with wide eyes, "There's no way-"

"Go dance," Hoseok teases before shoving the male closer.

Jimin looks back at the two who stare at him with proud grins, waving him to go to approach Jin.

"Jimin!" Seokjin calls out as he pulls the younger closer. "Dance with me."

Jimin wants to protest and back out, but who is he to deny his hyung, especially when the older looks so pretty tonight. So he takes a chance, wrapping an arm around the Seokjin's waist letting the man dance against him.

"You look so pretty tonight, hyung," He whispers in the older's ear.

Seokjin turned to face the younger with haze eyes as he his lips and a crooked smile made its way onto his face. "Really?"

Jimin's heart was drumming so loud, he could no longer hear the music, just the rhythm of his speeding heart and Seokjin's sweet voice. An innocent smile rose to Seokjin's face as he wrapped his arms around the younger neck pulling him closer.

"Kiss me then."

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