Part 4 : Jealous Much?

Want My Stepbrother? Try & Take Him From Me. [Four-Shot]

Taemin coughed softly, so that I'd acknowledge that he was there. I sighed, reluctantly opening the door, “Come on in,”


“Thanks,” He politely took off his shoes and walked in, staring at Eunseo and Minho who were still in the same position as earlier, “Oh, so you're the kind of girl who'd rather go for the pimps,” He motioned at the scene before him.


“YAH!” I lightly hit him, “It's not like that,”


“Then who is that?” Taemin questioned, pointing at Minho.


I stared Minho dead in the eyes, “He's just my stepbrother,” With that I yanked Taemin towards the couch. “Okay, let's get started,”


Surprisingly, I learned a lot about Taemin, complete consumed by his upbeat personality. He loved to dance, practically mastering it all. He secretly loved to sing, but he thought he definitely needed to improve before showing anyone. He had a secret obsession with pikachu. Lastly, Taemin belonged to a family of four children, he was the oldest, the others were girls.


I laughed, “Wow, Taemin, the older brother who is a complete flirt, is the oppa to three younger girls,” I shook my head in complete disbelief.


“YAH! I'm a good brother. I'm protective of them and make sure no creeps hit on them,” Taemin proudly exclaimed.


“Good job,” I patted him as an award.


“Wow, thanks, what an amazing reward,” He sarcastically stated. Suddenly, a light bulb lit up in that head of his, “How about I make a deal,” Intrigued by the challenge I perked up. “If I get you to laugh, then you give me a kiss,”


I thought about it for while, “Deal,”


Taemin smiled, “Well, when my mom was pregnant she would always talk about how she couldn't wait for her daughter to arrive. She was completely convinced that I'd be a girl so she went a bought a closet full of pink frilly dresses and girly clothes. When I came out a boy, she was upset, but still loved me. So in order to not waste the money she used to by the clothes AND to still somewhat achieve her dream of having a girl, she cross-dressed me a lot as a kid,”


“Pft,” I wanted to hold it in, but I just couldn't. An image of young Taemin angrily pouting in one of those gigantic puffy frilly dresses. I exploded in pure laughed, hysterically. After letting out that laugh, I felt free. That was probably the happiest moment I had this whole terrible day.


Suddenly, Taemin was staring at me.


“What?” I quickly looked down, embarrassed by his glance, “Why are you staring?” He gently brushed away a strand of hair away from my face.


“You should laugh and smile like that more often,” Taemin stated, “That's the most beautiful I've seen you all day,”


I just laughed, “You've only seen me twice the whole day and yet you manage to declare something like that?”


“Wow, you have bad observant skills,” Taemin chuckled, “I'm practically in every single class you have. Even homeroom,”


“Oh really?!” I stated, completely shocked.


Taemin frowned, “Just because I don't answer a lot of questions doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize me. I mean, half the girls in the class drool over me. Then there's you, the girl who always stares out the window and still manages to get higher grades than me AND understands what we're learning,”


“Aha, wow you're really cocky about girls,” I smiled.


“Is that really all you got from that last sentence?” He asked. I just stood still, thinking. Taemin hopelessly sighed, “I like watching you in class. I even subconsciously do it. Naturally, like gravity, I'm attracted to you. You're calm, quiet, and peaceful. Unlike the other girls you manage to not notice me, like I'm invisible. You say what's on your mind to your friend IU, happily laughing, chatting, and enjoying life. You're really an amazing girl,”

With that Taemin started leaning closer, placing his hand on the ground beside my leg for support. I closed my eyes, preparing myself. I felt the warmth radiating off of him and his warm breath as he hesitated, waiting for my approval. I just shyly nodded my head, squinting my eyes. Taemin chuckled, whispering the word 'cute', and started moving in.


However, Minho pulled him backwards.


“Sorry, but I believe you have to go,” Minho practically dragged Taemin, pitching him out the door and slamming it shut.


“YAH! Minho! Why did you just throw Taemin out?” I ran up to him, furious. For once I was actually starting to like the wanna be flirt. Then this stupid guy had to mess it all up!


“He was about to kiss you!” Minho reasoned.


“So? It had nothing to do with you,” I huffed, infuriated.


“Oh it has everything to do with me,”


“Really now?! I thought you were JUST my stepbrother,” I exclaimed, “You shouldn't care,”

“Now would a good brother not care?” Minho crossed his arms.


“SHUT UP!” I pointed at him angrily, “You are NOT my brother. We are NOT related. And honestly, I don't even wanna live under the same roof as you anymore!”


Before I could violently storm off, an amused Minho quickly grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, “You don't really mean that do you?” He turned me to face him, revealing his arrogant smirk, “What happened to 'I love you Minho',”


“All of those feelings disappeared when you chose Eunseo over me,” I hissed.


“Now when did I do that?” He sarcastically stated.


I furiously shoved him, “Minho! I'm not just some girl you can play around with. If you want to mess with a girl than tease Eunseo. Marry her for all I care. It would make her the happiest person in the world! Not only that, but I'd be glad to have you out of my life!” With that said I stormed into my room, loudly slamming the door behind me.


Minho lightly knocked on my door, “Steph, open up,”


“No,” I huffed, crying into my pillow. Thank you mom and dad for going out to eat, because if you two were home, Minho and I would have a lot of explaining to do with all the yelling.


“Come on,” Minho urged, “Steph,”




He sighed. The cheater Minho grabbed the master key from underneath the flower pot, and unlocked the door. I buried myself in the numerous blankets, making sure Minho couldn't get in. Too bad, I was weak. Minho managed to slowly take off each blanket one by one. When he pulled back the last one, it revealed a sobbing, mess of girl. I didn't even bother covering my face. I didn't care what Minho thought of me anymore. I just didn't care about anything in that exact moment.


Minho sighed, and gently wrapped his arms around me, his arms pressing against my stomach, pulling me closer to him.


“I'm sorry, please forgive me for yelling,” He whispered into my neck, his hot breath sending shivers throughout my body.


I started crying some more, “Do you really like Eunseo that much? Is it really that disgusting for you to like me? Do you even have a single spark of feelings for me? Am I that much of a nuisance to your precious, important reputation? It's not fair that you haven't been giving me any straightforward answers! Do you know how much I've been dying away inside this whole day?”


“Steph, I'm so sorry. I love you I really do. I was just being selfish, only caring about what others would think about us. Honestly, my feelings were so strong that I forced myself to like Eunseo just so I could have a distraction, to get over you. But as I watched you happily talk with Taemin, the way he looked at you, how he almost kissed you, I wanted to kill myself for letting you go. I wanted to kill myself for hurting you. You're not a nuisance to me what so ever. And when I see you, it isn't a just spark, more like a flame. Stephanie, I love you will all my heart,” Minho confessed, calmly and seriously.


Then I loosened his grip, turning around so I could face him. I looked into his sincere eyes, searching for some flicker that he was lying. However, I could find nothing. His statement was true.


I pouted, “If you're lying I swear I will personally come into your room and kill you,”


He chuckled, “Well I'd be an easy way to get you into my bed,” Minho winked.


“Shut up,” I muttered, looking away, embarrassed.


He cupped my face turning it towards him, “You're cute when you blush,” He kissed my cheek tenderly, causing me to insanely blush even more. However, it suddenly hit me. I forgot Minho totally kicked Taemin out with no explanation.


With that I quickly slithered out of Minho's grasp and walked towards my desk.


“Sorry, Minho. I have to call Taemin and apolog-”


Suddenly, Minho roughly yanked me back onto the bed, trapping my wrists above my head with one of his hands. His legs trapped me underneath him. I could no longer move. I could squirm, but there was no escape.


“You really love making me jealous, don't you?” Minho questioned.


“What? I was just gonna explain to Taemin-”


Minho gently nibbled my ear and whispered, “You need to be punished. Making me jealous is a bad thing,” His kisses lingered down onto my neck. He gently nipped on the same area, teasing it.


“Minho,” I said breathlessly, “Stop teasing. I'm sorry for making you jealous,”


The beast stopped biting my neck and smirked, “Glad to know you understand,” He tenderly let go of my wrists. Like a gentleman he got up off of me and sat next to me on the bed. I slowly stood up and to Minho's satisfaction I strolled over to my desk and turned my cell phone off. I turned to Minho with a sly smirk, slowly walking over to him, placing myself on his lap.


I grabbed the back of his neck and gently pulled him into a kiss. Minho smirked into the sweet kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. However, the gentle Minho soon became more lust hungry, deepening the kiss even more. Our lips moving slowly, in sync. My hand gently caressing the back of his neck as he wrote his name on my with his finger, over and over again, marking his territory.


Minho flipped me over, violently throwing me onto the bed without breaking the kiss. His hands started to playfully creep up my leg, pausing mid-inner thigh, being cautious. Minho obviously didn't want to go to far or make me uncomfortable. Like a behaved young man, Minho moved his hand off of my leg and just intertwined his hands with mine.


Suddenly, I felt his phone vibrate, causing him to pull away. Minho answered the phone, still smiling at me.


“Sorry Eunseo. I can't hang out right now or actually for a while. I'm gonna be spending most of my time with my non-stepsister Stephanie from now on,” He confidently hung up.


“You're gonna regret saying that to her in the morning. Go hang out with her,” I nudged him, not wanting him to give up everything he worked for just for me. This moment was enough for me. Minho actually had a reputation to protect. Being the president of the senior class and all. It would be really create an upset and chaotic environment if people found out about us.


“Why would I do that when all I need is right here?” Minho lovingly cupped my face, pulling me into a sweet kiss. “I'm stupid because it took me this long to figure out how I really feel. I'm stupid because I selfishly thought of my reputation before someone as beautiful as you. I'm stupid because I almost chose Eunseo over you. I'm stupid because I get jealous way too easily. I'm stupid because-”


“Oh, just shut up,” With that I kissed him.


Knowing that from now on Minho and I would be more than just step-siblings, sent butterflies through me. Well, actually maybe that was just the kiss working it's magic.


Anyway, I learned two things from this. First, Minho was the best kisser ever, not that I ever really kissed anyone else. Secondly, if you want my stepbrother. Try and take him from me. But I doubt he'll let you. Because you see, I mean more to him than JUST his stepsister.



To all those who are upset with the ending & feel terribly sorry for Taemin  please continue to the next chapter =))

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 5: X'D cool~~~
Chapter 5: can you make a sequel to the Taemin and IU one?? please autournim~ i really really enjoyed this ^^
A happy ending for Taemin! ^_^
Thanks for letting me know this was up!
That was sooo cute! Thanks for adding this chappiee<33
stayuptonight #6
*or informing me
stayuptonight #7
TaemU! *-* You are so cool for doing this extra hihi! thanks f
Yaaay! Taemin & IU..
IU fighting!
I had to re-read the previous chapter to remember what happened.
~Happy Ending~