Part 3: This is the Game We Play

Want My Stepbrother? Try & Take Him From Me. [Four-Shot]


The door bell rang throughout the house, resonating to it's fullest. I slowly creak open the entrance to reveal a smiling Eunseo.


“Hello Stephanie~” She happily greeted me, “Is your brother home?”


Eunseo rudely came into the house before I even offered to let in the 'stranded cat' in.


“My stepbrother is taking a shower right now. You can come back when he's done,” I crossed my arms, honestly hating her sudden appearance here. Minho definitely did not mention her coming over. But then again, we still haven't talked since then fight...


She plopped her lazy self on the couch, “No, I can just wait until he's done. We have to study for a huge test for tomorrow. Counts for fifty percent of our grade,”


“Uh-huh,” I just nodded and sat on the opposite single chair, observing her carefully.


“So, Stephanie. How old are you? Do you go to our school?” Eunseo questioned while carefully observing the Minho picture frame she picked up from the side table. Creepily she snapped a picture of it with her cell phone...

“Um, I'm 17 and yes,” I tried to state as calmly as I could.


“Really? So that means you're a junior. Wow, do you play any sports?”


“I'm on the dance team,”


“Oh, really? I'm on the cheer team!” She happily replied. Stupid, you do know that the cheer team and dance team hate each other. Since the other sports like to use up all the gyms, we are forced to share and alternate times with the dance team in the rather tall dance studio. Both teams hate each other for cutting into the practice times. “Are you in any clubs?”


The I hate Eunseo club? Yes I'm the president!, “Not really, but I'm really active in the music department,”


“Oh, musically talented. That's cool,” Eunseo chirped.


I just plainly nodded my head.


“Do you have a boyfriend?” She asked the personal question. “You're so pretty! I'd guess all the guys go for you,” There was a fake tone smeared all over that compliment.


“No offense, but I'm pretty sure you didn't come here to listen to be blab on about myself,” I questionably looked at her, “Why are you here?”


She twitched slightly at my response, “To study with Minho for the test tomorrow. Remember silly?”


I smirked, “Oh, yeah. So I'm guessing you and Minho are going to school on a Saturday,”


She flinched. Stupid. It's a Friday today. I would know because I practically worship Fridays. Suddenly, a cocky grin plastered onto her face and she casual let lose, no longer crossing her legs and sitting straight. Now she causally leaned forward towards me, legs boy-ishly open, her body now loose.


“You're a smart one Stephanie. I'm shocked, I took you for the naïve little twit your outer appearance represents you as,” The lowlife commented, “Too bad. We could have been happy sister-in-laws,”


I laughed, “You think you're gonna be with Minho,”


She walked towards me and yanked my face to look at her, “I'm gonna take him faster than you can say good-bye,”


I smacked her hand away from my face. Eunseo just smirked, amused.


“I'm gonna awaken you into the big kid world dear. Here's a lesson for you. This is the game we play. You lose and I win,”


Suddenly I heard the bathroom door shut, revealing a half Minho with his completely exposed abs and loose towel hanging off of him.


Eunseo snapped back into her usual character, “Minho,” She smiled.


Minho, obviously not worried that he was showing off his god body off to two, wait no, one innocent girl, gave me a warning look. Wow, our first communication slash interaction this whole day and it was a glare from him, probably suspicious of what I said to his precious Eunseo. I just rolled my eyes.


Forcing a fake smile, I spoke to Eunseo, “It was nice talking to you. But I'm just letting you know now, it's not gonna work,”


Minho gave me a warning cough, eying my angrily. Yeah, you know what I'm being rude. So what?! She's worse than me! I hoped somehow I had some telepathic powers and Minho would understand what I was saying.


Minho looked away from me and smiled at Eunseo, “What is she talking about?”


“Nothing,” Eunseo moved closer to him, “She was just giving me some helpful advice. However, I think I got it all handled,” She lovingly placed her hand on Minho's bare chest.


Minho locked eyes on me. My mind was telling him to stop, to shove the away from him. However, Minho just looked away and pulled Eunseo even closer to him.


With that I knew who he had chosen. He chose her. I lost. She won. This was the game that we play.


In the midst of all this drama, my phone rang.


TaeminTheGod is calling


I stared at the caller id. When in the world did he manage to take my phone and put his number in? I thought about it for a second.... IU!


“Taemin!” I yelled angrily, turning away from the disgusting scene, “What do you want?!”


“Can we work on the project now?” I could feel him pouting from the other side of the phone.


“Really?! It's a Friday and you're asking me to work on the project? Heck no!”


“Oh, too late. I'm already at your door,” He replied. Suddenly, the door bell rang. I rushed to the door to reveal a smirking Taemin and an overly excited IU waving at me from a distance.


“IU your so dead!” I created a megaphone with my hands, making sure she heard me.


IU did the same with her hands, “You'll thank me later!” With that she blew a kiss and left.


“I'm gonna kill her,” I mumbled to myself.

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 5: X'D cool~~~
Chapter 5: can you make a sequel to the Taemin and IU one?? please autournim~ i really really enjoyed this ^^
A happy ending for Taemin! ^_^
Thanks for letting me know this was up!
That was sooo cute! Thanks for adding this chappiee<33
stayuptonight #6
*or informing me
stayuptonight #7
TaemU! *-* You are so cool for doing this extra hihi! thanks f
Yaaay! Taemin & IU..
IU fighting!
I had to re-read the previous chapter to remember what happened.
~Happy Ending~