Part 2 : School = Fate?

Want My Stepbrother? Try & Take Him From Me. [Four-Shot]

I yawned, scratching my head as I stretched from my long enchanting sleep. Because Minho didn't come out of his room after our fight, Mom, his Dad, and I were sitting at the dining table, silent. Thanks to the awkward silence, I decided to leave, not eating dinner. I explained that I had a snack earlier and it ruined my appetite. As I buried myself in my comfy bed covers, I cried myself to sleep that night, managing to be in an eternal sleep by 8.


Too bad my 'eternal' sleep didn't last long. It was 6:30 a.m. Time for me to get ready for school. I looked at myself in the mirror, observing the gaunt, pale stranger with black dark circles staring at me. I sighed, packing on the make-up. Thank you for whoever invented makeup, you managed to turn this wild ugly beast into a decent girl.


With that I slipped on my uniform and tennis shoes, grabbing my backpack on the way out. I skipped into the kitchen, ready to eat a delicious breakfast. However, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Minho, calmly eating his toast. Avoiding his glance, I sat down across from him, sneaking peeks every now and again at him.


Is he mad at me? I should have kept my big mouth shut! Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


“Stephanie,” My mom interrupted my thoughts.


I snapped out of my trance, “Yes mom?”


“What would you like to eat?” She smiled.


“Um,” I glanced over at Minho who quietly picked at his omelet. “I'll have what Minho has,”


Hearing his name I watched him slightly react by pausing, stopping his fork halfway in the air. Then he just sighed and continued eating. We both said good-bye to our parents, who lovingly hugged each other, watching us walk into Minho's red convertible.


The whole car ride was dead silent, not even the radio was on. Minho cautiously kept his eyes on the road, quite determined and concentrated on driving this morning. I just sighed and longingly stared out of the window at the passing scenery. This was going to be a long day.




My best friend IU dropped her heavy textbooks on my desk. I'm surprised the desk didn't give out from the heavy weight.


“Ahhh! What was that for?” I questionably stared at her.


“I was calling your name a million times~” She cutely pouted, “You didn't even notice, too busy staring out of the boring window,”


“Miahne,” I apologized, “I'm just out of it,”


“That's a lie,” She cooly stated, staring at her nails, “You confessed to Minho didn't you?”


“How did you know?!” I screamed, covering my mouth as people glanced at us, “Who told you?” I whispered, leaning closer to my best friend.


“No one,” She smiled, “It's just written All. Over. Your. Face,” She playfully flicked my forehead. I pouted, gently rubbing my forehead.


“So what happened?” She cautiously asked, knowing it was a sore, fragile subject. With that said I quietly pored everything out. With detail, I explained the whole incident that occurred last night.


“OMG!” She screamed, “What a jerk!” She slammed her hand on the desk, “If I wasn't petite and small and actually had a chance against him, I'd teach that kid a lesson,”


“Lower your voice,” I chuckled, glad that IU had my back.


“It's time for you to move on,” IU offered, “Look for someone new. Someone better than Minho. I'm sure there's probably a million of them out there,”


I sighed, “I don't know. Minho would be pretty hard to beat,”


“Just give it a try,” She begged, “For me?”


I smiled, “Fine,”


“Yes! Thank you!” She suffocated me in a giant bear hug, “You deserve better Steph, you really do,”


I nodded in agreement. I could feel a quick pain in my heart just thinking of giving up on Minho. I'd be hard to get over him. I see him every single day.


Music Class


“Okay kids,” Teacher Sooyoung entered our classroom, “We're gonna do a partner project, so please check under your seats and pull out the name taped under your chair. That will be your partner. The point of the project is to express you and your partner in dance or music. Show us who you are. Creativity and neatness will be your guidance for an A,”


(Teacher Sooyoung)


I reached under my chair and pulled out the slip of paper.


Lee Taemin


Who is that? I thought to myself. Hmmm.


I sat there thinking like an idiot when someone gently tapped my shoulder.


“Are you Stephanie Ahn?” I turned to see a cute, yet devilishly handsome guy with flawless, bright skin, caramel brown hair, pink plump lips, and deep, dark brown eyes. He seemed skinny and lanky, yet strong and sturdy. I could feel him practically glowing with self-love.


“Y-yes,” I stuttered completely thrown off by his good looks. I managed to conjure the strength to look him directly in the eye and smiled, “Are you Lee Taemin?”


“Yupp,” He happily smiled. Omo, so cutee!~


He slipped me a piece of paper, “Here's my number. Just call me when you want to meet up and work on the project,” He winked, “Or anything else you wanna work on,”


I just laughed, “Nice pick-up line. Sorry, but I think we should just work on the project,”


Taemin seemed surprised at my response. Not like a shocked surprised, more like an amused surprised. “Wow, first girl to ever not want to do something with me. Impressive,”


I smiled, “You must not meet the right kinda girls then,”


“Oh, really now?” He leaned in closer, “What kind of girl are you then?”


“One who doesn't fall so easily for a wannabe flirt who can't think up creative pick-up lines,” I responded, leaving him there to watch me as I walked away.


After the class


Something suddenly launched at me, pounding me numerous times.


“Steph! Are you an idiot?!” IU managed to tackle me. That petite, little, scrawny thing managed to yank me to the ground with no struggle what-so-ever.


“Ow! IU stop! It hurts,” I proclaimed.


“Oops, sorry,” She got off of me, still on the ground, sitting on her legs, carefully observing me.


“What?” I finally asked, confused as to why she attacked me.


“Did you realize who you ended up with?”


“Um, no,” I flatly stated. IU hit me in the back of the head.


“Ow! What was that for?”


“For being stupid,” She explained, “Everyone knows that Lee Taemin is the cute, yet totally beast boy of our grade. He's an amazing dancer to a point where he'll have you in a complete trance while watching him. He's a total ladies' man and can have any girl he wants completely wrapped around his fingers,”


“And?” I questioned her, while standing up, dusting dirt from off of my uniform.


“And he's single. Plus, he seemed completely interested in you,” She happily announced, “You should give him a chance?”


“Mister I'm so cool, I can get whatever girl I want? No thanks,” I started to walk away from her, ready to go to my next class.


However the smaller you are, the faster you are. Like lightning she managed to cut in front of me and stated, “It's fate, Steph. Think about it. You had the worst night of your life, crushed by the guy you had hopes on for some time. Now some magical hottie comes into your life, that you've never even met before. Face it, it's fate,”


“Fate is the thing that makes your life a hell, making sure that you can't stray away from the path it wants you to take. And plus, I used to believe in fate, with me and Minho. However, believing in fate got me to where I am now. Heart-broken. Sorry IU, but I don't think I'm giving this guy a chance,”


IU sighed, “Okay whatever you say,” Then she happily hooked her arms with mine, “But I'll be the first one to rub it in your face when I say 'I told you so'.”


I just laughed, “We'll see,”

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 5: X'D cool~~~
Chapter 5: can you make a sequel to the Taemin and IU one?? please autournim~ i really really enjoyed this ^^
A happy ending for Taemin! ^_^
Thanks for letting me know this was up!
That was sooo cute! Thanks for adding this chappiee<33
stayuptonight #6
*or informing me
stayuptonight #7
TaemU! *-* You are so cool for doing this extra hihi! thanks f
Yaaay! Taemin & IU..
IU fighting!
I had to re-read the previous chapter to remember what happened.
~Happy Ending~