CH 1


Zixin wheels in her suitcase as her phone rings. Everything was set up per the requirements of the agency. This made it official. Zixin was really on her own now. There was no sass from Yonghee and her usual space in the dorm. She was entirely on her own. She read through the information that Yonghee had given her. Zixin was given a clear schedule of the day she was to meet with this Lee Hoseok. Since her new place came with a desktop computer. Most likely because Yonghee thought it was cutting edge. He's a tad behind. Zixin marvels that there was even wifi set up in her new place. Yonghee must really want her to not come back. She went to work googling everything she would need to know to last in this job. First of all, who the hell is Lee Hoseok? An idol using the stage name Wonho? She clicked through his stuff feeling a tad flustered at the few music videos she watched. This Hoseok or Wonho guy was very... fit.

She calmed herself pointing out how he probably has a girlfriend already or... Well, she didn't dare think of the other running the risk of getting more and more flustered. Everything Zixin found online pointed to him being a really sweet guy. Maybe a bit weird with his fans but still a sweet guy. This only confused Zixin. How in the world is this man a werewolf? There is no way this guy could be a werewolf. They were ruthless and uncaring. Heartless. Most negative adjectives in fact. Zixin was thankful that they were more interested in trying to kill her than other things given how she never seemed to have any marks over her s or lower. It always felt like they avoided getting near those areas. Probably more issues with what she was.

" Hoseok or Wonho...what to call you...?"

Zixin sighs shutting down the computer and deciding to put away her clothes. She could explore knowing everything was where it should be for now. Once the clothes were put away she found the kitchen with a note on it. Yonghee's handwriting for sure. Zixin never knew how people could get the written word to look so angry but Yonghee is Yonghee.

Enough blood here for the first three months if you control yourself fattie. You'll probably chug it all in one night knowing you. I'm not getting you more though.
— Yonghee

Zixin puts the note back on the fridge deciding against eating for now. The message soured her appetite. She decided to do a bit more research into her new boss. It would be better to go into it knowing as much as she could. Before she knew it Zixin had fallen asleep in the chair listening to his voice in some interview.


Hailing a taxi had been near impossible unlike what Yonghee insisted in his instructions for the day. Zixin ended up having to run to try to make sure she made it there. Well, human run. This made her half an hour late. Zixin could see him sitting there waiting with a drink in hand. She did her best to approach him dodging the humans that tried to stop her with practiced ease. She could hear them start only for Hoseok to stop them. Zixin took note of how he interacted with them. He seemed nice enough. No outbursts or being rude. She took the empty seat in front of where he was sitting. Suddenly the humans from before we're actually gone. She couldn't even smell them nearby.

"Don't worry. I sent them away."

Why did it worry her more that he said not to worry? Zixin just nods her head. She wasn't sure how to respond to that or what to do honestly.

"Hello. Zixin, right?"

"Y-yes. Don't worry about a noona or anything like that."

Hoseok nods smiling at her, "And please call me Hosoek."

Well, that answered one question she had. Now Zixin had to figure out just what type of things were required to be his personal assistant. She did her best to try to keep her voice even. Yes, he was a werewolf but he wasn't one of the ones that had attacked her. Hoseok wasn't them. Zixin kept repeating that to herself as she spoke with Hosoek.

"Zixin do you mind if I ask you some questions or did I uh... did I miss one of your questions?" She gestures for him to go ahead. "Thank you. I was wondering if you'd tell me a bit about the agency. I don't really know a lot about it and... that... that guy on the phone was...was..."

Zixin felt a bit better seeing Hoseok struggle to describe Yonghee. "I understand."

"So you'll tell me about it?"

"I mean I can say what I know," Zixin tilts her head, "It's sort of like your label but instead of trying out you're sent there. They have these spots all along the coast where they pick up ships of people. Those people are sent to the agency."

"Is that how you got here?"

Zixin nods. "It should be in my file."

"Oh. Sorry for asking."

A long silence stretches on before Hoseok offers to let her ride around with them for the rest of the day. Something about getting a better understanding of his normal schedule. Zixin wanted to refuse but she remembered Yonghee's threat. This had to go well. Despite her better judgment she agrees to go along. The company-appointed personal assistant glared at Zixin the whole time she was there. Zixin wanted to let others know but then she remembered that she showed up randomly taking the poor woman's job. Of course, she was gonna be mad at her! Although she had to admit that the personal assistant part of things was really easy. It was just running to grab things or keeping track of things for him. Both weren't very hard. The only hard part was the number of people around him at a time. Why did he need so many people that close at all times?

The first week went about like that. Zixin followed the woman she was to replace around and Hoseok did whatever idols do. She did notice that a lot of what the human personal assistant did was filming with Hoseok's phone or helping him take pictures. Questionable pictures but pictures nonetheless. Zixin would be expected to do the same no doubt. Something she knew that she should more than likely get used to. How could she though? She was gonna go from fearing for her life to helping a guy film TikToks and take what amounted to nudes. Zixin was not amused at all. Aside from being beautiful Lee Hoseok was... kinda weird.

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