I. The Girl Next Door

Work before ♥

"Talking in Korean"

"Talking in English/Japanese/Tagalog (basically any other language, but those three will be used the most)"
"Singing" (Will usually be color coded if it's a group singing)
(Translations in Korean)
(Translations in Japanese/Tagalog/etc...)
(Side comments) 

Basic and most used Korean Suffix/titles:

-ssi (standard for most especially when trying to be polite)

-ah (when addressing someone younger)

-hyung (when a younger boy addresses an older boy or older brother/cousin)

-oppa (when a younger girl addresses an older boy, older brother/cousin, or her boyfriend if he's older)

-noona (When a younger boy addresses an older girl, an older sister/cousin, or his girlfriend if she's older)

-unnie (when a younger girl is addressing an older girl or older sister/cousin)

-goon (when adressing a young male)

-yang (when addressing a young female)

-hyung(nim), -sunbae(nim), -nim (ranks higher than others)

seonsaengnim (means teacher)

sunbae (means superior)

hoobae (means underclassmen)

Appa (Means father)

Umma/Omma (Means mother)

Dongsaeng (means generally little brother or sister)

Yeondongsaeng (Means little sister)

Namdongsaeng (Means little brother)

Maknae (Means baby/youngest)

Samchon (Means blood related uncle)

P.S- I'm going to stop using Hyungdul and Oppadul... I have no idea if I'm using it correctly


Alice (A-Yun)

April 21, 2009

"Uwah!" I exclaimed as I flopped back onto my bed. Moving into an apartment without any help whatsoever is quite a lot of work for a girl like me, ya know! And there are still unopened boxes laying about, furniture needed to be moved, and stuff in need of cleaning... Aish... But... my room's all done so yay for me!


(Imagine: The walls are a bit more extended, the weird upside-down girl sticker is replaced with a window-seal seat with a pile of dolls on it, next to it a small lavender couch, next to that a keyboard with recodring equipment. The bed is queen size, the pictures are to be replaced with a giant bulliten board that takes up most of the wall. The board is filled with a collage of pictures withsome empty spaces here and there)

I sighed as I grabbed my Totoro plushie and hugged it.

"Totoro-kun... I miss them..." I mumbled in Japanese as I thought about my 15 idiot oppas.

Truth be told... When I moved out in April I ended up staying at Soomi's house up 'til this morning when I was rushed into my new dorm, as all the idols like to call their apartments. Soomi didn't mind, to her it was like having a really long sleepover... in reality, that really was the case. Sungmo (Unrelated Auntie) and Sukbu (Unrelated Uncle) were delighted to have me around. And Jihoo, you know Soomi's kid brother? Well he was absolutely happy when he heard I sleeping only 20 feet away from him. He's a cute little 10-year-old and all, but I'm way too old for him.  At first it was kind of awkward for me to stay there, but they welcomed me with open arms seeing as... ahem... I really didn't make any living arrangements for myself... 

Anyways... even before I moved out they were busy with schedules and I was busy with starting a new school year. So it got harder and harder for us to just hang out like we used to. Sometimes I would get back to the dorm and they'd be sound asleep so I wouldn't bother them. And vice versa when I'd come home first. They still managed to throw a party for me on my last day living at the dorm. It was nice... and there were a lot of tears and hugs. But I'm happy. Although... not living with them felt so weird and all I get is the occasional text, email... maybe call once and awhile... I'm alright... Who am I kidding? I miss them like crazy! I haven't even got to see them around SME!

I sighed once more then wrapped myself with my blanket.  'Maybe I should take a nap...'

~kom semariga. han chibeyio. appa gom. omma gom. aegi gom~

My head shot up when I heard my phone ringing. "Omo I wonder who's calling..."

I gabbed my phone and the initials 'SM' blared on the screen. I quickly answered the phone.

"Yeoboseyo? (Hello on the telephone)"

"Annyeong (Hello (or can be used for Goodbye)) Yun-ah. It's Samchon."

"Annyeong Samchon (Hello uncle)! Have you been well?"

"Neh (Yes) I have. I called to check up on you. Have you settled into your apartment yet?"

"Neh, but it was so hard without any help... and there are things still needed to be done!" I heard Sooman-samchon chuckle.

"Mianhae (I'm sorry) Yun-ah. You're brother will becoming back though."

"Really? I thought Alex was still settling some things back in Japan with Appa?" 

"He finished his business. He just got on his flight and will be arriving and about 2 hours." I sat up straight in surprise. 

"Should I pick him up?" I was kind of worried. Only learning information on my dongsaeng (Little brother/sister) on such short notice?

"That won't be necessary. I have already arranged for him to be picked up and drivin to your apartment. All I want right now is for you to eat and rest. Tomorrow you'll be meeting your new group." 

I don't know why, but hearing the words 'new group' pushed a button in my heart... and honestly that button just made me sad. "New group huh..." i mumbled.

"That's right Yun-ah. I'll have you meet with them before the start their practice so you can get to know them before you start evaluating them."

"Alright Samchon."

"That's my neice. Now I must be going. Annyeong Yun-ah (Goodbye Yun)"

"Annyeong Samchon"

I sighed as I hung up the phone and placed it on top of my desk. I stared at my laptop for a bit then after minutes of contemplating I finally decided to use it. 

So with my awesomely cute Hello Kitty-Totoro Laptop


-Thank You by the way SuJu-oppas for this adorable gift-

I logged on to my IM account. 


A-melodY has signed on


DancE-HYUK has signed on

A-melodY: Annyeong Eunhyuk-oppa! ^o^

DancE-HYUK: Annyeong Dongsaengie! Oppa misses you! :D

A-melodY: I miss you too Oppa! How is everyone? ^-^

DancE-HYUK: We're fine, but we miss you a lot! Especially your hugs and cooking! ;) How are you? Are you doing alright with your school work? 0.0

A-melodY: Kekeke XD of course you'd miss my cooking Oppa! I'm fine! School's same old, same old. Though math without Kyu-oppa's help kekeke :) 

DancE-HYUK: Of course you'd say that A-Yun-ah! XD

A-melodY: Kekeke! You know me oppa! Oppa... can I ask you a question? >.<

DancE-HYUK: Sure anything for you A-Yun! :)

A-melodY: Kekeke X] oppa... can you tell me a little about Shinee?



It was around 10 o'clock at night with a group of 5 boys stepped out of the elevator of their apartment complex. 

"Aigo hyung I'm so tired!" the youngest of them exclaimed. They hushed him as they started down the hall.

"Yah Teamin don't be too loud. It's late and I don't want our whole apartment complex to find out we're back" The blonde-haired Key scolded the Maknae.

"Mianhae Key-umma (Sorry mommy Key)" The orange-ish-red mushroom head boy smiled.

"Aigoo that's okay my baby just don't do it again."  They 5 smiled as they continued walking down the hall.

"You baby him too much Yeobo (Darling/Honey)" Jonghyung wrapped his arm around Key in a playful manner. 

"It's alright. He'll grow up big and strong thanks to my love. He might even grow up to be as tall as Minho." 

"Aigoo thats too tall! He's not allowed to grow up taller than me!"

"Too late Jjong."


Key's comment earned a round of -quieted down- laughter from the 3 spectating while Jonghyun, reluctantly admitted defeat.

As the five boys got closer to their a pile of boxes caught the Maknae's eye. 

"Neh... Hyungs?" Taemin poked Minho's arm making the charismatic rapper stare at him questioningly as did the other members, "I thought no one lived in the dorm across from us." he stated while pointing at the boxes next to said dorm entrance. 

The other four stared in shock. 

"Omo I thought Sooman-seosaengnim said no one would occupy that dorm without us knowing first?!" Key whispered in a harsh voice. 

"I don't know Key. Just calm down for now. We don't know yet if our new neighboor is a regular person or not. Who knows, maybe this person could be a trainee or something..." Onew trailed off as familiar music accompanied by a sweet, but faint voice came from the other side of the door. 

"Geunyeoye yeope,  
Yeongweonhi gyeote,
Nae jaril mandeureo nohgoseo,  
Chingo anin 
Namjaro byeonhae, 

Seulpeumeun eobtdorog 
Jikyeo-jul geo-rago
Anajumyeo malhalgeoya"

The boy's eyes widen in recognition to their own song 'One for Me'. So this new neighbor was in fact a Shalow. And by the slowly gaining volume of her voice they could tell she was heading closer to the door. They scrambled to their own dorm. Key shoved his the dorm key -no pun intended- into the lock and quicly opened the door as a click could be heard from the other side of the hallway. Just as the boys all hustled in and Key slammed the door shut Alice came out .

Key decided to take a look at their neighbor through the peep-hole and was actually a bit surprised at what he saw. 

In turn Alice stared at the door in a questioning manner. She turned off her '... I could've sworn I heard something outside...' She stared at the door for a moment before shaking her head. She fished her black ipod out of her pocket and pressed play as she continued to sing to the song.

'Must be my neighbor coming home or something... oh well...' 

She grabbed the boxes and walked away to the recycling shoot at the end of the hallway. 



After our little scramble into the dorm I looked through the peep hole to see what kind of girl this shawol was. To my surprise... she was rather cute.

Her hair was pulled into low-pigtails and rested just at her shoulders. Her Ivory complexion glowed in contrast to the over sized black V-neck and ash gray sweats she wore. Even though it was simple lounging attire I have to admit, she worked it. Especially with the various bracelets that adorned her wrists and the white DJ head phones sitting around her neck. But what stood out the most to me, were her eyes.
Her eyes were pools of deep violet, that almost look black. They were bigger then any normal Korean's eyes and hid behind black glasses. She looked up almost as if she was staring through the peep hole and into my own brown eyes. It was weird... for a second I held my breath as our eyes connected for that brief minute...
My odd trance broke when she shook her head and fished her ipod out of her pocket and started singing again. I have to say... her voice was quite... well... I couldnt put my finger on it, but... nostolgic... no... familiar... like I heard it from somewhere... and not just a few minutes ago when we started freaking out. 
"So Key..." I turned to my left to see Jjong's ear pressed to the door, "How does our new neighbor look like? She cute?" he asked with a girn.
'Typical Jjong...' I rolled my eyes
"Well... she actually cute..." Everyone was surprised by my answer, "But her clothes could use a little work." and their goes their smiles. Haha I can't be too nice to this mysterious girl just yet... I'm a diva after all. 
"She has a nice voice." Taemin said with a grin from his place on the right side of me.
"Well we still have to be careful around this girl." we all turned to Onew-hyung who was looking at us on a serious way, "We have no idea who she is yet and if we do end up bumping into her and she recognizes us... it might end badly..." 
Alice (A-Yun)
The rest of my night was absolutely uneventful. After throwing the recycling I came back to my dorm and countinued cleaning and ate the left over Kimchi bokkeumbap (Kimchi fried rice) I made for lunch. 
Mid-bite the doorbell rang. I rushed to the door and opened it only to be glomped by my one and only twin Alex Young Inoue.
"Noona!" "Dongsaeng!" we exclaimed at the same time as we continued to squeeze he life out of each other. Sadly enough he was now a head taller than me so I could only wrap my arms around his skinny torso.
"Noona I haven't seen you since New Years! I've missed you so much." he continued to nuzzle his nose on top of my head.
"I've missed you too. Oh you've gotten sooooo much taller it's not fair!" I gushed when we left go. He chuckled and went to grab his abandon things before he shut the door.
"I think you just got shorter Noona." I slapped his arm playfully
"Yah so mean to your Noona." I pouted which earned so more laughter.
"Mianhae (Sorry) noona."
I hugged him "It's alright my dongsaeng" I tiptoed to give him a peck on the cheek.
I helped him get his stuff settled in his room:
(Imagine: The protruding wall is a closet, the wall is a full wall with just a window instead of a sliding door that leads outside, the bed at the bottom is replaced with a small couch, and the floor is wood)
Then we continued dinner while catching up on one anothers lives for the past few months.
After dinner we cleaned up and we decided to stalk check up on the Suju-oppas.
"He noona?"
"You mind if I watch some music videos?"
"... Of Shinee? I hope you realize I have no idea what they look like..."
"I know and I know you want to wait and keep it a surprise... Don't worry I wont spoil it for you..."
"Then go for it."
Next day
"Nonna you take too long!" I heard Alex complain from the otherside of the bathroom door. I spat out the minty foam from my mouth and groaned.
"Don't rush your noona! I'm almost done I just need to finish brushing my teeth and fixing my hair!" I called back. A groan similar to mine was my reply.
"Fine I'll be at the car then. Dont take to long arraso (understand)?"
"Arraso." I sighed in relief when  heard him walk away.
'Time to get ready...'
"Jinki-hyung where's my bag?"
"I have it Minho-ah"
"Key have you seen-"
I grabbed the blue jacket on Jonghyun-hyung's bed and tossed it to him before he could finish his sentence.
"Komawoyo (Informal: Thank you)," I nodded as I countinued brushing my teeth. Oddly enough we were all running lae this morning. Usually Jonghyun-hyung would be the first one up without a problem, but he wasn't which ended in a chain reaction of us all waking up 30 minutes late.
Aish... I hope manager-hyung doesn't get mad at us for being late...
The Shinee boys quietly, but swiftly got out of their apartment the same time Alice did. Alice was oblivious to their presence as she turned around to lock her the door. All of the older members froze when they saw her back turned to them, but poor maknae Taemin was the last one out.
"Hyungs why are bloc-" He stopped midsentence when Alice turned around locked eyes with the mushroom head. 
... To be continued in
II. Annyeong Shinee


Annyeong! elleyX here with -finally- the first chapter of  Work before ♥

I know I haven't really updated enough and all, but sadly I have to sneak onto my sibling's laptops to get anything done. This will be only temporary until I have a new laptop... in December...

Anyways... I hope the first chapter has satisfied a bit your appetites for a good read.

Somethings I would like to discuss though is...

1) The boy in the foreward is ulzzang Lee Chi Hoon while the boy in this chapter is Song Chan Ho. I know. I'll be putting pictures of Mikki and Chi Ho through out the story because they're the only few pictures Mikki has with a boy ulzzang besides her boyfriend. Also imagine Alex to look like Chan Ho.

2) I have changed Alice and Alex's age to be a year older (They're now 92ers)

3) I know the whole 'Alice', 'A-Yun', 'Alex', 'A-Young' thing might confuse you, but Know that I will only address them as either 'A-Yun or 'A-Young' when someone is speaking to them or about them. Other than that I will address the as Alice or Alex when I'm doing 'Narrator'

Confusing right?


Well look forward to my next chapter!

Please comment, subscribe, and befriend me!




edited 10.12.11

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This seems ood so far. It's fun to read, and I like your use of pictures ^.^ I can't wait for more!
This story is heading off to a really great start! I hope you update soon!!!
Ooh. Loks good ^,^ Hehehe. I like this whole forbidden relatinship kinda thing, but in a lighter mood. It sounds nice ^.^
like it :) update!!!!
i really like the idea for the story! (:<br />