about Kim Kyu Ri

DIAMOND ♦다이아몬드♦

Kim Kyu Ri 19 years old, birthday: February 14 (v-day!)



Kyu Ri is a really smart girl. She’s a fast learner and diligent and also likes to keep her surrounding clean and neat. She is pure and calm. People say she is like untouched, white paper. She’s mature, friendly, and fun to be with. She’s down to earth, in other words.She's very nice and polite to everyone she meets. She always has a smile on her face, making others happy just looking at her. She’s amazing when it comes to work. She becomes shy in front of any guys she’s interested in and her mind goes blank all of the sudden. She can do nothing right and she's absolutely clueless when it comes to love. Rinnie is also a very good secret keeper. You could tell any secret to Rinnie and she won’t spill it to anyone. She can talk forever with anyone who is willing to talk with her.

Sometimes she holds grudges on people, but she easily forgives them after. Rinnie loves seeing people laugh and smile. She gets along easily with others. Rinnie is honest, maybe a bit too honest sometimes which is often leads her to a problem/misunderstanding. Rinnie doesn't like to talk about her feelings or even show how she feels other than happy. She doesn't like to show or tell anyone her feelings because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. No one really knows what she's thinking, because she always has a smile on her face, so people think she's always happy.


her height is 167 cm and she weighs 50 kg

she's  blood type A

She cooks every meal for her fellow members whenever she can | She stays late after training is over to practice until she feels it's good enough | She has to hug a pillow to fall asleep | She stays as far away from pools as possible, but will go to a swimming area if someone wants her to | She bites her tongue to the point of it bleeding if she's about to cry in front of people | She tends to go shopping every two months | She is terrified of storms, so whenever there is a storm, she'll hide somewhere and shake uncontrollably. She hates this about herself, so she's never told anyone about it.

she likes Singing | Dancing to girlgroup/boygroup choreography | Designing | Rapping

her catch phrase is "perfect doesnt exsist, there's always room for improvement

she's a blood type A


her mom is fashion designer and her dad is a manager of Do Ga Hun in Seoul

her sister is 12 year old Kim Min Yeong


she has a good, old, happy family. She had a long line of relatives running from Korea to the US. Kyu Ri was always somewhat spoiled, but she appreciated everything her mother and father gave and provided for her. She never took it for granted. Kyu Ri's mother and father were, and still are, very successful. Her mother worked as a Fashion Designer while her father worked as manager of the restaurant Do Ga Hun in Seoul. She and her little sister, Min Yeong, almost never had arguments with each other. But they did have their occasional disagreements. Kyu Ri always helped out her parents and little sister when they needed it, without complaint. She would either help her mother with fashion design ideas, help her sister with school advice or homework, or clean tables in her father's restaurant. Fighting or arguing almost never went on in the house. Her family and herself are at peace and respect each other equally.


she has 2 best friends Hyeo Yeon of SNSD and SHINee's Taemin


she is the sub rapper of DIAMOND and if you're her fan you're a



her fan club name is FASHIONISTAS

and their colors are : Light Gray  Light Pink  Light Blue

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The house is awesome!! ^^
Omg, I love the toilet too! LOL.
Mickey mouse~ XD
OMG I love the bedroom ! Its so nice ! And the pool :O It's like a mini waterfall or something !
nodyn08 #4
Omo, the house is so huge! And there's a huge game room and pool. I like the rooms. :3 Oh gosh, this house is perfect!
nanie92 #5
Woah.. so nice~!!
Gawwwwwwwwd! we have a HUGE dorm!! OMG
cherryblossom- #8
The house looks GORGEOUS! Inside, and out!
I cannot wait for this story to get started. I can tell it's going to be good~ <3
nodyn08 #9
All the girls are beautiful! I'm really looking forward to the story. :D
cherryblossom- #10
Congrats to everyone! And sorry to those who didn't make it.. :/
Awwh~ you and your chingu(?) are going to be a duo~ ^^