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Baekhyun is cursed.

Destined to kill everyone he looks at, he spends his days hidden behind a blindfold, sheltered in the castle as the rest of his kingdom fights for a centuries long feud. 

When Shin Seol breaks out of a three year long captivity and comes to him for refuge, Baekhyun’s also offered a shot at redemption: Seol is the last remaining witch, the exact ones responsible for his curse in the first place, and the only ones capable of breaking it. 

There’s two problems: Seol doesn’t actual believe in curses or the idea of fate, and the origin and answers to his curse lie deep in the middle of enemy territory. 


“You weren’t born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death - that’s how it is, that’s how it was, that’s how it will be.”




- Starring cursed prince Baekhyun, witch (who doesn't believe in witches) OC, and a much more futuristic society than many of my high fantasy fics

- Baekhyun a sarcastic mf in this AHFSDFkj

- Much of this plot was based on an idea I had based on that one quote from the Loki series and then the BaekChen part in the Wolf remix

- I don't know what I'm doing, don't know what I'm writing—all I know is that I'm struggling

- Baekhyun always wearing a blindfold was actually not inspired by Gojo, but now that I think of it, it's all I can think of. Although his blindfold looks less like those eye coverings for sleep and more of a cloth tied around his eyes LMAO

- If you ask me when I'll update the answer is I don't know whenever I remember to I guess


The lovely poster was made by augustflower; click the banner below to be redirected! 



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Chapter 1: update soon
Chapter 1: It is so interesting!
I like the way Baekhyun explains how voices can tell someone's intentions.
I am looking forward to the next chapter!
Take care!
aliceinchanyeolland #3
Chapter 1: Wow! This seems very interesting! Hope you’ll update soon!

PS. Love how you got inspiration from Loki totally love this serie. And Baekhyun being blindfold really reminds me of gojo satoru LMAOOOO Baekhyun used to dye his hair white on many occasions too! They do resemble each other in a way 😂😂😂
The idea of a sarcastic coursed prince Baekhyun… I’m IN 😏😏😏
AiiSoo #5
Chapter 1: The prologue seems interesting already. I don’t know when the next update will be, but I’ll anticipate it a lot! Thanks for this nice intro of the story..!
Chapter 1: Omfg I love this so much already. The writing 🤌🤌🤌 keeps me on edge and I really can't wait to read what happens next. I ing love Seol and Baekhyun already!!! Plus the political climate sounds really interesting.
2592 streak #7
Chapter 1: OOH, I like Seol a lot already!! :D She's got a lot of sass and mystique about her, HAHA, and I can already tell it's going to be very chaotic once she and Baekhyun start working together. :') And I'm very intrigued by the Shen and the dichotomy between technology and magic in this universe!! YOU'RE SO CREATIVE, I BOW DOWN TO YOU *o*
Chapter 1: HOLY COW— I seriously can't be this excited over a prologue BUT I AM OMG THIS SOUNDS HELLA PROMISING ALREADY??? The way u described the whole scene was damn thrilling and I can't wait to read more! Till thennn~
Chapter 1: WOAH !? Just a prologue but it gave me chills already!
Didn't expect it to be involved with "technology" either ?!
The prologue made me so exciting for the chapter 1
Chapter 1: I SWEAR— once I saw that notif during class, I’ve been itching to tap on it 😭 I’m so excited that I didn’t realize this was a prologue and got shocked when the chapter ended pretty fast ✋