The Losers

Summer Camp
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Everyone is laughing after Taeyeon mentioned Red Team, besides Seohyun, Jessica, and Tiffany. But he remained in his seat, not even moving an inch.


"The losers team? You want to be with the losers?" Yuri pointed at Seohyun and laugh causing the campers to laugh even harder. 


Seohyun sends glares to Yuri. She wants to punch him so much but holds back, doesn't want to create trouble. The only thing she can do is to leave and she did. Everyone now is calling her a loser as she reaches the exit door only to be held by someone. 


"Where are you going?" ask Taeyeon. "You can't let them do that." 


Seohyun pulled her hand off of him. "And make trouble? No way, Oppa." she said as her tears finally drops. She looked at Yuri with furious eyes as her fists are clenched. "I'm used to this." she muttered. It's heavy inside but what else she can do? Even her parents don't want her to do something about the bully.


"Wait." Taeyeon tried to stop her but she continued her way out.


"Yah! Kim Taeyeon! We're not yet done!" Yuri called out so loud but the latter chases the loser. "Well, I guess the show ends there." He laughs and returned to his seat. The cafeteria has also returned to normal.


Jessica and Tiffany are both shaking their heads.


"He's getting out of hand." Tiffany mumbled, playing with the straw on her drink while eyeing Yuri.


"As long as he doesn't hurt anyone, I think he'll be fine." said Jessica, doesn't think Yuri will get a punishment.


"Yeah, poor Seohyun." 


"Let's comfort her later."


Tiffany opened to reply but only to change her mind when she noticed Yoona is approaching their table. She raise her eyebrows because he is holding a coffee. "Yes?"


"Noona, I hope you like this." Yoona handed it to her a bit shy.


Jessica scoffs at the scene.


"Yeah, of course. Thanks, Yoona." A sweet smile formed on Tiffany's lips as she took it.


Bowing, Yoona immediately returns to his seat with his green team and was teased playfully by them. He's all red like a tomato.


"A junior likes you, Tiffany." Jessica also teases, nudging her.


Tiffany just scoff and took a sip of the coffee. She glances at Yoona and finds him cute with all the blush on her face. "He's cute. But I don't like younger boys."


"I know." laughs Jessica. "Oh, he had this letter by the way." She took the card from her pocket immediately and shared it. "Do you want me to read it for you or you read it yourself?"


"No, I'll read it myself." Tiffany giggles, taking the card, reading it. 


From his seat, Yoona noticed the card which cause him to widen his eyes, and quickly he got up not to approach her back but to leave the cafeteria. He doesn't want to see her reaction.


"He's so cute." Tiffany could only say that she's smiling like a fool reading the internet love letter of a junior high school student. She felt giddy inside rereading it for the third time. Jessica just scoffs in disbelief, watching her.




"Hey, Seohyun, please open the door." Taeyeon knocks continuously. He felt bad and regretful for mentioning his team. "I'm sorry about it."


"You didn't do wrong, Oppa." Seohyun answered after being quiet for about fifteen minutes. She's sitting on the floor, slowly calming down from the cries she did. "It was Yuri. He is always like that."


"But if I didn't mention your team, It wouldn't have let him bully you." sighs Taeyeon, slowly sitting down on the floor, resting his back against the door behind. "Mianhe. I'll make sure he won't do that again. I'll teach him a lesson." He added, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. He can't let it pass, especially since someone who is good to him is being bullied. 


"But Oppa, you really mean it?" Seohyun sniffles, rubbing her nose with the back of her forearm.


"What I said back there? Yes, I want to be in your team now, Seohyun-ah." Taeyeon softly and sincerely says. He realized she really needed him on her team.


"Chincha?" Came Seohyun's soft response. "Because I would gladly welcome you." 


Taeyeon chuckle. "As if you've never been telling me to be in your team?"


A soft chuckle also broke into Seohyun's mouth. "Yeah." She slowly gets up and opens the door only to jump in surprise as Taeyeon falls on the floor on his back. "Oppa!"


"You forgive me now?" Taeyeon laughs which causes the young girl to also chuckle.


"Get up there." Seohyun kicks him gently on his shoulder. 


"Yes." Standing on his feet, Taeyeon smiled cheerfully. "Let's go Red Team!" and cheered her on loudly.


"Yes!" Seohyun shouted. "Let's go Red Team!"




"LET'S GO READ TEEEAAAAM!!!" She ends up screaming and laughing with him. "Thank you Oppa." she then calmed down and can't miss to tell him. 


Taeyeon ruffles her hair playfully. "We're cousins aren't we?"


"Yeah, in this camp only." Seohyun reminded and chuckle which made him scoff.






Everyone is on their respective teams as they wait for the Seo Foundation leaders to enter the podium. They're all wearing their respective color jackets. A bonfire is in the middle, giving them warmth. Taeyeon who is confident he'll be in the Red team sits with them but can't help and glances to the pink team, especially at Tiffany who is giggling with Jessica across them.


"Aigoo, you really can't stop staring at her, eh?" Seohyun noticed and nudge him.


"They were there at the cafeteria but did nothing." Sighs Taeyeon, a bit disappointed with them to be honest.


"They're used to it."


"Yeah, everyone seems really okay with bullying."


Seohyun giggles. "I'm glad you are on my side, Oppa."


"Tsk, what else can I do?" He jokes earning a hit. He stick his tongue out and composed himself right away when Mrs. Seo together with his secretary finally entered and look at each team. 


Tiffany and Jessica stop teasing each other as they pay attention together with the others.


"We have five new campers for this year's Summer Camp. May we call on, Kim Taeyeon, Park Jimin, Chen Lee, Byun Baekhyun, and Park Solomon." Mrs. Seo loudly reads the names of the five guys. All that mentioned went to their small podium, facing everyone.


Taking the fishbowl from her secretary, Mrs. Seo approach each boy and let them pick their rolled paper inside. "Each paper has corresponding numbers. It determines your turn." she explained and they opened their papers to know their numbers. "Let's start with the first one."


Park Solomon showed his number 1 on the paper and steps forward.


"The color of the smoke will determine your team." said Mrs. Seo further, taking the tainted glass covered with aluminum from her secretary that has the name of the camper. She then gives it to him and steps aside. "You can now open take the lid."


"Whoa~" everyone is amazed as the color green of smoke came out, letting the camper take his black jacket off and wear the green one. 


The procedure goes on until it was Taeyeon's turn before the last camper.


"Fighting!" Seohyun cheered quietly from her seat which took Yuri and Yoona's attention. Yuri scoff as Yoona smiles in amusement.


"You may now open your glass." Mrs. Seo gives him the cue.


Taeyeon breathed deeply before he slowly opened it and the pink smoke came out instead of red. He immediately looked at Seohyun and the latter pouted sadly. "Can I change my color?" However, he favored that surprised everyone. "I want to be in the red team."


"No, you can't." Mrs. Seo shakes her head. "The team members were decided by the committee. We can't do anything about this."


"It's okay, Oppa!" Seohyun shouted from her seat. "You deserve to be on the winning team." she added and smiled at him assuringly.


"But." Taeyeon felt bad for the younger. But he was handed with the pink jacket already and sighs in defeat. "I'm sorry." 


"Tsk." Yuri scoffs. "He wants to be in the loser team. ." And laughs once again bringing laughter to everyone.


"Yah, shut up, Yuri!" Tiffany finally voices out furiously. "You have no manners to Mrs. Seo!" she added and wanted to hit him but Jessica pulled her back. "Aish."


"Yuri, keep your bad words to yourself. We have no room for that." Mrs. Seo scolded with a glare on the camper. Yuri bowed in apologies and complied with her.


Taeyeon sends him glares only as he passes at him and takes his seat with the pink team. 'I'll teach you a lesson bast*ard.' He thought, can't stop sending him glares from behind.






Walking into their room, Taeyeon was glad it wasn't Yuri making the sound. Yoona is in his bed, singing his heart out with a love song. He just ignored him and went to shower quietly. When he came out, Yuri was already there, lying down on his bed, soundly sleeping.


"Hyung, Tiffany Noona read my letter." Yoona shares as he put his phone down and guided Taeyeon to sit on the bed with him. "I'm thinking of serenading her, what do you think?"


"S-serenading?" Taeyeon stutters as it surprised him. "Yah, you sound bad singing earlier. Do you think she will like it? I thought you are an idol trainee. Tsk."


"That's too straightforward. But never mind. You will teach me." A goofy grin plastered on Yoona's face. "You have your guitar so you must be a singer." He pointed at the instrument behind them.


"I don't sing. I just brought that with me because I can't live without it." Taeyeon explained himself.


"Chincha? So you only play it?" Yoong frowns. "I thought you can help me." but he doesn't have a choice anymore and sighs in defeat.


"Yes." said Taeyeon. He knocks his head gently. "Go have some vocal training first if you want to serenade her." and advise him.


Yoong grumbles as he returned to his bed. "I want to impress her." He mumbles, lying down on his back, and sighs. "I wonder what's her reaction."


"You should think of the activity tomorrow." said Taeyeon, making sure his voice is loud as he glances at Yuri above Yoona's bed. "Let's not let someone win the first game."


"Araso." Yoona closes his eyes and pulled his comforter to sleep.


Closing his eyes also, Taeyeon sighs and his left to have a better position.


"Good night Hyungs."


"Good night Yoona." He only replied and went to sleep.


Yuri opened his eyes and a smirk formed his lips.






First Game: They have to transfer their respective balloons from the lake to the container that was on the pebbles. The first team to get their container full wins the game.




As soon as the whistle was blown, everyone on each team runs to the lake and swims to get their color balloons, spread all over the lake. Taeyeon was the first one on the pink team and got the first balloon immediately then returned to them to put it on their container. Jessica took her turn in a hurry.


On the green team, Yoona who is the leader is instructing everyone left to stretch their arms first and once their member returns, he will push the next to turn. 


Seohyun who is the last one and leader of her team keeps cheering on them. They're apparently lagging behind. As always for their team but she didn't give up, giving everyone their needed cheer.


Yuri on his side keeps eyeing Taeyeon from the pink team while waiting for his turn. The latter suddenly turned and their gazes meet, he sent him a middle finger before he runs to the lake and swims to get their balloon. 


'Just speaks his bad attitude.' Taeyeon thought glaring at him.


"Don't get in trouble." Tiffany noticed it and whispered to him. "We're the same, wanting to beat him till he can no longer br

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1139 streak #1
Chapter 5: Why did you discontinue authy?
LlamaAmerica #2
Chapter 5: I'm so glad you come back!!
multistory #3
Chapter 5: Glad you picked this story back up!!!!
1139 streak #4
Chapter 5: I want Taeng's team to win but i also want him to sing at the event later and shock everyone with his angelic voice... hehehe
multistory #5
Chapter 4: Am intrigued
1139 streak #6
Chapter 4: I just hope Yuri mocks Taeyeon to sing in the stage knowing Tae can't sing and then when Tae begins to sing all of them will be shock including Yuri at how good taeng's voice... and duh what's wrong with being a country boy Mrs Young? You are being judgemental...
Katara_28 #7
Chapter 3: Great.. please continue author
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 3: Hay nako Yuri....
LlamaAmerica #9
Chapter 3: Oh no! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
1139 streak #10
Chapter 3: Trouble is here again...