Chapter 31

Precious Love
Srry I am skipping what happens that day. Just to let you know, they went shopping to get Gui's mind off about the argument. While Wang Zi on the other hand tries to figure out what is wrong with his life.

Chapter 31: First day of school----------------------------------------

I woke up and looked at the alarm clock. It was 7:10 right now and school starts at 8:00 a.m. OMG! We're gonna be late and it's on the first day of school! I quickly grabbed my uniform and rushed into the bathroom. I changed, brush my teeth and hair, and quickly slipped on my shoes.

Girl Uniforms:

I went downstair and Wang Zi was no where in sight. He wouldn't leave me just like that right? I saw his shoes by the door and gave a big sigh. How come he isn't up yet? I ran upstairs and into his room. He was there sleeping on the bed soundly like a baby. I went beside him and shook him to wake up.

GG: Wang Zi wake up now! Wakie wakie baby! *There was nothing. I cleared my throat, gulped and took a deep breath.* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *He woke straight up.*

WZ: What?! What happened?!

GG: Nothing happened.

WZ: Why did you scream?

GG: To wake you up.

WZ: Ugh, I feel sleepy. Going back to sleep.

GG: No Wang Zi we have to go. Todays the first day of school. *I tried to pull him but he was too strong.*

WZ: I don't wanna. Wake me back up when it's 7:40.

GG: Wang Zi, you have only 10 minutes left before we are completely late and to get ready.

WZ: -shots up- WHAT?! Why did you say anything?!

GG: It's not my fault you won't get up. *To be true, he actually had 20 minutes but he rushed to the bathroom with his uniform. I decided to make bread for breakfast. I went down stairs and started to spread jam over the breads. Soon Wang Zi came down.

Boys uniforms:

WZ: You said that I had only 10 minutes how come you have time to make bread?

GG: Now we only have 10 minutes. Hurry, grab your bread and let's go.

WZ: Hao La. *He grabbed his bread and we were on our way to school. When we got there, I went looking for my name. There were a ton of classes. I looked from the back up.*

GG: Class A1:

Chou Yi Pei
Huang Wei Ring
Tsai Di Tong
Zhang Xiao Jie
Wang Shu Xuan
Tian Fu Zhen
Huang Jin Yi
Wu Ying Jie
Zhang Ya Wen
Guo Ji Qi
Zhuo Wen Xuan
Ren Jia Xuan
Qiu Sheng Yi
Zhuag Hao Quan
Liao Yi Yin
Jian Xiang Qi
Liao Jun Jie
Weng Rui Di
Yang Qi Yu
Yan Ya Lun
Liu Jun Wei
Wu Jun Yan
Da Dong
Chen Yi Ru
Yang Cheng Lin
He Jun Xiang

(-----------) stands for some random people.]

GG: There I am!

WZ: A1?

GG: Uhn. What class are you in?

WZ: Um.... same one.

GG: What?!

WZ: Look. Zhuo Wen Xuan, Ren Jia Xuan, Qiu Sheng Yi. My name is printed right there under Ren Hia Xuan.

YT: Gui! *I turned around after I heard my name.*

GG: Ya Tou! What class did you get in?

YT: A1

GG: Ah! ME too!

YT: Yay best buds in the same room! *Me and Ya Tou skipped all the way to our class. When we got there, all my friends were there.*

SR: Gui!

GG: SEl! Hebs, Da Ya, Apple, Xiao Jie, Tong Tong, Xiao Man, Xiao Xun, Mei Mei, you guys are in this class too?

Girls: Yep!

GG: AH! I'm so glad!

DY: We are too.

AB: Ahem, we are here too you know.

GG: No way!

AB: Yes way! *We all laughed and played around for a bit. Soon it was lunch time. I was lucky and had lunch with my friends.*

YT: Gui, you're not gonna.... *I looked at where she was pointing at. She was pointing at Wang Zi.*

GG: I may not. Wei-sama? You don't like me sitting here?

YT: No that's not it. But shouldn't the... *I intterupted her again.*

GG: Hao La. I'll go ask him to join us. *I got up and went to where Wang Zi was.* Wang Zi, the others want to know if you want to join us at the table.

WZ: I don't know.

GG: Come on. I made your lunch already. *Before he could answer I dragged him to the table and made him sit next to me. I digged into my bag and handed him his lunch box.* Here.

WZ: Xie Xie. *He was about to open it when Ao Quan came and intterupted.*

AQ: So what did she make for you?

WZ: Why would you want to know?

AQ: Aww... so ke ai....

WZ: Shut up Owodog.

AQ: What ever. -spots Da Ya- Da Ya sweetie! *He runs to where Da Ya was. And we all laugh at him.*

WZ: Weirdo.

GG: Wang Zi is the lunch good?

WZ: Yeah.

GG: Good.

AW: Wang Zi is Gui gonna make more food for you?

GG: huh?

WZ: Her decision. If she wants to, she can.

GG: Then that means you allow me to.

WZ: Uhn.

XX: Is the hubby being sweet to his wifey?

GG: Xiao Xun!

XX: Hao la. *We had fun eating lunch. Soon I went out for a break.*

???: Gui! *I turned around and there comes Aaron.*

GG: Aaron! Hi!

AY: HI! How are you doing?!

GG: Fine.

AY: Oh. Uh... Gui can I ask you a question?

GG: Sure.

AY: Are you and Wang Zi a couple?

GG: *What type of question is that?* Um... no... we..

AY: Oh good.

GG: Huh?

AY: Nothing. I was just wondering. *Before I could say the truth out, the bell rang.* Well see you later. Bye.

GG: But.... he's my husband. *I sighed and went to class. That day I had homework to do. Ugh, I am freakin tired. I got home and went straight to the bed. Wang Zi followed behind.*

WZ: Are you that tired?

GG: Yep. hey wake me up when dinner's ready.

WZ: you want me to burn down the kitchen.

GG: Oh no. Just wake me up when it's 5.

WZ: hao la.

END OF CHAPTER 31-------------------------------------------------------





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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
hellotomyself #2
yay bangbangtang!
Not bad ^o^ although I read this late but please continue to be a GuiWang fan. Feel free to read mine in return €.€
sujukyu15 #4
this story was amazing. nuff said ;)i loved it. thank you SOOOO much keep on writing ^_^
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
Huwa~ Its a story with no views but already 9 chapters? WOOOOOH! I'll be rooting for ya! XD