Chapter 29

Precious Love
CHAPTER 29: PROBLEM’S ARISING AGAIN?-----------------------------------

When I woke up, the sun was shining in my face. I got up and saw that everyone was still sleeping. I went to the closet and grabbed some clothes to change into. (Note: Girls slept in Wang Zi’s room. Boys slept in another guest room.) When I got out of the bathroom, I went downstairs. To my surprise, all the boys were up. Ah Wei, Ao Quan, Xiao Yu, Xiao Ma, Calvin, Wei Yu, Jiro, and Xiao Ma were at the couch whispering together. Wang Zi, Xiao Jie[b], Wei Lian, and Ah Ben were in the kitchen.

GG: What are the misters here talking about? *I popped up behind them.*

AW: Gui!

AQ: Don’t pop up like that you know.

GG: Apparently that’s why I’m called Gui. So what you misters whispering about?

Boys: -looks at each other and then back at Gui- Nothing.

GG: You’re planning something. I can sense it.

Boys: No we’re not.

GG: What ever.

WY: Uh, Gui I think you should check on the four other boys over there before they burn your kitchen down.

GG: What?! *I ran to the kitchen and saw Wang Zi, Ah Ben, Wei Lian, and Xiao Jie[b] cooking. I looked at all of them and then around the kitchen.* What happened here?!

AB: Uh… Gui… we… uh… we….

GG: You messed up the kitchen!

WZ: Uh… Gui we can explain.

GG: You guys can explain while cleaning up the kitchen. *I pointed to the floor. There was flour everywhere. It was on all their faces. I guess they tried to make biscuits in the morning.*

AB: Wei Lian, I told you making biscuits would be a bother.

GG: -small laugh-

XJ[b]: But no, you wanted biscuits. So here we are being yelled at.

GG: -laughs-

WL: Gui, are you feeling alright?

GG: Yeah, I just noticed your faces. *I pointed to their faces. They stared at each other then back at me.*

WL+XJ[b]+AB: Then we have a surprise for you. *They raised their hands that had flour on them. Ah Ben grabbed me in before I could run out and they started putting flour on my face.*

GG: EY! What are you guys doing?! *Wang Zi just stood to the side laughing.* Qiu Sheng Yi, you think it’s funny?! Well here. *I grabbed some flour and smashed it into his face. He stopped laughing. He started at me in surprise and then the rest started laughing. He started to play along. He was about to put some on my face, when I ran and hid behind the laughing boys. They had a flour fight. It was too much fun and we forgot about the rest of the group.*

XMAN: What’s going on here? *She and the girls came down the stairs.*

XX: Why is there so much noise?

WY: Gui and the other guys are having a flour fight.

Girls: What?! *They ran quickly down the stairs and then into the kitchen. They stopped behind the counters because they didn’t want to get my clothes dirty from the flours.* Gui! *We all stopped in our tracks. Me and the boys stared at the others at the counters.*

GG: Hi Girls. I see you’re up.

MM: What happened? *I told them about what happened and they all sighed in relief.*

GG: What else did you think?

YT: We thought you were on rampage or something.

GG: Wo? –points at self-

Girls: -nods- Uhn.

GG: Why would I?

AP: Because you did once.

GG: When?

TT: Remember that day when this guy started to abuse a little girl?

GG: Yeah.

XJ[g]: Well someone got mad.

XMA: And sent that guy flying to the hospital for a week.
*All the guys backed up.*

GG: That was 3 years ago.

DY: No matter how many years ago it was, you would still do that.

HT: The other girls are right Gui.

GG: Sorry, I just can’t control my temper when someone is being taken advantage of.

XMA: Like when Wang Zi was taking advantage of me?
*When the guys heard that, they tried to hush Xiao Man, but it was too late.*

YT: And you started to threaten. No warn Wang Zi. *They did the same with Ya Tou.*

AW: and hit him unconscious right in the face? *We all stared at Ah Wei.* What? *The boys gave him the you-had-to-say-that look. Ao Quan came up and slapped him on the head.*

AQ: Ben Dan. You’re not supposed to let Gui remember the incident.

AW: How would you know? You were to drunk and hugging Da Ya. –pretending to hug someone.-

AQ: Ah Wei…

GG: Enough! *I slammed my hand on the counter which made a loud noise. They all got quiet and looked at me.* If you want to argue, go out immediately. I’m not eating breakfast. *I squeezed through the crowd and went upstairs to change out of the clothes and into fresh ones.*

END OF GUI’S P.O.V-------------------------------------------------------------

WANG ZI’S P.O.V-------------------------------------------------------------------

Uh oh they’re gonna have Gui remember that day again. Like I predicted, she got mad. But what surprised me was the slam that she did. It was loud. She stormed upstairs as everyone watched her. She went into my room and slammed the door shut. Everyone looked at Ya Tou, Xiao Man, and Ah Wei.

AW: What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?

XY: You had to remind Gui about the incident. She and Wang Zi was doing fine. Until now.

AB: She was just smiling now, and then poof smile gone.

YT: Du Bu Qi.

XMN: Du Bu Qi. I didn’t mean to.

WZ: It doesn’t matter. *Everyone turned to look at Wang Zi.*

XMA: Ey, Wang Zi. Did the Cold hearted King just say that it doesn’t matter?

WZ: Yeah what about it?

WL: Nothing we’re not used to you just saying those things.

WZ: What do you mean?

AQ: Every time a problem that happens to you comes up, you would be all angry and throw stuff at us. *I looked at Ao Quan and threw some flours at him.* HEY!

WZ: Keep talking, there’s more where those came from.

Boys: Hao La.

WZ: Now if you all would excuse me, I need to change into another pair of clothes. *I went through the crowd and straight up the stairs. I knocked on the doors, but there was no answer. I went back downstairs and got the master key. I went back up and opened the door. As I opened the door, Gui was still changing.*


WZ: Sorry! I didn’t know you were still changing. *Gui ran straight into the bathroom and shut the door.*

END OF WANG ZI’S P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------

XIAO XUN’S P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

After Wang Zi came back down to get the master key and back up, we heard a scream from the room. We all looked at each other once and then started to run upstairs. When we got to the room, Wang Zi was on the floor covering his eyes.

XX: What happened?!

XY: Wang Zi, what happened?

AQ: Prince, did something happen?

YT: Wang Zi, who screamed? *There was a bunch of questions asked by everyone, but Wang Zi wouldn’t answer. He just covered his eyes. Then Gui came out from the bathroom.*

XX: Gui, what happened? Who screamed and why? Also, why is Wang Zi on the floor covering his eyes? Did something happen?

GG: -Just stares at Wang Zi- Everything’s ok. Nothing happened. I saw a bug and screamed.

XX: Then Wang Zi….

GG: Ask him what happened. I gotta go. *Gui went towards the door and was about to go out when Wang Zi held her back.*

WZ: Du Bu Qi. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know.

GG: I already said it right? Everything’s ok. Nothing happened.

WZ: But…

GG: Enough, don’t bother me now. I’m still angry. *Gui got her hand out of Wang Zi’s grasp and went back down stairs. Everyone just stared at Gui and Wang Zi.*

XX: Guys, let’s get out so that Wang Zi can change into cleaner clothes. *I gestured for everyone to get out and they did. When we got back down stairs, we saw Gui and Rainie facing each other.*

END OF XIAO XUN’S P.O.V--------------------------------------------------------------

END OF CHAPTER 29--------------------------------------------

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
hellotomyself #2
yay bangbangtang!
Not bad ^o^ although I read this late but please continue to be a GuiWang fan. Feel free to read mine in return €.€
sujukyu15 #4
this story was amazing. nuff said ;)i loved it. thank you SOOOO much keep on writing ^_^
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
Huwa~ Its a story with no views but already 9 chapters? WOOOOOH! I'll be rooting for ya! XD