Chapter 24

Precious Love
CHAPTER 24: MOVING IN?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The next morning, Ge and Sis came over.

GG: Hi. Come in.

WC: Thanks.

GG: So how was the check up?

EC: Healthy and great.

GG: boy or girl?

EC: Gui, you can’t see tell. You can during the 4 or 5th month.

GG: Hao la. You too seem to be happy now.

EC: He explained everything.

GG: Who was she? Why did she want you? What did you do?

WC: My friend from the states. She didn’t I went there to meet her. And I helped her.

GG: What kind of problem?

WC: Boy problem.

GG: But Sis said she kissed you.

WC: No she was just in front of me and when you look at it, it looks like people were kissing. She was crying that night. Because the guy she dated was up there in the VIP room with a bunch of girls. I had her take me there. So I did and talked some sense into that boy. You won’t believe who it is.

GG: Who?

WC: Nicholas.

GG: You mean Nicholas Teo? Let me guess the girl was Rui Sha.

WC: Yep.

GG: Why didn’t you say so?!

WC: never asked me.

EC: You know her?

GG: She’s Ge’s friend when he studied in the states. She comes back once in a while and drops by. She told me about her boyfriend Nicholas Teo. That he was a great person and he only loves her.

EC: How old is she?

GG: I think 21. Only 3 years older than me. But younger than Ge.

EC: Oh. This guy never mentioned that part. *She elbowed Ge on the stomach and he pretended to gasp in pain. We all started laughing. Then Wang Zi came down.*

GG: Hoh, du bu qi. we didn’t mean to wake you. *I helped him sit down.*

WZ: No it’s ok.

GG: Do you want anything? Water? Something to eat?

WZ: No, I was just bored up there and then I heard people laughing and talking down here. So Elle how’s the baby?

EC: Just fine. So Wang Zi, sorry Gui if this might offend you but, when are you going to have one?

GG: What?! *Me and Wang Zi looked at Ella.*

EC: What?!

GG: Neh-ver eh-ver goh-ing to hah-pen. (Never ever going to happen.)

EC: Oh right I forgot, you sleep in different rooms. *I ran to her and covered , but too late, she already said all of it.*

WC: What? You and Wang Zi don’t sleep in the same room?

GG: Busted. *Ge went up to our rooms and looked around. He went into Wang Zi’s and then into mine next.*

WC: Gui, do you know what mom and dad will do if they find out?

GG: I know but I’m just not ready for these kinds of things.

WC: What do you mean?

GG: I…I… I don’t want to fall into the steps of mother hood yet. I want to finish school first then I might start on it.

WC: Really?

GG: I said might.

WC: Well, I can’t do anything about it.

GG: Thank you.

WC: Wang Zi you might as well at night quietly crept up to her and sleep with her. You get what I mean? *Ge flashed a grin at Wang Zi. Wang Zi started feeling uncomfortable.*

GG: Ge!

WC: Hao la. I was just kidding. You don’t need to yell at my ear.

GG: Thank you.

WZ: Uh.. Chun, no need. I don’t want to force her.

GG: At least someone understands me.

WZ: I’ll wait until night time. –playing along with Chun. Grins at Chun telling him that he is playing along.-

WC: Great. Then no worries.

GG: Wang Zi!

WZ: What?! I think it’d be great!

GG: Qiu Sheng Yi! Ugh…. Keep this up and you won’t get pancakes to eat ever again!

WZ: Fine, Chun we should stop before she threatens me with no breakfast. *Wang Zi starts to laugh with Ge.*

GG: Hao La, you played it. You get it. No pancakes for a month.

WZ: -stops- What?

GG: Two months..

WZ: But…

GG: Want to make it three? *Wang Zi kept his mouth shut and slumped back down to the sofa. I stared at Ge next.*

WC: Ey, Gui is that how you treat your husband?

GG: Husband? More like a child. I haven’t even born any yet and I already have one.

WC: Hahahaha!

GG: Sis, you got yourself a big one here. *I stood up and went to my room before anyone of them could say anything else. I went up to my room and locked it. I laid in bed for a while and then woke back up. Ugh, what are those two thinking? I am not ready yet. Geez, have to act like a little kid and letting me be the adult. I should be the kid… wait Wu Ying Jie, what are you thinking? Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I went to open it. There stood at the doorway was Wang Zi.* What do you want?

WZ: I just came up here to say sorry for what I was saying with your brother downstairs. I was just playing.

GG: I don’t care anymore.

WZ: Really?

GG: Yep. But that doesn’t mean I am taking back what I said about the pancakes.

WZ: What?

GG: Bye bye. Good night. *I shut the door in his face.*

WZ: It’s not even night time yet. Gui! Gui! *I started to giggle to myself.*

END OF GUI’S P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WANG ZI’S P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I just went up to apologize to Gui for saying those unnecessary things and I got kicked out of her room. Actually got slammed in the face with the door. I went back to my room. Guess it really is no pancakes for two months. I should keep this mouth shut if I want something. This is what happens. I went to my room and laid there thinking about Gui. Stop, did I just say thinking about Gui? What is wrong with me? It’s not like I like her or anything. Ugh too frustrating! I drifted off to sleep and laid there motionless.

When I woke up, it was already morning. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the alarm clock. It was 7 o’clock. I washed up and went down stairs. As usual, Gui was up and making breakfast. I sat down at my seat and she was coming in with a plate of eggs.

WZ: Eggs?

GG: Yeah. I already said, no pancakes for 2 months now didn’t I?

WZ: Yeah but..

GG: Eat up. *She happily set the plate down and went to the living room. She the TV and started watching these shows. I sighed and ate the eggs. They weren’t that bad. They tasted just the same when Gui first made them. I finished eating and washed my plate. After I was done washing, Gui was no where in sight. I was about to call her name when the doorbell rang. I went over and opened it. When I opened it, someone hugged me.


END OF WANG ZI’S P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GUI’S P.O.V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After Wang Zi went to wash the dishes, I went upstairs and changed. I came back down hearing the doorbell ring. I was at the top of the stairs looking as Wang Zi went and answered the door. Then as soon as Wang Zi opened the door, someone hugged him.

???: I MISSED YOU! *I just stood there motionless. Great more problem. I stared at them for sometime and then I recognize who it was. I went down the stairs..*

GG: Rainie? *She pulled away from Wang Zi and looked up. She stared at me and her smile faded. Then it came back. She ran and hugged me.*

RY: Gui!

GG: Rainie, what are you doing here?

RY: I…uh….I…. just got kicked out of the house.

GG: Your house?

RY: Uhn. So I had no where to go. So I came here to look for you. *Why would she say that? When she entered she said that she missed Wang Zi. Now she’s saying that she got kicked out of the house? Rainie you’re not planning anything right?* Can I stay here for a couple of days before I find another place to go to? *She let go of me and looked at me. I didn’t know how to answer.*

GG: Uh…. If Wang Zi agrees you can.

RY: Wang Zi can I? *She ran to Wang Zi’s side and hugged his arm. She started pouting.*

WZ: Sure. *Why do I feel that this is a bad idea? Why is it that I feel as though something is going to happen? I saw Rainie jumping up and down in joy. She’s excited. She went and brought in several bags. She said she got kicked out of the house, but has this much bags with her? I just stared at her bags.*

RY: Gui, you don’t mind carrying my things to the room I’m staying in right?

GG: Um… sure no problem. *I DO mind. I just don’t want to look bad in front of Wang Zi. I went and picked up one of the bags.*

WZ: Gui, let me help.

GG: Uh… no it’s okay.

WZ: Gui, I need you to move you’re stuff into my room. *He whispered so that only me and him can hear. Before I could say anything, he helped me bring the bags* Rainie, make yourself comfortable. We’ll be right back.

RY: -faked a smile- Uhn. Take your time. *We brought all the bags into my room and removed all of my things into Wang Zi’s room.*

GG: Wei, why do we have to move my things to your room?

WZ: Because I said so. Just do it, please?

GG: Hao la. Since you used the magic word. *When we were done, we went back down and found Rainie asleep on the couch. I shook my head as I saw her. I went straight to the kitchen to make lunch. When I was done, Rainie was still asleep and Wang Zi was watching TV.* Wang Zi do you mind waking Rainie, while I go and set the table?

WZ: Sure. Rainie, Rainie, Rainie, wake up. It’s time to eat. *I finished setting the table and when I got to the living room, Rainie’s arms were hugging Wang Zi. I just stared at them. Rainie kept mumbling words.*

RY: Wang Zi… Wo de Wang Zi…. *Wang Zi looked at me and gave me the pleading sign. I sighed, then smiled and went to help him.*

GG: YANG CHENG LIN! THERE’S A SPIDER ON YOU! *Rainie got up and screamed. She stood up and tried to get the “spider” off.*

RY: Get it off me. Get it off me!

GG: Rain…. Calm down. There’s no spider.

RY: Than why’d you say that?

GG: To get you to wake up. Come on, it’s time to eat lunch. *While we were eating lunch, my phone rang.*

PHONE CONVERSATION:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GG: Wei?

XX: Gui?

GG: Yep. Do you need something?

XX: Uh… Gui…. Do you mind going shopping with me?

GG: For what?

XX: For someone’s birthday.

GG: Whose?

XX: How could you forget? Apple’s…

GG: Oh, really? Oh man, I forgot! Ok. Sorry.

XX: Ok meet me at the mall at 3 today.

GG: Ok see you.

END OF PHONE CONVERSATION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WZ: Gui, who was that?

GG: Xiao Xun…

WZ: What were you guys talking about?

GG: Apple’s birthday tomorrow. Uh… Wang Zi, do you mind dropping me off at the mall?

WZ: Sure. What time?

GG: 3 p.m.

WZ: OK. Then come get me at 2:30.

GG: Hao la. *After we finished eating, I ended up washing the dishes while Wang Zi showed Rainie around the house.*

END OF GUI’S P.O.V----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WANG ZI’S P.O.V----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Me and Rainie were walking to through the garden at the back yard. (Note: They have two gardens. One in the front and one in the back.) She was still clinging onto me. Not letting go of me. This reminds me of when we were still dating. I remember the day that we both went to the beach together and that was the happiest day of my life. But why is she coming back into my life? We sat down at the bench and she leaned against me.

RY: Wang Zi, doesn’t this remind you of when we went to the beach? *It was like she reading my mind. I was just thinking of the beach.*

WZ: yeah.

RY: I want to go back. When it was only me and you and no one else. I want to go back when we laughed and had a great time. I want to go back and be with you only.

WZ: Rainie…

RY: Hmmm?

WZ: Why are you back? *I think I caught her off guard. She got off my shoulder and looked at me.*

RY: Because I love you.

WZ: Then those words you said that day when I broke up with you, what did you mean by them?

RY: I was sooo stupid. I thought that since you are going to start a life, I could forget you. So I went out with Li Quan to forget you but in the end I couldn’t forget you.

WZ: If you didn’t say those words, I would’ve broke off this marriage you know? *I stared at her and she stared back at me.*

RY: Does this mean you still have feelings towards me?

WZ: I don’t know. I’m confused That’s all. *She quickly hugged me and gave a squeal. She was happy that I answered that way. Every time the words ‘I don’t know’ com out, she would assume that I am saying yes. I sighed and she laid her head back on my chest.*

RY: Wang Zi, I really love you. Love you more than anything in this world. *Why do I feel horrible when she said this? What is this feeling?*

END OF CHAPTER 24----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
hellotomyself #2
yay bangbangtang!
Not bad ^o^ although I read this late but please continue to be a GuiWang fan. Feel free to read mine in return €.€
sujukyu15 #4
this story was amazing. nuff said ;)i loved it. thank you SOOOO much keep on writing ^_^
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
Huwa~ Its a story with no views but already 9 chapters? WOOOOOH! I'll be rooting for ya! XD