Chapter 2

Precious Love
Chapter 2: The Plan

Still Wang Zi’s P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mom jumped up and down in happiness. I saw Gui and her mother pull apart. They looked over. Mom went over to Gui them. Gui’s face changed she heard that I agreed. She came by me and pulled me to the side.

END OF P.O.V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GUI’S P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mom and I heard aunty jump up and down squealing like a four year old who just won a bag of candy. Mom and I released each other and looked at her. Then she came over.

“June, guess what?” Aunty said to mom.

“What?!” Mom asked anxiously.

“Qiu Sheng Yi agreed to the wedding already.”

“WHAT?!” I yelled. What is this guy saying?

“Yeah. Now we can be in-laws.” Aunty said. This is not happening right? This can’t be. I looked over at Wang Zi then I went towards him and pulled him out the door. I forgot that mom and aunty were still there. When they saw what I did, they squealed with delight. I pulled outside and started yelling at him.

“Wang Zi! Why did you agree?!”

“Because I didn’t have any other choice.”

“Then what about Rainie? You know she’s my best friend. If she found out that you’re gonna marry me, she totally freak and hate me for the rest of my life.”

“Relax will you?”

“How can I relax? How can I be calm when this is how the situation comes to this?”

“I don’t know just do it.” I closed my eyes. I felt like punching him in the face. Then came reporters. They started asking all these questions. I ignored them. I kept glaring at Wang Zi.

“You can ask this man all your questions. I got nothing to say.” I said. Wang Zi looked at me in astonishment.

“What?! Hey wait!” he pulled me back and I tripped on the back of my heel. I was falling but he caught me. We turned to face each other and we kissed; lip to lip no doubt. I pushed him off me forgetting that there were still reporters and covered my mouth. How did this happen? Why is it that every time something bad happens, it’s always with him? I opened the door and went inside. I started to wipe my lips with my hands. When we got home, I was totally exhausted. I can’t believe all the drama! I was able to take off the killer heels. My feet were red from it. That night I wasn’t able to sleep.

The next day when I got to school there were a crowd of people around me. WTH?! What’s with all these people? So early in the morning too. Ugh, move. Then these girls came up to me.

“Hey are you really engaged to Wang Zi?” I stared at her.

“What?! Where’d chu hear that from?” I asked.

“From Mei Mei and Wei Yu.” She replied. Mei Mei, I should have known. I marched past the girls and everyone else. I went straight to the class room to only find Mei Mei telling the story. When she and Wei Yu saw me, Wei yu went back to his desk and Mei Mei slowly sunk to her chair. I went up to her and grabbed her hand and dragged her out. Wei Yu stared at us as I dragged her. When I knew that we were in a convenient spot away from everyone else, I asked her.

“Mei Mei why did you tell people about it? What if Rainie hears about it?”

“About what? I don’t know what you’re talking about Gui.” She said innocently.

“The engagement. I know you told because Wang Zi isn’t even here yet. And the news aren’t even broadcast on TV yet.”

“Fine I admit I told them.”


“I thought that if I did, it would be better for you. More people would be around us more.”

“So you’re doing this for publicity?”

“It sounds like it.”

“Mei Mei…” I said slowly. I felt bad for her. “We don’t need publicity. If those people want to hang out with us for publicity, then screw them because I don’t want publicity. I want them to find out themselves.” I hugged Mei Mei and she hugged me back. “Come on, let’s go back.” Mei Mei nodded. When we got back to class, Wang Zi was surrounded by boys from our class and from our lower classes. I stared at them while they ask Wang Zi all these questions.

“Are you and Gui Gui getting engaged? Since when?” or “Why do you have a chance with Gui Gui?” or some other lame stuff. I on the other hand was getting annoying. I went up to one of them and tapped them on the shoulder. The boy turned around and saw me. He tapped his partner on his left.

“Wei Lian. Wei Lian.” He whispered.
“What do you want Ah-Wei?” Wei Lian asked. Then he finally turned. “Gui Gui!” he yelled. All the other boys moved away from Wang Zi. He was finally able to breathe again.

“Gui are you here to check on your soon-to-be-husband?” Ao Quan said coming up to me and sitting on a desk. I glared at him.

“No, actually I want my seat back. But I can’t because ‘some people’ is occupying it.” I said and looked at Ao Quan. He stared around him. No one was around him.

“Stinky Owodog, your on her seat.” Wang Zi said and everyone stared at him. He looked and gave a weak smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry Gui. Here.” He said. He got up and went to his seat. Thank goodness. I sat down and Wang Zi was staring at me. He mouthed the words ‘Thank-you’ to me. I just stared at him. While I was taking out my stuff, Tong Tong came up to me in a sudden rush. She slid my books to the ground.

“Hey….HEY! TONG TONG! What are you doing?!” I asked then she hugged me tightly. I wasn’t able to breathe.

“Oh my little Gui is getting married after all! And at a young age too!” Tong Tong said excited. Then came in Da Ya. She said the same thing and did the same thing. Xiao Jie [G], Ya Tou, Apple, and Xiao Man did the same thing. I couldn’t breathe. Then came a voice,

“Ey, everyone better stop before Wang Zi has to marry a corpse bride.” It was Xiao Xun. She saw me suffering. SO everyone let go of me. I was breathing really hard, and then teacher Na Dou came in. When he saw me and Wang Zi, he smiled.

“Congratulations to the soon-to-be-married-couple.” Teacher Na Dou said. Me and Wang Zi stared at the teacher as everyone cheered. Even Teacher Na Dou heard it. “And to congratulate that, we are going on a fieldtrip this weekend to the water park! Does it sound like fun?” Everyone cheered. Me and Wang Zi looked at each other. Then there was a weak “Yay.” Coming from both of us. OMG! Not only am I going to get married to him, I also have to spend the weekend with him. I bet everyone’s going to put us in a room together.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of ch.2

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
hellotomyself #2
yay bangbangtang!
Not bad ^o^ although I read this late but please continue to be a GuiWang fan. Feel free to read mine in return €.€
sujukyu15 #4
this story was amazing. nuff said ;)i loved it. thank you SOOOO much keep on writing ^_^
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
Huwa~ Its a story with no views but already 9 chapters? WOOOOOH! I'll be rooting for ya! XD