

On their way home, Yerin was sitting behind Sinb, who was driving her motorcycle. Then Sinb felt a phone buzzing inher back pocket. 

“Could you get that for me?” Sinb asked, her eyes focused on the road. Yerin reached into Sinb's back pocket and took her phone out.

“Who is it?” 

“It's s an unknown number” Yerin replied once she read the screen. 

“answer it" Yerin swiped the phone answering the call and put it on speaker before holding it closer to Sinb's ear.



“Hi Sinb, how've you been? It's been a while eh?”

The mystery man spoke through the phone, making Sinb lose control of the motorcycle, swerving into another lane before regaining her control. 

“Kevin? What the hell do you want?” Sinb spoke through her gritted teeth. 

“Come on now, you know what I want, don't you?”

“This isn't a good time Kevin” 

“ for you. Meet me in 10 minutes. I assume you know where the place is"

“hey but-“ Sinb got cut off.

“Good. Don't be late” 

“But what you want now?” Sinb pleaded. 

"Sinb darling, don't test me. You don't want me to get mad now, do you? You know there will be big consequences if you don't cooperate" He spoke in his deeper voice.

“Fine" Sinb sighed. 

"That's like a good girl. Don't be late, I don't like waiting. Goodbye now” 

Yerin hung up the phone and returned it to Sinb's back pocket. 

“Who was that?” 

“Dont worry about it” Sinb replied.

“Why does he want to meet you?”


“Because what?” 

“Stop asking questions" Yerin stayed silent for the next 10 minutes until they reached the destination to what looked like and old abandoned house. Right in front of the house stood a tall, skinny guy, who looked like he is in his 30's, with a cigarette in his mouth. Sinb stopped the motorcycle on the side of the road, taking off her helmet and getting up. 


“Wait here.” She whispered to Yerin before walking up to the man. Yerin obeyed her order and stayed put on the motorcycle. Sinb stopped a few feet away from him. Yerin took her helmet off to hear their conversation. 

“What do you want?” Sinb impatiently asked the man. 

“Come on, don't be like that” He took a few steps closer to Sinb. 

“Kevin, I wanna go home. You're wasting my time" He put the cigarette back in his mouth and inhaled one last time before tossing it into the floor and putting it out with his shoe. 

“i hope you didn't forget about my thread" Sinb stayed silent, glaring at the man in front of her.

“That was just-" Sinb huffed, looking back at Yerin to see if she is watching them, making kevin follow Sinb's gaze onto Yerin, who is watching both of them carefully. He smiled at Yerin as if he had just noticed she wasn't there the whole time. 

“Well hello there. I don't think we've met before, what's your good name?” He creepily smiled, exposing his yellow teeth.

“None of your business" Sinb barked.

“Don't be like that Sinb-ya, I'm Just trying to be nice” Kevin walked up to Yerin and smiled again.

“I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you dear” He held out his hand for Yerin, which she took and they both shook hands. 

“I'm Yerin” She smiled back at him. 

“Stop it” Sinb rushed over to kevin next to the motorcycte. 

“Stop what? Introducing myself?” Kevin burst out a laugh. 

“Don't be silly” 

“We're leaving now" Sinb hopped on the motorcycle. 

“Already? But you just got here. I have an idea, why don't the two of you join me for a bottle of wine back at my place huh?” 

“No need Kevin" Sinb started the engine. 

“Not so fast love, do I have to remind you about what you've done ?” He put his hand on the handlebars to stop Sinb from driving. 

"Kevin please, Why are you doing this? Sinb growled.

“I'm not doing anything darling"


"Goodbye girl, And yeah bye Yerin" He showed his creepy smile again and walked away.

Before anything else could happen, Sinb hopped off the motorcycte and stopped that taller man and stood in front of him.


"yes bab-" Before he could finish his sentence, Sinb threw a punch across his face and one below his face, making him take a step back, holding his jaw in pain.

“What the fu-“ He got cut off by Sinb's elbow jammed in his stomach. For her big finale, she kicked in between his legs, making him fall on the floor whimpering.

Yerin could not believe her eyes. She was completely terrified and speechless at the same time. Sinb just beat up a man who is twice of her size. 


“You will regret this you little ” Kevin whimpered in pain as he laid on the dirty floor.

Sinb quickly hopped on her motorcycte, and without wasting any time she took off, driving far away from Kevin. 

Alot of time had passed until they had gotten closer to home and Yerin could finally form her thought and could speak property.

"What what was that all about?” 

“None of your ing business” Yerin gulped. 

She get terrified by this side of her. The same feeling of when Yerin spilled her milk on her was rushing back. Not wanting to anger Sinb any more, she kept shut the whole way back to her house. Sinb stopped the motorcycle once they reached Yerin's house. 

Yerin slowly took her helmet off and got off the motorcycle, standing next to it. She handed Sinb the helmet and watched her put it away. 

“What are you still looking at?” Sinb Said sternly. 

“Sorry" Yerin quickly turned around and started heading towards her door. Just as she reached the door nob, she heard Sinb's motorcycle engine fade as she drove away. Yerin opened the door entered her house, closing the door behind her. Just as she was taking her shoes off, she heard someone running towards her. 


“Yerin? Is that you?” Her mom appeared from the living room. 


“Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it?” Her mom yelled in fury. 

Yerin glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 12:23 am. Yerin couldn't tell if she was hallucinating. Was she really out for that long? She didn't even notice the sun went down-

"I can't believe this Sinb girl is making you stay out past midnight, making you completely forget about your overdue homework” Her mom crossed her arms.

“Sorry, mom. I promise i'll do it first thing tomorrow"

"Oh, I know you will, because you're not going to be anywhere near to Sinb anymore"

“What do you mean?” Yerin asked.

“I forbid you to ever see that girl again” 

“But mom-” 

“That's final Yerin. My words are clear” Her mom turned around and hedded back into the living room and picked up her phone to make a call.

“Who are you calling?” Yerin followed her mom into the living room.

“Your father. He went out looking for you” 

“Oh, sorry” Yerin apologized once again before making her way up to her room and pulling her phone out to see 12 missed calls in total from Joy and Sungjae, and 10 text messages. Yerin flopped onto her bed and sighed, letting sleep take over her. 



Today Yerin was on V- Live. Damn i'm really missing her more now.



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dpphppy #1
Chapter 7: Expected already her parents especially her mom will say something like that but ermm who is kevin...
Chapter 6: So, next chapter... kiss? 😏
Yerintopic #3
Chapter 6: Woww sinb turns to be soft person to yerin
dpphppy #4
Chapter 6: Did she just confessed 👁👁
Chapter 5: Uuw sinrin finally close
dpphppy #6
Chapter 5: They have become a little bit close with each other also sinb have open up about herself to yerin 🥺 thankyou for triple update today.
dpphppy #7
Chapter 4: Sinb :(
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!
I read the current chapters on row!
Can’t wait for next chap :)
Jmpangilinan #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha mommies girl
dpphppy #10
Chapter 2: New story from you!!! And yes highschool fanfic!