Through The Good And The Bad, Il Be Here

SHINee One-Shots [Apply/Request]


This is for Seunii

I Actually LOVED The plot for this<3 Great imagination ^^ 


“Give it back Tinnie” Taemin said angrily as he tried to grab a hold of the unseen baby picture Tinnie had in her hands.

“Nope” She said playfully, while running around a tree.

“Give it back or else” Taemin said shooting death glares at her

“Or else what Taemin?” She mocked

Taemin ran after her as fast as he could, until he grabbed a hold of her wrist and slid his hands around her waist.

“Give it now, you cant get out, your trapped” He smirked 

Tinnie felt blood rush up to her puffy cheeks, as she slid out of his hold.

“Taemin, your no fun” Tinnie said pouting, handing him the picture

“Yes I am” Taemin nodded his head, glaring at his picture with relief.

Tinnie started walking down the road with Taemin by her side, like always, they were inseparable, ever since they were babies they were glued together. They walked together, ate together, went to class together.

People even thought they were dating, but they were only the best of friends.

But what Tinnie wanted wasn't only to be friends. She wanted to be with him forever, as his girl. She had loved him ever since she knew the definition of love. 

“Bye Taemin” Tinnie waved as she went the other direction, towards her house.

Taemin waved back, glimming his beautiful smile at her.

I almost died when he held me like that for the picture Tinnie thought.

She felt her cheeks become heated and She turned red as an apple.

While walking across the street she heard someone call her name but didn't turn around to notice who it was, 

“Sweetie! Look Out!” Someone screamed as she felt something hit her.


She saw nothing but pitch black, and felt her body become numb. She heard whispering ,voices and didn't understand the situation until she heard someone say

“Omg, theres so much blood” 

She felt herself go into a frenzy, trying to move her body but nothing seemed to work, she felt herself, lay there,


At The Hospital

“Nooo! not my baby! Please tell me theres something, anything! you can do!” Screamed Tinnie’s mother, while she sobbed into her husbands chest, drumming at it.

“Who would've done such a thing?” Her father choked out.

“We believe it was a Hit and Run, we will have the police question you once Tinnie becomes stable again” The doctor said before exiting the room.

“A Hit and Run? My poor baby!” Tinnies father said, combing Tinnies hair while she lay numb in her hospital bed.

“I want to know who did this Now” Screamed Tinnies mother

Tinnies father held his wife in his arms as she wept, staining his blouse with watery marks, rocking her back and forth repeating the same words

“She’ll be fine, I promise” 

The Next Day

Taemin walked home alone, confused, 

Tinnie always came to school, she has perfect attendence

He thought to himself.

Taemin ran his way home, holding his starving stomach,

Once Taemin made his way into his house he noticed his parents, His mother crying, and his father holding her.

Taemin raised an eyebrow as he walked closer to them, scared wether or not to ask what was wrong.

“Son, We have something to tell you” His father said in a low tone

Taemin sat on the couch, staring into his father eyes.

“Tinnie, she..” His father choked 

“She what” Taemin said standing

“She, she, she was hit by a car yesterday.. and.. the doctors, they say, she wont be able to see again” He said as he looked into his sons eyes, filled with tears

“W-what?” Taemin said as his body turned numb

“Tinnie, she- she, cant-” Taemin said holding the palm of his hand over his mouth as tears rolled down his eyes.

“No, No, No” Taemin repeated, making a run toward the door.

Taemin ran, and he knew exactly where he was headed, he had to know, he had to see her, 

When Taemin reached Tinnies hospital bedroom, he took a deep breath before opening the door slowly.

He saw a petite figure, laying, still like a corpse on the hard hospital bed, 


His Tinnie.

He made his way toward her and reached for her hands, grasping them tightly.

He heard a shudder come from her, then loud screams.

“Whos there?!”

“Why is the world so dark”

He looked at Tinnie, and tried calming her but after he heard her yelps and cries

he didn't know what to do, he felt tears roll down his cheeks,

He knew he couldn't take away her pain, there was nothing.

He massaged her hand while laying his head on her arm, humming to her softly.

“Appa?” She whispered

Taemin raised his head, looked at her and answered softly

“Yes, I’m right here” 

“Appa, where is everyone?” She whispered

Taemin felt himself shatter, he felt hot fresh tears roll down his cheeks, leaving streaks.


After that day, Taemins whole world changed, he would visit Tinnie as fast as he could, do his homework at the hospital and play along that it was her father the whole time, 

“Appa, do you know where Taemin is? And how he’s doing?” Tinnie asked

“He’s doing well, he’s keeping his grades high for you and tells us everyday that he misses you” Taemin replied softly

“Oh, Appa can i tell you something?” Tinnie asked sitting up, staring at the wall.

“Yes sweetie, anything” He said holding her hands

“I, I’ve been in love with Taemin since I was at a small age” She smiled

Taemin felt his heart go numb, hundreds of sparks lit up in his heart that would probably hurt later on.

“I Loved you for a very long time too” Taemin smiled kissing her hand

“Of course Appa, your my father” She laughed

“No, Tinnie, I’m Not” Taemin said looking into her lifeless eyes

Tinnie slowly slid her hand away from his grip and slowly got up, backing away from Taemin

“Then who are you?” She whispered

“It’s, me Taemin” He answered walking over to her

“Taemin, Is that really you?” She said massaging his cheeks, scanning his face with her fingertips, recognizing the beautiful jaw line, 

“Yes, it’s me” He smiled

“Taemin, i thought you would never come after you heard!” She screamed hugging him in her grasp, letting tears roll down her cheeks and onto taemins shoulder

“Tinnie!” He said hugging her back tightly

“-I would never leave you” He said wiping away her tears

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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Nikka Bundoc<br />
Rating: PG13 or R ;]<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Nikka finally turns 18 years old, which makes her legal in America to do most things without worrying about her overprotective parents. One of her friends convinces Nikka's parents to go to a party with her with her other friends for once and won't be back until the next day. Since Nikka's old enough and has a car, her parents agreed and made sure Nikka calls them later on to be safe. Nikka sighed but in slight relief once they hit the hotel where the party is and her friend just ditches her without waiting up for her. She ends up bumping into SHINee's Kim Jonghyun, who had been drinking slightly. They end up in a weird conversation full of Korean, English, and for some reason Chinese, but they somehow understand each other and learn certain things about each other, making Jonghyun fall in love with her. Nikka accidentally drinks a bit more than Jonghyun and they end up in a hotel room together the next early morning, with Nikka not remembering because she was drunk. When Jonghyun wakes up, he finds out he took Nikka's ity and regrets making her drunk (though he doesn't regret sleeping with her). To make up for it, he does whatever it takes to show how much he loves her.<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and funny (I hate angst for some reason)<br />
Your Bias/es: Jonghyun<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: The girl who's supposedly friends with Nikka is named Eunhye. She's nice in front of her parents but when they're alone she gets y. The only reason why she asked Nikka to go to the party with her is so she could get a ride to the party, but has already had an arranged ride to go back to her own house without Nikka.
shineexonewluv #2
<br />
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: AI<br />
<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] :<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : HAPPY ENDING<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: ONEW<br />
<br />
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Is it for OC? Then Song Soolin <br />
<br />
Rating: G,PG,PG13, R ;] G ( lol I still have a young mind xD)<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Not much, just about a couple fighting over weird stuff, like who gets to eat first, who gets to drink the orange juice first... etc xD (Sorry if the whole plot was boring...)<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : Happy<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Key ^_^<br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: LOL Incase you need the theme, it's an cute and funny one. :D<br />
1.Akura<br />
2.rated: R<br />
3.I'm a Musician and one day has a concert with a band SHINee and sure she traveled the world to play with other bands but she ends up in the make up room waiting on 5 guys which she been told and 30 mins later they arrive and rehearse the song Ring Ding Dong and as she does the epic opening on guitar SHINee starts to sing but she hears the awese solo ~butterfly~ she thinks to her self ' who's that with the beautiful voice?' Any way she goes back to playing and after that she goes back to the make up room as she heads there someone tugs her to a nearby rest room there she finds Key but she doesn't know him yet and she fell in love at first sight he turns her on so much that she didn't even notice they were in a restroom but she looked in his eyes and immediately kiss him ... you make the rest.<br />
4.VERY HAPPY<br />
5.Key<br />
6.make her don't want it at first but it turns into pleasure and then he sings his ring ding dong solo and she wants more a lot more hehe
Nana9592 #5
Name: Nami (you can choose a last name)<br />
<br />
Rating: R (for , language, and drug use) please<br />
<br />
Plot: Nami is a 19 year old exotic dancer and junkie.. She imigrated from the US to Korea and is currently living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. Kim Jonghyun WAS famous for his powerful part in SHINee, he WAS adored by any fangirl with half a brain (lol), and he WAS totally loaded... That is until his coke addiction had him blow through -not only his own money but- his fellow members funds, landed him in and out of rehab, and ultimately, cost him his position in the group. Now Jonghyun is also, living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. And now that he's sober he finds himself more and more embarrsed when his former group mates visit. So what happens when a blackout brings the junkie down the hall knocking at his door..? <br />
<br />
Ending: surprise me ^-^<br />
<br />
Bias: Kim Jonghyun (I love Key too -the other Kim- but I'm in a Moose mood so yeah)<br />
<br />
Extra: this plotline was totally inspired by, but very loosely based on -I had to tweak it to suit my liking- RENT so if you could.. title it "Light My Candle" ..XD<br />
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..THANKS IN ADVANCED!! (mianhe.. I was a little bossy with this request)
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Kat Yu<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot: Kat is a slightly clumsy but way-too confident {in the way that she thinks she can do well, but it always ends up differently then what she had planned} woman at the age of 22. She is dating a rich architect named Lee Jinki (Onew kekeke), and is waiting for him to propose. She works at SM Entertainment as one of the people responsible for the economy {this is not necessary to put in the story, I just want to be detailed!^^} and she meets Taemin by accident as she walks in on him rehearsing a dance-routine. At first she tries to ignore him, but feels herself getting feelings for the man right away. She tries her best to avoid him from then on, since she already had prepared herself for marrying Jinki. But Taemin just seems to continue running into her, and after some time she finds herself being seduced into having with him. She ends up wondering who she should be with, the arrogant but rich Lee Jinki (with several cute sides to him) or the adventurous but way-too-young Lee Taemin?<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ]: Happy! <br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew & Taemin<br />
<br />
Extra: Please consider my application! I would be so happy if you could write something including my character! :”) You can change the plot as much as you want, I won’t mind. Please just at least think about it, keke~ BTW, sorry for writing so much.. I got carried away. =_=<br />
Rachelxoxo #7
Holy! Did you leave me with a cliffhanger? *Spazz*
forever #8
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Park Eunha<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot : Onew and Eunha are constantly fighting. Then one day they get stuck in an elevator :/....And then it leads to some heated Rate R :P<br />
<br />
Ending : y! lawl~<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew :)<br />
<br />
good luck and hwaiting!!
Oh my gosh! That was so cute! <br />
Thankies so much! <3333<br />
I loved it! Every moment! <3 <br />
Omo!~! <3 Loves you so much for doing this~ <3<br />
I'm going to read every single one shot that you make now! <3<br />
<3 Seunii.
immature_girl #10
<br />
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Lee Sooru<br />
<br />
Rating: PG<br />
<br />
Plot: When she was small, she love to look at the starry night . A country girl who always ask the star where is her future... but it never replies. Oneday, that star falls down from the sky and disguised itself as a boy to show her where her future is. She falls in love with him but... Star belong to the sky, not the ground. After he finish his mission, he flies back to the sky. "The future is in your hand Sooru"<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and sad ^^"<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew <br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: nope ^^ <3