I'm Not Supposed To Love You

SHINee One-Shots [Apply/Request]


This is for Pataco_95

Sorry for my fail at ;___;


:D Enjoy<3


*Rated R 


“We’ll be back in 2 days okay guys? Take care of yourself’s, we’ll have our cellphones with us at all times” My mother smiled while waving her phone in the air.


“Yes Umma” I nodded my head before closing the door


I turned around and faced my sister, YeonUn 


I looked into her eyes, 


Differently than i was supposed to, i mean, she is just my step sister, but then again, we are only related by papers, not blood


Why do I feel this like this?


Why do I get these tingly, electric waves that go through my body when I see her little perky face.


I know this is wrong but cant help it and i’m unable to control my love for her. 



Why did you out of all people have to be my sister, why did our parents have to get married. I don’t want to ruin this relation ship we have together but, i cant help myself.

“I’ll go and start dinner okay Oppa?” She said smiling brightly at me.


I felt my blood rate go higher as i heard her voice say the word

I watched her go into the kitchen and start taking out random food. I stared at her, trying to control myself of my temptation. The way her black hair flows right above her collar bones, the bangs that almost cover her beautiful dark brown eyes, that slender waist.

I shook my head slowly, wiping away my thoughts.

I slowly headed toward her, and wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder, receiving a gasp from her

“Oppa?” She asked lightly, her breath getting heavier as my hands started to roam around her body

“Yes?” I smirked, writhing my breath against her soft neck

She turned around quickly and stared right at me, pouting her lips and moving farther away.

I laughed a little and sat down on the couch, waiting for her to finish cooking.

I sat their watching a regular soccer game until i felt the fresh aroma of warm food rush through my nose.

I made my way to the dinner table and sat down next to YeonUn.

We ate in silence and I felt her look up once in a while, i guess she’s a little bit in shock from what had happened before

As i finished up my food, i got up and headed toward the kitchen and placed my food into the sink.

I quickly made myself go into her room and start taking a shower, i could’ve used my own, but then there wouldn’t be an excuse to talk to her.

As i finished up showering i had heard footsteps approach behind the door, knowingly Im guessing YeonUn had found out i was using her shower.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the door and saw YeonUn sitting on her bed with her arms crossed.

She widened her eyes as she saw me in only a towel,

“Oppa!” She choked out

“Yes?” I smirked making my way towards her

“You know you have your own shower!” She grumbled

“I know, i just thought id like to tease you a bit” I smirked, sliding my hand, caressing her cheek.

“Ok, but i have to go to bed, im really tired” She said smacking my hand off her cheek.

“Ok, goodnight YeonUn” I smiled

I closed the door and made my way towards my room, 

i had to let her know how i felt, there had to be some way i could express how i felt to her. I was going to tell her tonight. 

I needed a plan, something that would make her fall in love with me. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I laid in bed for about 20 minutes, making sure i had the right time when id go and see her. All i need is a few minutes and i’d get her to tell her, her real feelings about me.

About 30 minutes had passed and i soon dragged my self out of bed, i made my way through the hallway and opened her bedroom door, I lit up my eyes as i saw her immediately sit up, staring blankly at me , rubbing her eyes.

Damn she's a light sleeper

“Oppa? Why are you asleep?” She whispered

“I’m alone” I stated

She cocked her head to the side as she watched me approach her bed, i placed myself next to her, securely wrapping my arms around her smooth warm body.

“What are you-” She choked out

“Dont move” I pulled her in tighter.

“Oppa, why are you like this?!” She screamed.

I looked down at her beautiful brown eyes.

“Be-because i love you okay!” I yelled

I watched as her eyes grew bigger

“I’ve always loved you” I said swaying her bangs away from her eyes

“We, We cant love each other! This isn’t right!” She screamed shoving me away

“Yes it is right! It’s perfectly fine” I whispered

I tiled her chin up towards me and leaned in, letting my lips brush off against hers lightly.

“-Minho, no” She gasped out as our kisses became passionate 

I ignored her mewls and kept kissing her, soon enough she had stopped, i could tell she had completely given up.

I slowly got on top of her and started to kiss her neck slowly down her collarbone.

As i reached in her shirt and started to slowly take it off, she gave me a frightened look.

“Don’t worry” I stated, slowly massaging her stomach and kissing my way up

As my hands started to roam her body, i could feel her flinch.

I took off her clothes one by one, receiving gasps from YeonUn.

We were both completely , and we knew what was going to happen next.

I slowly looked into her eyes and told her everything would be fine.

I kissed her lips, distracting her as i slowly penetrated her entrance.

I felt her grip onto my biceps tighter and tighter as i made myself go in completely.

I made my way, kissing her neck and slowly pulled out and repeated.

“-Minho” I heard her moan out, i slowly smirked to myself, i had won this round.

Hope you like it ^^

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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Nikka Bundoc<br />
Rating: PG13 or R ;]<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Nikka finally turns 18 years old, which makes her legal in America to do most things without worrying about her overprotective parents. One of her friends convinces Nikka's parents to go to a party with her with her other friends for once and won't be back until the next day. Since Nikka's old enough and has a car, her parents agreed and made sure Nikka calls them later on to be safe. Nikka sighed but in slight relief once they hit the hotel where the party is and her friend just ditches her without waiting up for her. She ends up bumping into SHINee's Kim Jonghyun, who had been drinking slightly. They end up in a weird conversation full of Korean, English, and for some reason Chinese, but they somehow understand each other and learn certain things about each other, making Jonghyun fall in love with her. Nikka accidentally drinks a bit more than Jonghyun and they end up in a hotel room together the next early morning, with Nikka not remembering because she was drunk. When Jonghyun wakes up, he finds out he took Nikka's ity and regrets making her drunk (though he doesn't regret sleeping with her). To make up for it, he does whatever it takes to show how much he loves her.<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and funny (I hate angst for some reason)<br />
Your Bias/es: Jonghyun<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: The girl who's supposedly friends with Nikka is named Eunhye. She's nice in front of her parents but when they're alone she gets y. The only reason why she asked Nikka to go to the party with her is so she could get a ride to the party, but has already had an arranged ride to go back to her own house without Nikka.
shineexonewluv #2
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: AI<br />
<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] :<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : HAPPY ENDING<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: ONEW<br />
<br />
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Is it for OC? Then Song Soolin <br />
<br />
Rating: G,PG,PG13, R ;] G ( lol I still have a young mind xD)<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Not much, just about a couple fighting over weird stuff, like who gets to eat first, who gets to drink the orange juice first... etc xD (Sorry if the whole plot was boring...)<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : Happy<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Key ^_^<br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: LOL Incase you need the theme, it's an cute and funny one. :D<br />
1.Akura<br />
2.rated: R<br />
3.I'm a Musician and one day has a concert with a band SHINee and sure she traveled the world to play with other bands but she ends up in the make up room waiting on 5 guys which she been told and 30 mins later they arrive and rehearse the song Ring Ding Dong and as she does the epic opening on guitar SHINee starts to sing but she hears the awese solo ~butterfly~ she thinks to her self ' who's that with the beautiful voice?' Any way she goes back to playing and after that she goes back to the make up room as she heads there someone tugs her to a nearby rest room there she finds Key but she doesn't know him yet and she fell in love at first sight he turns her on so much that she didn't even notice they were in a restroom but she looked in his eyes and immediately kiss him ... you make the rest.<br />
4.VERY HAPPY<br />
5.Key<br />
6.make her don't want it at first but it turns into pleasure and then he sings his ring ding dong solo and she wants more a lot more hehe
Nana9592 #5
Name: Nami (you can choose a last name)<br />
<br />
Rating: R (for , language, and drug use) please ..lol<br />
<br />
Plot: Nami is a 19 year old exotic dancer and junkie.. She imigrated from the US to Korea and is currently living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. Kim Jonghyun WAS famous for his powerful part in SHINee, he WAS adored by any fangirl with half a brain (lol), and he WAS totally loaded... That is until his coke addiction had him blow through -not only his own money but- his fellow members funds, landed him in and out of rehab, and ultimately, cost him his position in the group. Now Jonghyun is also, living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. And now that he's sober he finds himself more and more embarrsed when his former group mates visit. So what happens when a blackout brings the junkie down the hall knocking at his door..? <br />
<br />
Ending: surprise me ^-^<br />
<br />
Bias: Kim Jonghyun (I love Key too -the other Kim- but I'm in a Moose mood so yeah)<br />
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Extra: this plotline was totally inspired by, but very loosely based on -I had to tweak it to suit my liking- RENT so if you could.. title it "Light My Candle" ..XD<br />
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..THANKS IN ADVANCED!! (mianhe.. I was a little bossy with this request)
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Kat Yu<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot: Kat is a slightly clumsy but way-too confident {in the way that she thinks she can do well, but it always ends up differently then what she had planned} woman at the age of 22. She is dating a rich architect named Lee Jinki (Onew kekeke), and is waiting for him to propose. She works at SM Entertainment as one of the people responsible for the economy {this is not necessary to put in the story, I just want to be detailed!^^} and she meets Taemin by accident as she walks in on him rehearsing a dance-routine. At first she tries to ignore him, but feels herself getting feelings for the man right away. She tries her best to avoid him from then on, since she already had prepared herself for marrying Jinki. But Taemin just seems to continue running into her, and after some time she finds herself being seduced into having with him. She ends up wondering who she should be with, the arrogant but rich Lee Jinki (with several cute sides to him) or the adventurous but way-too-young Lee Taemin?<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ]: Happy! <br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew & Taemin<br />
<br />
Extra: Please consider my application! I would be so happy if you could write something including my character! :”) You can change the plot as much as you want, I won’t mind. Please just at least think about it, keke~ BTW, sorry for writing so much.. I got carried away. =_=<br />
Rachelxoxo #7
Holy! Did you leave me with a cliffhanger? *Spazz*
forever #8
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Park Eunha<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot : Onew and Eunha are constantly fighting. Then one day they get stuck in an elevator :/....And then it leads to some heated Rate R :P<br />
<br />
Ending : y! lawl~<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew :)<br />
<br />
good luck and hwaiting!!
Oh my gosh! That was so cute! <br />
Thankies so much! <3333<br />
I loved it! Every moment! <3 <br />
Omo!~! <3 Loves you so much for doing this~ <3<br />
I'm going to read every single one shot that you make now! <3<br />
<3 Seunii.
immature_girl #10
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Lee Sooru<br />
<br />
Rating: PG<br />
<br />
Plot: When she was small, she love to look at the starry night . A country girl who always ask the star where is her future... but it never replies. Oneday, that star falls down from the sky and disguised itself as a boy to show her where her future is. She falls in love with him but... Star belong to the sky, not the ground. After he finish his mission, he flies back to the sky. "The future is in your hand Sooru"<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and sad ^^"<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew <br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: nope ^^ <3