
SHINee One-Shots [Apply/Request]


Ah :3 My first request 


Heres for xhoneylemonadex 




“Unnie, i’l be back later okay?” Smiled Ha Neul, waving at her older sister while walking through the front door.


Life had been the same for Ha Neul, day by day she'd take walks by the side hoping for something extravagant to happen, but nothing ever did. 


Ha Neul looked up at the sky and sighed, watching the flow of the snow sway back and forth.


She looked around and noticed a beautiful couple, hugging and smiling at each other with such warmth in their eyes that it hurt her. 


I want something like that  Ha Neul thought to herself,


she walked around the beautiful mall that had caught her eyes ever since she had moved into her new apartment with her older sister,


“Wow, these look pretty” She whispered staring at a beautiful necklace that caught her attention.


She walked into the unique store hearing the jingle of bells as the door swung open. 


She looked around and headed toward the jewelry sections, hovering the palm of her hands over the merchandise, scanning it.


“Omo, this is so pretty!” Ha Neul whispered, while examining the beautiful silver bracelet that had charms dangling off the ridges. 


“Ajushi!” She said walking over to the register, and behind it an old man. Maybe about in his 60’s.


He looked up at her slowly slowly looking down at the bracelet she held in her hands.


“How much is this?” Ha Neul smiled


“I’ll give it to you for 7,000 won” He smiled


“Really? Ok, I’ll buy it” She said placing the bracelet onto the counter and taking out her wallet.


She watched as the old man picked up the bracelet and slowly wrapped in into a little plastic bag.


“Thank you” She said bowing a perfect 90 degree angle before rushing out of the store and slipping the bracelet onto her wrist.


She walked, only setting her gaze at the sparkly new bracelet.


She stopped suddenly as she heard recognizable music.


Nareul mukkgo gadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae 


Miraedo mukkin chae


Keojil su eobtneunde


She instantly froze and glued her eyes onto the TV playing inside a new store that was selling new plasma screens and radios.


“SHINee” She whispered to herself smiling as she placed her hands on the glass and stared into the screen.


“What I’d do to see them in person” She smiled and walked away, hearing the music fade away as her distance grew longer.



At the apartment.


“Oh my god your kidding right?!” She heard her sister scream as she waited out the door searching for her keys.


“No way” She yelped again.


Han Neul rolled her eyes and opened the door slowly to fin her older sister on the phone, her hands covering as if she was holding in screams.


She sat on the couch as she watched her sister hang up after a few more minitues of going crazy.


“What happened?” HA Neul asked cocking her head to the side


“I’ll Tell you what happened! Umma got us tickets to go see SHINee!” She scraemed kicking her feet in the air.


“Wow really?” Ha Neul said getting up and smiling, glimming her eyes willingly to her sister.


“Yes really! and thats not the best part! VIP Backstage passes!” She screamed waving her hands.


“Wow, oh my god, so that means we get to like see them, in person, UP CLOSE?!” Ha Neul shouted while joining her sister in their wild parade.



At the concert.


Annyeonghaseyo, jeoneun SHINee imnida” 


The crowd purred as SHINee said their last goodbyes before disappearing into the stage.


Ha Neul immediately stared at her sister, waiting to head toward the backstage door.


Ha Neul and her sister both shoved their ways passed the hungry fans and flashed the security guards with their passes


“Oh my god were in” Ha Neul screamed looking at her wide eyed sister


“Annyong” SHINee’s Key said waving at them


Ha Neul widened her eyes staring at the half shaven prince standing up close and in front of her.


“Annyong” She smiled and waved lightly.


She immediately let her gaze fall upon the SHINee’s Maknae as she was told to sit on the couch, and wait for the rest of the group members to return from changing.


They all said their greetings one by one and all smiled brightly to her, asking her questions like 


“How long have you known us for?” 


or the other type like 


“Are you guys the fans that stalk our lives?” 


Ha Neul found herself laughing at the question. Stalking? C’mon thats low


As each of the members fixed their gaze on Ha Neul’s older sister, she couldn't help but notice Taemins heavy glare at her bracelet. The new one she had just bought.


She slowly pulled her long sleeve shirt covering it, making the situation awkward as Taemins now glare was at her and not the bracelet.


She lit up half a smile as he looked at her with dead eyes.


“You guys want to get a tour around our dressing room?” Onew exclaimed waving his right arm out to the never ending dressing room, filled with beauty supplies and clothes.


As they all got up, Ha Neul let her sister and the older guys go ahead of her as she was stuck with Taemin behind her.


They walked and talked until Ha Neul felt something writhing against her wrist. 

She finally looked down and was shoved into a room with Taemin.


Her back facing him, she felt his arms wrap around her waist, holding her into a tight hug.


“What are you-” She gasped out


“I’ve missed you so much” He whispered against her neck.


“Taemin! What are you doing?!” She screamed shoving his hands off her


She quickly turned around and held a tight gaze with his eyes, before Taemin soon grabbed her hand and intertwined fingers with it.


“You, You don't remember me?” He choked out


“What do you mean “remember you?” Your SHINee’s Maknae!” She screamed confused.

“But, that bracelet! How did you get that bracelet!” He shouted pointing at the new shimmering bracelet that dangled off her tiny wrist.


“I bought it!” She said holding her breath as she saw Taemin punch the wall and slide down his back.


“I really thought i found her” He whispered ruffling his bangs.


“Found who?” Ha Neul asked crouching down at him.


“Raina!” HE shouted holding in his tears.


“Raina?” She whispered tilting her head to the side.


“She’s been my best friend since we were babies, i made her that exact charm bracelet see!” He shouted showing her his exact copy of the bracelet.


“-I’ve been trying to find her, she lost contact with me! She was my first love” He said in a low voice rubbing the bracelet and throwing it against the wall.


Ha Neul stood there, not knowing what to do, 


How could one bracelet, one inconvenient 7$ Bracelet lead me to Taemin?


Ha Neul soon stood up and walked into the balcony, staring up at the cold winter sky.


She watched as Taemin walked beside her, gripping the cold steel bars and looking up at the sky.


Ha Neul fixed her gaze at the hurt, lonely boy that had lost his first love, feeling sorrow for him since the same thing had happened to her.


“Losing someone you love is a painful thing” She whispered looking into his eyes.


“-But theres always someone, waiting, to pick up the pieces” 



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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Nikka Bundoc<br />
Rating: PG13 or R ;]<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Nikka finally turns 18 years old, which makes her legal in America to do most things without worrying about her overprotective parents. One of her friends convinces Nikka's parents to go to a party with her with her other friends for once and won't be back until the next day. Since Nikka's old enough and has a car, her parents agreed and made sure Nikka calls them later on to be safe. Nikka sighed but in slight relief once they hit the hotel where the party is and her friend just ditches her without waiting up for her. She ends up bumping into SHINee's Kim Jonghyun, who had been drinking slightly. They end up in a weird conversation full of Korean, English, and for some reason Chinese, but they somehow understand each other and learn certain things about each other, making Jonghyun fall in love with her. Nikka accidentally drinks a bit more than Jonghyun and they end up in a hotel room together the next early morning, with Nikka not remembering because she was drunk. When Jonghyun wakes up, he finds out he took Nikka's ity and regrets making her drunk (though he doesn't regret sleeping with her). To make up for it, he does whatever it takes to show how much he loves her.<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and funny (I hate angst for some reason)<br />
Your Bias/es: Jonghyun<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: The girl who's supposedly friends with Nikka is named Eunhye. She's nice in front of her parents but when they're alone she gets y. The only reason why she asked Nikka to go to the party with her is so she could get a ride to the party, but has already had an arranged ride to go back to her own house without Nikka.
shineexonewluv #2
<br />
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: AI<br />
<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] :<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : HAPPY ENDING<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: ONEW<br />
<br />
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Is it for OC? Then Song Soolin <br />
<br />
Rating: G,PG,PG13, R ;] G ( lol I still have a young mind xD)<br />
<br />
Plot [please try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible ! ] : Not much, just about a couple fighting over weird stuff, like who gets to eat first, who gets to drink the orange juice first... etc xD (Sorry if the whole plot was boring...)<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : Happy<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Key ^_^<br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: LOL Incase you need the theme, it's an cute and funny one. :D<br />
1.Akura<br />
2.rated: R<br />
3.I'm a Musician and one day has a concert with a band SHINee and sure she traveled the world to play with other bands but she ends up in the make up room waiting on 5 guys which she been told and 30 mins later they arrive and rehearse the song Ring Ding Dong and as she does the epic opening on guitar SHINee starts to sing but she hears the awese solo ~butterfly~ she thinks to her self ' who's that with the beautiful voice?' Any way she goes back to playing and after that she goes back to the make up room as she heads there someone tugs her to a nearby rest room there she finds Key but she doesn't know him yet and she fell in love at first sight he turns her on so much that she didn't even notice they were in a restroom but she looked in his eyes and immediately kiss him ... you make the rest.<br />
4.VERY HAPPY<br />
5.Key<br />
6.make her don't want it at first but it turns into pleasure and then he sings his ring ding dong solo and she wants more a lot more hehe
Nana9592 #5
Name: Nami (you can choose a last name)<br />
<br />
Rating: R (for , language, and drug use) please ..lol<br />
<br />
Plot: Nami is a 19 year old exotic dancer and junkie.. She imigrated from the US to Korea and is currently living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. Kim Jonghyun WAS famous for his powerful part in SHINee, he WAS adored by any fangirl with half a brain (lol), and he WAS totally loaded... That is until his coke addiction had him blow through -not only his own money but- his fellow members funds, landed him in and out of rehab, and ultimately, cost him his position in the group. Now Jonghyun is also, living in a crappy apartment complex outside of Seoul. And now that he's sober he finds himself more and more embarrsed when his former group mates visit. So what happens when a blackout brings the junkie down the hall knocking at his door..? <br />
<br />
Ending: surprise me ^-^<br />
<br />
Bias: Kim Jonghyun (I love Key too -the other Kim- but I'm in a Moose mood so yeah)<br />
<br />
Extra: this plotline was totally inspired by, but very loosely based on -I had to tweak it to suit my liking- RENT so if you could.. title it "Light My Candle" ..XD<br />
<br />
..THANKS IN ADVANCED!! (mianhe.. I was a little bossy with this request)
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Kat Yu<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot: Kat is a slightly clumsy but way-too confident {in the way that she thinks she can do well, but it always ends up differently then what she had planned} woman at the age of 22. She is dating a rich architect named Lee Jinki (Onew kekeke), and is waiting for him to propose. She works at SM Entertainment as one of the people responsible for the economy {this is not necessary to put in the story, I just want to be detailed!^^} and she meets Taemin by accident as she walks in on him rehearsing a dance-routine. At first she tries to ignore him, but feels herself getting feelings for the man right away. She tries her best to avoid him from then on, since she already had prepared herself for marrying Jinki. But Taemin just seems to continue running into her, and after some time she finds herself being seduced into having with him. She ends up wondering who she should be with, the arrogant but rich Lee Jinki (with several cute sides to him) or the adventurous but way-too-young Lee Taemin?<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ]: Happy! <br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew & Taemin<br />
<br />
Extra: Please consider my application! I would be so happy if you could write something including my character! :”) You can change the plot as much as you want, I won’t mind. Please just at least think about it, keke~ BTW, sorry for writing so much.. I got carried away. =_=<br />
Rachelxoxo #7
Holy! Did you leave me with a cliffhanger? *Spazz*
forever #8
Name/or name you wish to be called by: Park Eunha<br />
<br />
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Plot : Onew and Eunha are constantly fighting. Then one day they get stuck in an elevator :/....And then it leads to some heated Rate R :P<br />
<br />
Ending : y! lawl~<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew :)<br />
<br />
good luck and hwaiting!!
Oh my gosh! That was so cute! <br />
Thankies so much! <3333<br />
I loved it! Every moment! <3 <br />
Omo!~! <3 Loves you so much for doing this~ <3<br />
I'm going to read every single one shot that you make now! <3<br />
<3 Seunii.
immature_girl #10
<br />
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Name/or name you wish to be called by: Lee Sooru<br />
<br />
Rating: PG<br />
<br />
Plot: When she was small, she love to look at the starry night . A country girl who always ask the star where is her future... but it never replies. Oneday, that star falls down from the sky and disguised itself as a boy to show her where her future is. She falls in love with him but... Star belong to the sky, not the ground. After he finish his mission, he flies back to the sky. "The future is in your hand Sooru"<br />
<br />
Ending [happy/sad/hopeful/etc ] : happy and sad ^^"<br />
<br />
Your Bias/es: Onew <br />
<br />
Extra [ anything in particular that you want me to include in?]: nope ^^ <3