cHaPtER 3

Can i Be Enough for you?

          Day’s turns into months, I and Eun Hye still ate lunch together with Jaejoong and his friends, as he ordered, which Eun Hye excitedly oblige. She told me that she is doing that for me and Jaejoong to be close.  However, I felt that it is the other way around. Yes, it is true that I still stole glances to him and yes, it is true that I kept on blushing when I see him; Even though, he won’t even acknowledge my presence. But all of that changes, when one day, after my last class. I saw him standing by my class’s door.

          “Jae....joong-sshi”, looking at him intensely shocked at why he is there because I know that Eun Hye is not on my last class. “You know that Eun Hye, is not in this class,” I added.

          “Yes, I know that.” He assured. “Then, why are you here?” I asked. Deep in my mind and heart, I know that this is about me getting out of his sight. But I am still hoping that it wasn’t any of those things.

          He suddenly answered, “I want to talk to you. That is if you have time.” “S...sure, what is it about?” I asked feeling scared that he wants me to abandon my friendship with Eun Hye and scared that he might ask to leave him alone.

Please, God not this time. My three years in school, I am always alone, so please let me be friends with Eun Hye; even though this boy doesn’t want too.

          I carefully prayed when I didn’t realize that Jaejoong was staring blankly at me. Even maybe confused with my mindful thinking.

       “He...HELLO,” waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back right away. “Are you alright?” he asked concern.  Wow! He’s concerned at me even for a little, I thought while nodding to answer his question. “So, as I was saying, can I ask you a favour?” He asked me again.

      “Sure, what favour?” I asked. “I hoped it doesn’t involve me getting out of Eun Hye’s life.” I blabbered to him knowing maybe it is half of his intention. “Actually, no,” he answered directly. “Can you please just let me finish before you start assuming things.” He ordered looking already pissed. “Sorry, you can continue.” I said.

       “Since you and Eun Hye have this girl-bond already, I am wondering if you can ask her to play with me more and even go out with me eventually.” He said. I just looked at him dumbfounded, I don’t know what I felt while he blurted out those words. Those words for me were hurtful but at the same time maybe this can be the chance I can be close to him unknowingly. At least, he didn’t ask me to get out of their lives.

          I was looking undisturbed at the floor when I answered “I am going to try, but I promised nothing.”

          “YESSSSS!!!! Thank you, I know I can count on you, my dongsaeng!” he happily replied while jumping up and down and while ruffling my hair. I hate it when somebody does that to my hair but when it comes to him it seems alright. While he was happily jumping up and down, to my dismay, I can’t do anything.

         All I can do was maybe to fulfill his wish, though my heart will be in pain. (I know that you all thinking that I am too young for this love but hey, age doesn’t matter when it comes to LOVE. When it strikes you, it really did struck you)

        “I see you around, maybe during lunch and maybe next time I see you, you can tell me her answer” he told and I nodded. Not knowing what to do but to surrender. “Bye” he added. “Bye, see you around” I bid farewell, not feeling that a tear fell from my eye.

       As I was heading home, a few metres just away from the schoolyard I saw a car stop right at my side. First, I thought that they might be kidnappers but to think of it my family is not that rich so nobody will kidnap me. Scared and don’t know what to do when I suddenly heard a boy’s voice calling out my name.

         “~~~~-yah!  ~~~~-yah!!” He called. Then he called again when I didn’t look.

          “~~~~-yah! It’s Yunho-oppa!” I looked and indeed it’s Yunho-oppa, one of Jaejoong-sshi’s friends, the kind and gentleman-kind of guy. “Oh, Yunho-oppa” I said.

          “Are you heading home?”He asked. “Yes, oppa” I replied while walking towards his car to avoid the gaze of the passerby looking at me.

          “The boys and Eun Hye are at my house, right now. They are waiting for me. Do you want to come and play with us?” He invited.

          Having a second thought I asked, “Can I really, play with you guys”, “I.... mean”.

          “Mr Park, can you her inside the car?” I heard him ordered to his driver without even finishing my sentence. And abruptly, Mr Park was indeed already opening the car door for me.

          “Come here, ~~~~-yah” “Let’s go, Mr. Park. The guys are waiting.” He said. I went in right away to avoid the crowd that starting to whisper to each other. During the ride, Yunho-oppa suddenly asked me, “How are you?” “I am fine oppa. How about you?” “I am good, ~~~~-yah, you don’t have to feel shy around me. I want to feel whatever relationship you have with Eun Hye or maybe even more like a best friend,” he answered.

          “Oppa, you know that you are my friend already. I am just uncomfortable with all of this.” I told him. “I can’t blame you, but I also can’t blame myself as I was born to have all of these,” Yunho-oppa stated.

          Then our conversation got interrupted by a cellphone ring.


          “Hello, Changmin” Yunho answered.

          “Hyung, where are you?” Changmin asked.

          “We’re almost there,” Yunho answered.

          “Hyung, can you go a little faster. I am hungry and the others can’t wait to play you newest       video games,” Changmin said.

          “Changmin, you can just ask the maid for food and you can tell the others they can start playing without me,” Yunho ordered.

          “Hyung, are you with someone?” Changmin asked.

          “Yes, I am. Tell Eun Hye that I am bringing a very good friend of hers,” he hung up right away.


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I miss mblaq
sanlly2419 #2
Chapter 2: hope that you can update this story of yours.
nhelly508 #3
Do your story will have a fast forward tor them to become teens so that love and relationship would be much more exciting???Still waiting for your update.
nhelly508 #4
Isn't it to young to felt love or crush at eight? Just asking love your plot but it was somewhat to young. But thank you for the story. Hope your not mad at my comment.
I already love Jaejoong that much? Please update soon!
samile #6
@rosejulian: thank you for waiting.. I hope you enjoy the chapters<br />
@beauty1290: I am happy that my fic makes you happy :P I might update tomorrow but no promises.... <br />
<br />
And to my other dear new N old subscribers...THANK YOU!!!(bow head)
i'm happy reading this fic and i could feel the feelings.. good luck and update soon ^_^
Finally... you updated!! I was waiting for your updates...<br />
<br />
Jae is being nice... I like it... Hope that it will continue~~<br />
<br />
Please update soon ne..
samile #9
Thank you my lovely subscribers!<br />
HAppy 2011!!
samile #10
@rosejulian: thank you!<br />
<3<br />
<br />
And to my other subscribers thank you as well!<br />
An update will be made today or tomorrow<br />
<br />
Again Thank you!!<br />
HAppy holidays