19 ☆ Maknae's Break Down

The Five Shining Lights (Discontinued)

19 Maknae's Break Down



SM Issues A Statement Regarding SHINee's Comeback

by: FlyingHigh - March 21, 2012 at 7:39 PM                                                                            74267264 Views 537372 Comments



Before SHINee will be able to even comeback, they may disband before the time even comes. There has been many rumors circulating SHINee, as to whether or not they would disband. SM had denied rumors of SHINee disbanding and released an official statement about the issue here. But now it seems as though that SM has changed their minds on the ordeal.

SM released a statement this morning, regarding SHINee. "In the beginning, we denied rumors of SHINee disbanding. We have been discussing the issues revolving SHINee on whether or not keep the in the company. We have come to a decision to set a date for SHINee, to see if they are showing any signs of coming back to work. If not, we will have to end their contracts with SM entirely."

What do you guys think about SM's decision? Is it a right decision? Or a wrong decision? Share your thoughts below!

shineesucks: finally ! sm is doing sumthing right .

B4TheDawn: I think it's a wise decision. They have to do what's best for the company, right?

LaDiLaDiDa: I can't believe I'm going to say this... But I'm going to miss them!

you: I can't imagine SM without SHINee. And I'm not going to let them do this to SHINee. I'm not just going to sit around the computer all day and do nothing. I'm going to make sure that SHINee will comeback.

Nana stared at her reflection through the mirror. She had just finished applying make-up, too cover her dark circles. After seeing her own reflection, Nana smiled to herself. She looked better than she did before, when her dark circles were showing. Make-up sure did do wonders. 


Yesterday, after telling SHINee her solution, they all hesitantly agreed. Much to the relief of Nana. She could tell that because they agreed, they wanted as much as her for SHINee too not disband. They wanted things too get better and it was not just her. It meant to her that there was still hope. And that was all Nana needed to keep on going through with her solution.

She heaved a sigh as she began to get ready. Today and so on until March 30st, she had a task too do. It wasn't going to be easy, but it wasn't going to be impossible either.



Taemin stared silently at their unconscious leader. He sat in a chair beside his bedside, merely watching him sleep. Taemin was waiting, waiting to see him open his eyes and smile at him. Onew's smile was something he greatly missed. His smile could would always cheer Taemin up, no matter what situation he was in. His words of wisdom would lift his spirits, no matter the circumstances. But where was that smile now? Where were those words that would always lift his spirits?

The smile he missed had vanished, along with Onew's parents. He didn't just hear any words of wisdom from Onew, but he didn't hear any word from him at all. Onew had changed drastically after the death of both of his parents. Was there a way to change him back?

Taemin wished he knew the reason. But all he could do now was wait; wait for Onew to awaken.

A knock on the door snapped Taemin out of his depressing thoughts. He turned around slightly to see who it was at the door. It was Nana. Taemin gave her a weak smile, before turning away from her and staring back at Onew.

"Hello Taemin," Nana greeted him as she broke the silence in the room.

Taemin mumbled a soft greeting back to her, "Hello."

"How are you doing?" She asked him as she took slow steps towards Taemin and Onew.

Miserable, he thought. "Good." He lied.

Nana nodded slowly at his response, not knowing that he had lied. The room went back to silence after there short exchange of words. Taemin didn't mind as he liked it better this way. Peaceful and quiet. Nana felt awkward, but didn't say anything. Even if she wanted to say something, she didn't know what too say. 

The two stayed in an awkward silence, until there was another knock heard from the door. Nana turned around and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me," The door opened to reveal a disheveled Jonghyun and behind him, Minho.

Nana smiled at them both and greeted them, "Hello." They nodded at her, giving her a small smile. The both of them then turned their full on attention on Onew. There smiles immediately fading at the sight. 

The room went back to silence, as no one spoke a word. Nana feeling uncomfortable began to silently slip away towards the door. Right as her hands touched the door, Minho called out to her.

"You don't have to leave," He told her.

"Are you sure?" She asked him. "I feel like I should give you sometime alone."

Minho shrugged, "It's fine."

Nana nodded as she took her hand away from the door. She looked around the room and finally noticed something wasn't right. There was someone missing. "Where's Key?" She asked them.

Jonghyun scoffed, "Who cares?"

"He's your friend, isn't it? Shouldn't you care?" Nana asked them in confusion.

"Why should we care if he doesn't even care about out?" said Jonghyun with obvious distaste in his voice.

"Maybe he does and is just afraid to show it..." muttered Nana.

Minho merely sighed, "Let's not worry about him. For now, let's worry about Onew."

This is the perfect chance, Nana thought as she gazed at all the members one by one. She was alone with them all, excluding Key. "Can I ask you all a question?"

Minho shrugged, "Shoot."

"Why did you guys change?" Nana asked them, curiously.

Jonghyun gave her a confused look, "What do you mean by 'change'?"

"Before, you all were all smiles. And now look at you guys, you are all emotionless. When you smile, it's obvious that you're all forcing it." She explained. "If I'm going to help you, I'll need too know the reason why."

"As time goes by, people change. That's all there is too it." Minho told her. "Things happen and that causes us too change."

"Then why don't you change back?" Nana asked them.

Taemin bit his lip, "Changing back is not that easy..."

"Yeah, and what if we like this new change of ours?" Jonghyun piped in.

Nana gave him a look, "Oh really? You like this change of yours?" Jonghyun looked away from her. "Don't lie too me, I know you don't."

"How do you know? You barely even know us?" asked Minho.

"You're right, I don't know you. But I can tell what's a lie and what's not." Nana told them. "Why would you like this new change of yours when it doesn't make you happy? You all know it, you all hate this new change."

"So what if we do?" Taemin said, his voice raising the more he spoke. "You speak as if changing back is so easy. Well let me tell you something, it's not easy. We all try to change back, we all try to make our lives more happier. But then we realize, why try? Things are just going to go bad again and then our efforts will be wasted. Whenever we make progress on changing ourselves, something just has too happen and makes us all go back to square one."

By now, tears were rolling freely down Taemin's eyes. "And what makes you think you can help us? What makes you think that you can just walk into our lives and try to help us? You don't know us! You don't know anything about us!" He stood up from his chair, causing Nana to flinch and take a step back. "Just mind your own business!"

"Taemin," Minho warned him, as the maknae was going too far with his words. "That's enough." Minho put his hands on Taemin's shoulders, but the latter only shrugged it off of him.

"It's not fair! I-I tried so hard," Taemin stuttered over his words and continued crying. "I tried to make everything better. To make everything be like how it was before. But all my efforts were no use. You all would ignore me all the time. Act like I wasn't there, like I was invisible. At least Key hyung knew of my presence as he yelled at me. He yelled at me, but at least he didn't ignore me!"

Taemin sniffed as he wiped away his tears, but more just kept on coming. "And then you," He referred to Nana. "You just walk into our lives and things start to get a little better. I should have been thankful towards you, b-but... I wasn't. I thought, why was a mere stranger able to help us better than I can? It just..." Taemin paused and clenched his fists tightly.

Without even finishing off his sentence, Taemin ran out of the room. He ran past all the nurses, all of the doctors. He ignored all those who yelled at him, telling him too stop running. Taemin let his feet take him to wherever they wanted too. He just needed to get out of that room. Away from Jonghyun. Away from Minho. Away from everyone.



"TAEMIN!" Jonghyun called out for the maknae, but he didn't turn back. Taemin ran out the door without looking back. He was then soon followed by Jonghyun and Minho, leaving Nana alone in the room with Onew.

A tear trickled down her cheek as she just stood their. "All along, that was how Taemin felt..." She muttered.

It finally happened. The maknae could no longer take it anymore. The maknae finally broke down.

FlyingHigh Speaking:

Hello you! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks to: xLadySakurax and paradoxed for subscribing! Comments are always welcomed and please do subscribe if you enjoy this story.

2NE1's teaser is out! Finally! I can't wait for the full MV. xD




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[The Five Shining Lights] I won't be updating until my chapter comes back. Hwaiting to those who are working on getting it back.


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kuraisen #1
Chapter 1: thank you so much
biasesinmylife #2
Chapter 1: Feels good to have my username in the story! Thanks!
lily2109 #3
Chapter 22: Why are you stop update when your story are at the ?please keep updating!
Chapter 2: Hi... Um, I believe I was the one who commented that, as I'm Sofie1Drocks. I don't remember when, or where I commented it, but I'm surprised to read this..
Well, SHINee was going through a rough time, and of course rumors that says you're trying to commit suicide will break you, the risk is also higher to break, fall into a depression. They needed us, but some weren't there for them. I want to help them, I know I'm only 16 years old, but as their fan, I'll be there for as long I can, cause they can't handle all their battles alone, right? I suffer depression myself, so I just want to help those, including idols, those who help me, to not to end so far out in depression. Cause sometimes, depression can't be "cured".
SHINee doesn't deserve that, they deserve only the best.
parkn20 #5
Chapter 22: wow, i love your story. pls update soon!!! I really enjoyed reading this.
sopheaV #6
Chapter 17: my name??? wow...
btw nice story dear
MinamiJSakuya #7
Chapter 18: Wow, it's so weird seeing my user name in this fic. And here I thought my user name was original. Nice fic btw.
Chapter 22: i cried reading this chapter... should've found this fic earlier. i got sad when i see the word discontinued </3 this story is just ok until this chap,, it's so tense... can't you continue this again pls ㅠㅡㅠ
Chapter 17: fabulous key is fabulous
Chapter 22: please update soon. it is a really good story. I really want to know how it ends.