New Pet

Pet Shop of Dreams

So this is the place?” Leeteuk asked as Heechul pulled his car into a parking space. In front of them stood a small building with large characters spelling out 'Count Zhou Mi's Pet Shop Emporium'. The window of the small shop were filled with kittens bouncing over each other. Just the simple act had Leeteuk smiling, turning to look at his friend.


Yep, this is the place, though I thought the pet shop part of the invitation was kind of a joke.” Heechul answered as he looked at himself in the mirror.


Wow! Look at all the cute kittens. Can we go inside too?” Donghae asked as stared out his window. A smile was shining on his face.


No. All we're here to do is drop Leeteuk hyung off and then head to my shopping. If we go in there with Leeteuk, we'll probably end up smelling like wet dog and have animal fur all over us, and I can't let that happen. We have to look our best at the store we're heading to.” Heechul answered as he turned to look at Donghae. Leeteuk looked at Donghae apologetically as he saw the smile drop off his face. He mouth the words next time to Donghae, which caused the younger male's eyes to brighten up.


Well, I guess I better get going to this meeting.” Leeteuk sighed as he unbuckled his belt. “You guys are going to be able to pick me up?”


We'll try, but don't be surprised if I forget. Once we're done shopping I have to finish up my assignment for design class.” Heechul spoke as he popped the mirror back up.


Please try to remember. It might be a short distance from where we live, but I still don't want to walk the distance.” Leeteuk sighed as he got out of the car. He heard a short “yeah, yeah” come from Heechul before the door was slammed shut and the car raced out of the parking lot. Leeteuk shook his head in disbelief before turning to walk into the small pet shop. Leeteuk opened the door to the barking and hissing of animals as the jingles of the bells on the door danced. He grimaced at the loud noise of the animals. He looked on from his spot near the door. The walls were filled with shelves of toys for dogs, cats, and birds. On one wall stood cages of dogs and cats, the animals stuck their paws out of the cages. They were begging to be let out to be held or to stretch the legs out more. Leeteuk felt the urge to go over there and let them out, but he pushed the thought out of his mind when he saw a teenage boy come out from behind the curtain. The teen was dressed up in a pair of jeans with a few tears along the legs and a white graphic shirt covered by an apron. Leeteuk walk cautiously toward the teen.


Um..excuse me.” Leeteuk spoke to the teen as he tapped him on the shoulder. The teen turned around and put a smile on his face.


Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Count Zhou Mi's Pet Shop Emporium. How may I be of service?” The teen spoke as he bowed to Leeteuk. Leeteuk bowed his head in return before taking a closer look at the teen. Leeteuk surmised that the boy couldn't have been older than 15. He saw that the teen had a name badge that said 'Henry' on it.


Um..yes. I got an invitation saying that...”Leeteuk began to say.


Oh yes! We've been waiting for you. Please follow me.” The teen, Henry, interrupted as he walked from behind the counter. He pulled back a curtain that led to the back of the store, as he gestured for Leeteuk to enter. Leeteuk followed the teen down a short path to another curtain.


Count Zhou Mi will be with you in just a second. Please wait in here and help yourself to some tea.” Henry spoke with a smile on his face as he pulled the curtain back. Leeteuk entered the room, nodding, to the teen. The room screamed elegance as he entered the room. The room was decorate as if it was an ancient oriental throne room. Incense holders hung around the room by golden chains. A long, black satin couch sat in the center of the room. In front of it a stood a long glass table filled with small cakes, while a large, maroon armchair sat at the head of it. Leeteuk looked around the room amazed, thinking he transported back to olden days of China.


Ah, I've seen you've decided to come, Mr. Park.” A smooth, calming voice sounded from behind Leeteuk. Leeteuk quickly turned to see who the voice came from. A tall, regal-looking, Chinese man stood behind him.


Um...yeah.” Leeteuk spoke cautiously. “Are you Count Zhou Mi by chance?”


Indeed I am, Mr. Park. I am the fine owner and benefactor of this prestigious shop.” Count Zhou Mi spoke as he waved his arms in a grandeur manner as he walk towards the armchair.


And its a very nice pet shop, Mr...” Leeteuk started to complimented.


Count Zhou Mi, Mr. Park. Or would you rather have me call you Leeteuk as your friends do.” Count Zhou Mi interrupted as he sat down in the arm chair. Leeteuk looked up at the Count, shock filled his eyes.


How do you know my nickname?” Leeteuk asked worryingly as he took a step back.


Now, now Leeteuk, nothing to be scared of. I just like to research more about my guest that I invite to tea. My young protege has recently been teaching me more about the internet. Most of the information I have collected about you is through something called Book Face.” Count Zhou Mi spoke with a wave of his hand.


You mean Facebook.” Leeteuk corrected.


Ah yes, exactly that. Now I know you happen to be a college student studying at Seoul's Performance Arts college, majoring in vocal major with a minor in acting. You currently live with three other men and that you've made a trip recently to the Nam Sam Tower.” Count Zhou Mi counted off the little bit of information that he knew off hand.


That is a bit common knowledge if you've seen my wall.” Leeteuk mused as he rubbed the back of his neck. “But how did you know that I went to the tower.”


How else would I've gotten this?” Count Zhou Mi spoke as he pulled out of his sleeve a white tile. Leeteuk gazed at the tile and saw in his neat handwriting 'I wish I can find the one person who will love me for me.'


Where did you get that?” Leeteuk spoke as he narrowed his eyes at the count.


Doesn't matter where or how I go it, Leeteuk. What matter is..” Count Zhou Mi started to say.


What matters is that you stole a piece of property that belongs to someone and is playing a cruel joke.” Leeteuk growled out as he walked to the count and snatched the tile out of his hands. “Thank you for returning this and I bid you good day.”


"Hmm, I thought you would have been one to stay. I guess not." Count Zhou Mi mused to himself as he poured himself a cup of tea causing Leeteuk to stop. Leeteuk turned to look at the Chinese man as he continued to sip his tea absent mindedly. The small little comment from the count had Leeteuk wonder what he meant.


What do you mean by “on to stay” ?” Leeteuk fumed, still angry at his inner thoughts were exposed. Count Zhou Mi smiled at Leeteuk, signaling him to sit down on the couch.


What I mean is that I've had many people come to my shop. All of them had a similar wish such as yours, yet only a few have stayed to hear me out.” Count Zhou Mi spoke calmly as he poured a cup of tea for Leeteuk. Leeteuk bowed his head graciously to the count before picking the drink up. “As I said before you have a similar wish to the others that have come here. They wish for love. Something so simple and pure as that. I collect those wishes and try to help bring them the love they want.”


How do you that? Help them get love?” Leeteuk asked slowly, bringing his teacup back down. Count Zhou Mi looked at the young man deeply. His eyes almost piercing though to Leeteuk's soul.


Follow me.” Count Zhou Mi spoke with a smile as he led Leeteuk out of the room back to the hallway.


I am just a simple pet shop owner, not a matchmaker. Though I do give companionship to those that do stay and listen. I have pets that are so rare and exclusive that they are on the endangered species list. To the ones that stay and listen and choose to follow me as you have, Leeteuk. I give them a simple pet.” Count Zhou Mi spoke as the two walked down several hallways and flights of stairs. Leeteuk was amazed at how large of a space a simple pet shop could have.


If I may be so blunt, but I don't see how a pet can help me find love.” Leeteuk spoke dejectedly as their pace slowed.


That's what all the people that come down here say. My pets have a way of changing those few minds after a while.” Count Zhou Mi said with a chuckle as they stopped in front of a door. “Aahhh, here we are. In here, Leeteuk, is the pet that I've prepared just for you.”


Just for me?” Leeteuk asked as he looked at the door.


Yes, for you. See, I like to pair up pets with owners based on their personality. Your personality is a very rare kind. Caring and passionate, but very fragile. Almost like porcelain, but strong and independent like marble.” Count Zhou mused as he looked at the door.


You were very hard to match up to begin with, but I found you a pet that is perfect for you. Would you care to meet him?” The Count asked as he turned to Leeteuk. Leeteuk looked at the door carefully before nodding his head. The count smiled before opening the door and leading him in. Leeteuk looked around the room, looking for this supposed perfect pet before his eyes set on a large pillow in the middle of the room. Leeteuk slowly made his way into the middle of the room. When he got a foot away from the pillow, he saw a small black, white, and hazel dog sleeping peacefully on the pillow. Leeteuk couldn't help but find the small dog cute.


His name is Kangin and he's a Husky and German shepherd mix.” Count Zhou Mi's voice broke through the small trance that Leeteuk was under. “He's been a hard one to match up with, just like you. He's protective and strong, but caring and kind.”


Are you sure he's the one for me?” Leeteuk asked as he watch the small dog open his eyes and look at him. Leeteuk's thoughts of his past broken hearts clouded his mind before a loud bark shattered through them. Leeteuk looked down and saw the dog staring up at him happily. The dog jumped up and barked at him, wagging his tail happily and causing Leeteuk to smile. Count Zhou Mi looked at the two thoughtfully before he let a full smile bloom on his face.


I'm positive that he's the one you're looking for.” Count Zhou Mi spoke mysteriously. “Shall we draw up the adoption paper?”


* * * *


Now, Leeteuk. We do have an important matter to discuss.” Count Zhou Mi spoke as he led Leeteuk out of the back rooms. Leeteuk walked slowly behind the count, holding onto Kangin.


Does this have to do with money? You said it yourself. I'm just a college student. I don't have much money. I could probably afford Kangin if he was on a payment plan, but I doubt you would do that.” Leeteuk stammered as they made their way back to the front of the store. The count turned around and looked at Leeteuk before letting out a large laugh and covering his mouth.


Oh, good heavens no. Kangin here is for free.” Count Zhou Mi laughed. Leeteuk let out a sigh of relief at the mention of Kangin being free. “But you do have to sign a contract.”


Contract?” Leeteuk questioned.


Oh, yes its just a simple agreement that protects the shop. I'm not making you sign your soul away. All I ask is for you to follow three simple rules for the ownership of your pet.” Count Zhou Mi joked as he pulled the contract out from a shelf and handed it to Leeteuk. Leeteuk slowly and carefully read the contract before him.


This contract ensures that Count Zhou Mi's Pet Shop Emporium is in no way responsible for anything that can or may happen during the period of ownership of the pet here say. The Emporium is also in no way liable for the damages that the pet may cause and cannot be held to reimburse any possible expenses that the owner will be presented with as a result of the pet

The signing of this contract ensures that the signer willingly agrees to the terms presented in this hereby contract. It also ensures that the signer agrees to the three rules of ownership, which are as follows:

1.The owner may, in no way, harm the pet. They may not beat, starve, abandon, and/or harm the pet under any present or futures circumstances.

2.The owner may not, under any plausible circumstances or reasoning’s, give the pet to another person, whether of acquaintance or not. The pet must remain in the possession of the owner at all times, and must be kept at the owner’s current place of residence. The pet may, in no way, be placed under the permanent care of another person, living or otherwise.

3.The owner must fully accept the pet, no matter what changes the pet can and may undergo.

The signing of this contract ensures that the new owner of the pet has willingly agreed to the terms and responsibilities which have been explained herein and that they have willingly agreed to uphold aforementioned terms and responsibilities. It also ensures that the signer in no way holds Count Zhou Mi's Pet Shop Emporium responsible for any damages, expenses, and/or emotional breakdowns that can and may occur as a result of the pet.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your new pet.”


Okay, may I have a pen?” Leeteuk asked as he finished reading the contract. Count Zhou Mi handed him a pen as Leeteuk signed where he pointed.


Now everything is in order. I do hope you enjoy your new pet, Leeteuk. And please don't hesitate to call or visit.” Count Zhou Mi smiled as Leeteuk made his way out of the store with his new pet in hand, waving as he exited. Count Zhou Mi smiled at the couple as he waved them good bye.


Do you really think that they are right for each other?” Henry asked as he came from the backrooms.


Those two are a perfect match, Henry. They were fated by the stars, my dear chipmunk.” Count Zhou Mi turned and smiled at his young worker. Henry puffed out his cheeks in annoyance.


How many times do I have to keep telling you?? Stop calling me, chipmunk” Henry whined as Count Zhou Mi laughed at him


* * * *


Leeteuk walked towards his dorm's door with Kangin's leash in hand. The hazel dog walked beside him quietly as his master led him to his new home. Leeteuk got to the door and looked at his new pet before dropping down to one knee.


I really don't know how to explain how I got you to the others, but I hope they'll let me keep you. I'm sure at least Donghae will.” Leeteuk spoke to the dog as he petted him. Kangin rubbed his head into Leeteuk's hand before turning his hand and giving it a , showing his affection for his master; Leeteuk smiled at the show and ruffled the hair on Kangin's head.


Come on, Kangin. Let's go see your new home.” Leeteuk spoke cheerfully at his pet before standing back up and opening the door. The sight before Leeteuk as he and his pet walked through had him paused. Donghae was standing on a small pedestal. His shoulders were slumped and an obvious pout was on his face, but the thing that had Leeteuk staring was the deep sapphire blue dress that he was wearing over his normal clothes. Heechul was kneeling on the ground in front of him and was hemming the dress.


This dress will definitely get an A, especially since I have such a beauty modeling it right now.” Heechul joked as he continued to hem.


Will you please hurry it up, Heechul hyung.” Donghae complained through gritted teeth.


Oh, but Donghae, you'll be the prettiest girl at the ball once I finished.” Heechul continued to joke.


Okay! That's it!” Donghae exploded in fury as he stepped off the pedestal and stood beside the kneeling Heechul.


For the last time, Heechul hyung, I am a man!” Donghae shouted at Heechul as he puffed up his chest with air and banged his fist on his chest. Heechul slowly rose with his hands up in defense.


Now take it eas...” Heechul started to say before he was interrupted by Donghae.


Easy? How can I take it easy when you always try to put me in a dress like a girl? Let me make it clear for the very last time. I am a man, not a girl.” Donghae exclaimed as he turned around in a huff. Donghae's eyes landed on Leeteuk and he raised his hand in greeting before his eyes settled on the hazel hair of Kangin.


PUPPY!” Donghae shouted as he ran towards Leeteuk. Oblivious to Donghae, though, was that he was still wearing Heechul's dress. Kangin whimpered in fear as he hid behind Leeteuk's legs as Donghae got down on his knees and reached out to pet the dog.


YAH! Donghae! You're getting dirt and dog hair on the dress.” Heechul shouted at Donghae as he walked to the small group. Donghae quickly reached back and undid the zipper holding the dress on while he slipped it down his legs. He threw it at Heechul before going back down to pet Kangin.


Um...Would someone mind telling me what is going on?” Leeteuk questioned as he looked between the two men.


Heechul forced me to be his manikin after we got back from his shopping. Turned out it was all for him to work on that dress.” Donghae spoke as he continued to pet Kangin. “But more importantly though, who is this guy and are we keeping him?”


Of course, we're not keeping him, Donghae. He'll get fur all over the place and ruin my assignments for class.” Heechul complained as he dusted off the dress that Donghae threw on the floor.


His name is Kangin and I got him from the pet shop the letter mentioned. I, sort of, have to keep him now since I'm under contract.” Leeteuk answered honestly as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.


Contract? What do you mean contract?” Heechul asked as he narrowed his eyes.


Well, I kind of got Kangin here, for free, but as a condition of getting him I had to sign a contract.” Leeteuk answered nervously as he held up the copy of the contract that he signed. Heechul quickly snatched the contract from Leeteuk's hand and he started to read it. At that moment, Kyuhyun walked through the door. His eyes were on his cell phone as he played one of his games again before looking up from the screen.


We having a party in the hallway or something?” Kyuhyun asked sarcastically before his eyes landed on Kangin. “Cool dog, who's is it?”


Technically, mine, and are you just now getting home?” Leeteuk asked as he turned around to look at Kyuhyun.


Yeah, I was on a date with Seohyun.” Kyuhyun answered before the group was interrupted by Heechul growling.


Damn it! It's iron clad. We're stuck with the mongrel.” Heechul growled as he threw the contract down onto the coffee table.


Sorry, Heechul. It was kind of a deal I couldn't refuse. Especially after seeing this face.” Leeteuk apologized as he held up Kangin's face. Heechul glared at the pair as Donghae joined the two with a pouting face next to Kangin's.


Just keep it away from me and my assignments and we'll be fine.” Heechul grumbled as he walked off into his room. Donghae silently cheered as he continued to pet the dog beside him.


So, he's staying in your room tonight, Leeteuk hyung?” Kyuhyun asked as he went back to playing his game.


Well...” Leeteuk started to say.


Can he sleep with me tonight, Leeteuk? I'll be sure to make sure he goes to the bathroom and everything.” Donghae asked excitedly.


I think its best that Kangin sleeps with me until he gets use to everyone.” Leeteuk answered politely before turning to look at the clock; seeing that it was 9:30, he looked at the pleading face of Donghae.


I'll let you sleep with Kangin tomorrow, if he warms up to you. But for now, it's time for all of us to go to bed so we're up for classes tomorrow.” Leeteuk spoke with a gentle smile as he looked at his dongsaeng. Donghae gave the older man a deep pout before nodding reluctantly as he walked to his room. Leeteuk let out a soft laugh before turning to Kyuhyun.


Don't stay up to late playing your games. We do have a nine A.M. class tomorrow.” Leeteuk spoke as he started to walk to his bedroom.


Like I would do what you say, hyung.” Kyuhyun scoffed as he closed the door to his bedroom. Leeteuk shook his head in disbelief. He looked down as a warmth settled on his thigh. Seeing it was Kangin, he petted him on his head before leading his pet to the bedroom. Leeteuk slowly changed into his pajamas as Kangin watched his owner. He slowly slipped between the covers of his bed as he shuffled in them, getting comfortable. Leeteuk looked at his new pet and saw the pleading look on its face.


Come here, Kangin.” Leeteuk commanded as he patted a space beside him. Kangin jumped up excitedly on the bed and settled beside his owner. Leeteuk smiled as he petted Kangin's head as they both settled on the bed comfortably.


'Maybe things will be better, now that I have Kangin.' Leeteuk thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep.


* * * *

Leeteuk began to wake up slowly as a comforting scent drifted near him. Leeteuk sniffed gently as the scent of forest and rain came from beside him. Leeteuk smiled to himself as he turned himself around closer to the scent, feeling around for his new pet. It was then, that Leeteuk noticed two very alarming things at once. One was that he did not feel fur when he felt around for his pet, and the second was what he did feel: a firm arm that was wrapped around him. Leeteuk quickly opened his eyes as the arm around him pulled him closer to the scent. He looked around the bed as he was snuggled up next to someone, who was holding him quite intimately.  Leeteuk couldn't see the face as  he was basically spooned into this person, but by the look of the huge forearm and hands, this person as a big guy.  Leeteuk felt himself breathing a bit harder as he tried to make sense of this without panicking. He began to slowly pull away from the warm body, but the arms around him got stronger. Leeteuk's breathing got faster as he tried to shuffle away again and managed to squirm onto his back. Leeteuk began to apply some force to the arms holding him and they slowly came away from his waist. Not knowing he was close to the bed's edge, Leeteuk pushed himself away from the arms and, with a short yell, fell off the bed.

“Ugh, do you have to be so loud in the morning?” A deep voice groaned from the bed as Leeteuk slowly stood up from the floor. Leeteuk's eyes widened as he looked at the figure closely. It was a male with muscular arms that lead to a broad chest. His skin, a smooth ivory that encased the muscles that had held Leeteuk so intimately. Leeteuk's eyes continued to trail down the man's figure, noticing that the man wore no clothes from the waist up. He couldn't deny that the man was handsome and that he was attracted to him. A cough sounded from the figure causing Leeteuk to look into a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes.

“Are you done checking me out or should I reveal a little more?” The man teased as he smiled a wolfish grin. Leeteuk took a step back from the bed as the man crawled to the edge of the bed.

“Okay, I don't know who you are and which one of my friends put you up to this, but I think you better leave before my dog wakes up and bites you.” Leeteuk warned as he took a look at the man again. The man looked at Leeteuk before letting out a loud laugh as he leaned back down on the bed and raked a hand through his ash brown hair. Leeteuk started to frown as he watched the man laugh at him.

“What's so funny?! I'm serious. Kangin is very protective of me.” Leeteuk spoke as his annoyance showed in his voice.

“Oh, I bet he is, but I doubt he'll bite me.” The man continued to laugh.

“And why is that? And who are you, by the way?” Leeteuk asked as he raised an eyebrow at the man. The question stopped the man's laughter as he looked deep into Leeteuk's eyes. Leeteuk shuffled his feet as the man's chocolate orbs stared right into his soul.

“You don't recognize me, do you?” The man questioned stoically as his eyes never left Leeteuk's.

“No, I don't. Should I?” Leeteuk asked honestly. The man raised a hand that was held behind his back. Around the man's wrist was the same collar that Kangin was wearing when he and Leeteuk had gone to bed last night.

“You should at least remember the pet you got just yesterday.” The man answered as he held the wrist out. Leeteuk looked at the collar and saw the gleaming gold circle attached to it.

“There is no way that you're...” Leeteuk started to say as he backed himself against the door of his bedroom.

“But it is, Master. It's me, Kangin.” The man smiled as he interrupted Leeteuk. Leeteuk's eyes flashed back and forth from the collar to the man. His mind overloading with the images of his dog and the man merging as one. It caused him to black out as the man called his name.


To Be Continued...


A/N: Hey guys, I'm alive!! First off I want to say I'm sorry for not updating or anything in a long long time for that I am truly sorry!!


Second of all, I'll try to update at least once a month, but I will be working on my two stories as well as working at least 30 hours a week at work, I usually work 12pm to 9pm. This one and Under His Amber Gaze will be completed, its just will take a while so please don't be offended if I don't update this one after updating the other. Thirdly, everyone should welcome and thank the new co-author Hanoi- for getting me to finish this chapter! She's really kicked my to update (Damn straight i did -3-). I hope all of you enjoy this chapter. Please comment on the story. It helps feed the plot bunnies!!


Hanoi- was like this while reading the chapter!!! so give us much love!! (and now he's humiliated me ;A; he's so evil) *damn straight I am...well not the straight part but you know what I mean*

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A new chapter after a very very very long hiatus!!! Sorry about it everyone!!


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Chapter 3: Aww this is soo pretty!!! ^^
SHINee4ever5 #2
Can't wait ^^ sounds awesome already!!!
0o0 *stares at story with wide eyes* YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I really want to read the next chapter!! it is going to be awesome! I just know it. And the person with the tile was Leeteuk? Or was it Kangin? Oh, now I'm really curious! can't wait for the next chapter!! Update when you can!! As for the chapters...make them longer! xD It just makes us readers want more of the story.
anangel #4
Omo omo omo omo~
So... It was Kangin at the first chapter?
Woah I thought it was Eunhyuk
Poor Donghae, he'll be Heechul's pack mule
Keke, GameKyu~
I actually thought it was hyuk xD
Please update soon~
anangel #5
Ommo~ I want to read more~
zakuchan #6
Interesting start... I like it... please update soon ^^
yukisnowz #7
the story looks interesting
please update sooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...........