Great - mintomi

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Great. Hitomi utters under her breath. Here is Minjoo picking yet another fight with Hitomi over things as trivial as Hitomi forgot to buy her chips when she was on her way back home after work. 


Hitomi stands in silence at the living room, eyes meeting the ground, she tries her best to hold in her frustration. Minjoo is not stopping, she continues her blabbers on other things, as if those have any correlation to the reason of this current argument at all. 


“Is it that difficult for you to buy a bag of chips for me?” Minjoo questions in a tone of anger, crossing her arms, still in heat about the snack. 


She bluntly spits poison, “I know you have someone out there, you could’ve just dropped by and give me what I wanted then go back to banging them—”




Minjoo jolts a bit from her sitting position on the couch. This is the first time she has seen her wife yelling at her. 


Hitomi slams her suitcase onto the hard ground, the impact hits strong that the zip is broken, the suitcase opens itself, paper

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Chapter 6: poor baby wonyoung