Good news or Bad news??



You see, in my life only 3 types of things happen the only time I'm happy or carefree or not worrying about the future is when I'm with my friends. But friends are only there to help us for a while, nothing lasts and everything has a birth, time, place and death. I've hated all my friends for a while, but the reason we get over it is because we understand what it is like to have something be there for us then leave. Our parents abandon us, our friends die or the hope in our life turns into nothing but misery and loneliness.

My dad isn't so happy about the news that my life is possibly at risk, again. But to know that nothing is forever I don’t mind, I only care that the people and things we love can benefit, or live better but I can't say the same about that bastard of a person Jonghyun. Love was something that I never believed in, I believed and trust and faith but not love. Love is what takes away happiness and trust, it is what takes away the meaning of life, but when I met Jonghyun I made an exception to the rule. Rules are set and there never is an exception.

Although despite all the drama I have benefitted from what happened, my friends and I are closer. We can talk about everything and anything, we can understand all the trouble and we have a BLOOD FEST!! We purposely never call it a feast,  because we understand human life and try to live it, we never want to take away a person's life for our own we just make them a little sore from the blood extraction. Blood fests are awesome, we get cups and cups of blood and we play truth or dare , we dip weird things into it and taste it just for the fun of it and we make blood artworks which we later devour. We call ourselves ANG3LZ because the three different types of angels that were existent long ago relied on the vampires, it was a symbiotic relationship, they understood us and the fact that we were not the devils of hell instead we were the angels of earth because we save people, we help people and we can walk on the face of the earth.


But the thing is whether or not angels are around anymore, we believe that people need a chance, the chance that us vampires never got. But to think that future generations won't get it either is what drives the royal family and many others to work for that opportunity and privilege to not have to hide themselves in dark alleys.


~hello, hello baby you called I can't hear a thing, I ain't got no service in the club you see see~

" hello?" I answered the phone, " Sweetie, could you please come over to the palace in The Nothingness? There's a small problem." My dad never calls me over to the palace, especially when his working, this can't be good news. I get out of my PJs and into something that I could where there, because I'm royal people recognise me in The Nothingness so I have to look respectable. I wear:

L_g0020870591.jpgOnce I arrived at the palace, I walked down the familiar corridor with my heels clicking against the hard stone floor. Turn left, up the stairs, down the corridor turn right an eye scan, fingerprint scan  all that just to lead me to my fathers office where I had expected him to be. He sat in his big chair, the same one I would pretend was a giraffe , with my mother next to him, sitting on the other side was our security officer none of them looked particularly happy.


I faced my father with a mask of worry, he looked back and said " Good news or bad news first?"


A/N sooo, what did you think??? This is sadd i feel like im talking to no one.. PLEASE SUSCRIBE AND COMMENT!!! I promise i will get a chapter up sooner!!!!!!! imm borreeedddd 

from now on i will have a random word for each chapter, just coz im bored !! (:


Random Word

dinosaur (:

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