I admit



My eyes stared into hers with sudden realisation. Could it be? Is it actually possible? But then again , I thought, it could be possible…. ' ummm…. Am I like asleep or something? Did I bash my head? OH CRAP! I must have died, oh god my parents are gonna be soooo upset. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?' I said in one breath. Tiffany and all the others looked at me and very calmly responded ' Number 1, no you are not dead, you did not bash your head and you are not asleep and Number 2 I know it’s the truth you're a vampire aren't you? Coz then you would know that we can smell your scent from your tears its only a surprise we didn't find out earlier' ' But don't worry coz we vampires too :D' she said in a much more cheerful tone. Hyoyeon looked as though she was suddenly having an epiphany and suddenly blurted out ' OMG! I know who you are!' She face palmed herself ' You are the vampire princess aren't you? It’s the only way you could have kept yourself from us for so long! My dad told me long ago that our vampire princess was a girl of many talents! And that men from all over the country ask for your hand in marriage!' she looked as though someone just told her that the Earth is actually flat.

 I sighed, I guess I knew that they were Vamps but I never really thought ( well at least I hoped not) that they would find out. It was for their benefit. But because they have found out there isn't much I can do…

' Yes, she is right. I am the vampire princess but please act as though I'm just a normal human being… I knew you were Vamps but I didn't really want to tell you guys coz I don't want to interfere your life with my problems. And trust me I have a LOT of problems!'

I felt as though an elephant has been lifted off my shoulders, I hated keeping secrets and usually I'm pretty bad at it too.

But Taeyeon being the cheery one just smiled and said to me ' We understand but know that we know that we're all vampires can we stop all the secrets? Hey, but how did you know that we were vampires? We try really hard to cover our scent because there are vampire hunters everywhere these days.' She seemed kinda stressed I'm not 100% why but if she doesn't want to tell me I won't push her.

' Well my dad, being the King knows stuff. So when I first met you I told my Mum and Dad alllll about you! No kidding, I told them what you were wearing and how you were so nice and accepting. I told him how I could see that we would be friends for a long time! After he heard all of that about you guys he kinda figured out who you where. But because he could see how much you guys meant to me he allowed me to stay friends with you guys! So happy ending!!'

I had just realised that Jessica hadn't said anything yet, she seemed as though she had just killed someone! I know she seems like the type of person who is silent and quite but she really isn't . Had I said anything wrong? Had I offended her?

Suddenly she began to talk ' No, I'm not angry at you but instead maybe at myself.' she sighed and continued ' The same thing happened to me when I first met you but it turned out slightly different. I had told my step-father, at that time he was still very peaceful. But then something happened between 2 families and the King supported the other side. It left him extremely mad and lonely as his daughter got killed. He never really got over it, he always goes on about how the King would pay for what he has done. He talks about you and your mother as though he is making a plan to harm you.'

She looked extremely sad, I felt bad for her but I also was worried because now that a few people know who I really am it won't be long before the secret escapes and my mother and I would be in danger again. But I knew that then was not the time to talk about it. ' Come on you guys, cheer up. I'll talk to my dad about it, DON'T WORRY!!! Lets celebrate!'

The other girls smiled with me, Tiffany brought out a plate with biscuits with pink and white icing and cups of pink lemonade, Hyoyeon started playing some music, Taeyeon started going crazy but Jessica still look as though she wasn't really in the mood. She seemed like she was faking her smile. But I let her have some time to herself and have some privacy. I'll just bombard her with questions another day :D


A/N wow i got the chapter up!! YAY well if anyone is actually reading i'll try and put up another chap in 2/3/4 days 

pls suscribe!!

♥ u

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