The Truth?



*flash back* 

On the sunny, warm Sunday I was frantically searching all over the place for my camera. 'WHERE  COULD I HAVE PUT IT' I yelled frustrated. I heard someone walk in and looked over my shoulder  and saw my little brother leaning against the wall looking all smug, he lifted up a small pink case  and said ' looking for something?' I was soo excited by today that even that didn't really bother me  so I casually replied' Look Ben if you don’t give that back to me you NOT going to the theme park  or anywhere for that matter coz remember I'm looking after you today not mum so IM IN  CONTORL!' I smirked. Ahhh, blackmail. :D he finally gave in and handed it to me. 'Ok LETS  GOOOO!!!', yea I was seriously excited,' hey don't blame me,' as  Ben stared at me,' I haven't seen  him in ages!!!'

Oh and if your wonder whose 'him', he is Kim Jonghyun AKA my boyfriend AKA Dino AKA  Jjongie.

I walked out with my bro and made our way to the bus stop, luckily I wore something cool. In case  you were wondering I was wearing -

( we were going to a water park)


While I was waiting, my mind started to drift to the popular topic - MY HUBBIE :D Kim Jonghyun   is a Kingka at my school along with Onew, Key, Minho and Taemin. They called themselves  SHINee! All of them had heaps of followers/obsessed people/annoying people/fans that just knew  everything about them and LOVED THEM and squealed like pigs.



Me? Well  I have a lot of friends ( and we are the queenkas at my high school), girls are envious at  us for our looks and boys stare at us fantasising and constantly asking us out ( we decline of course,  we're not players or flirters). I'm nice, I'm a trainee at SM entertainment. I'm pretty well known there  since I have a really good voice, I'm a great dancer and a model. I guess I sound like a conceited  but its  true. I have a huge vocal range that suits basically all styles of music. I've always liked  singing as a kid so it means a lot to me, I can express myself through the lyrics. I can dance hip hop,  tap, ballet, jazz, contemporary and lyrical contemporary and partner. I can do basically anything you  can think of but I do those best. I've had dance lessons before though. I also play piano, guitar,  violin, harp, and flute. I started off as just a model there and I was known for my flawless skin,  double eyelid eyes, long slender legs, an perfect S line, my perfect ratio and my killer eye smiles.  They found out about my dancing skills and voice and I therefore became a trainee. I should be  debuting soon but they say it's because I'm still quite young that it is being held back a little. Unlike  a lot of other queenka groups we aren't conceited groups that make lives miserable for other  students. We are loved among everyone including the teachers as  stylish, sleek, smart ( top in  grade), nice and admired.


 But there is just one thing that majorly separates me from others and that is that I'm a Vampire.  Actually scrap that, I'm a Vampire PRINCESS. Yup that's rite. My dad is the king and well my  mum is the queen so then I'm the princess and you would think that my bro is the prince but he  actually isn't my bro. His just pretending to be to be safe from some people. There aren't many  vampires in this world as they prefer to stay in the other world called ' The Nothingness'. Yup I  know it’s a really weird name but it does have a history, one that only the royal family knows. None  of my friends know this of course, we don't eat like humans do ( we just push the food around in our  plates and occasionally slip some into our napkins making us look like models or anorexics), yes we  drink blood but we don't have to kill for each meal since they're already prepared in bottles and  made to look like tomato juice and have just been extracted from people so they don't actually die,  we have amazing eye site and hearing, we do have fangs but we can retract them so we won't look  like vampires, and other than that we are look just like normal humans. Oh, and we aren't like those  vampires in books that have perfect looks, scents and stuff that attract people. If we are pretty/good  looking its all natural and we do have a scent but only other vampires or specially trained people can  smell them. However we can also learn to cover our smell ( I don't really have much to cover since I  hang around with a lot of humans so their scent rubs off on me). Except there tears are our  weakness, the tears come from inside and we can only cover the out side smell so then our tears  have a really strong scent. One awesome thing is that the blood we drink have this stuff put into it  that makes our teeth perfect (kind of like fluoride in water) so we never have to brush our teeth!!  They put that stuff in coz toothpaste harms us. But at home we have toothbrushes and toothpaste out  in case people come over.


Being part of the royal family has its benefits, we get the best blood ( I prefer B neg), we can either read minds ( we can't read vampire minds but most human minds at least some of the time), we can have special powers such as control over fire/wind/water/earth, fly, control objects for a short amount of time, put thoughts into people's minds, have short glimpses into the future and superb knowledge ( of stuff such as maths, history and special knowledge that you have to learn in Vampire academies). My father has superb knowledge, my mother has short glimpses of the future however for some strange reason I can control fire, wind, water and earth, control objects for a short amount of time, read people's minds ( including some weaker vampires) better than others, and have superb knowledge and I can also become invisible for a short amount of time ( its drains energy). The royal family is immune against the light for a couple of hours ( some vampires would die instantly or be in a large amount of pain when in sun) and holy water ( all other vampires would die a very painful death instantly). We can also stay in the human world for a long amount of time but we still need to occasionally return to The Nothingness to recharge) .


Anyway back to that dude Jonghyun, he Is famous at our school for his killer looks and his voice.   He is said to be a player and a huge flirter. Oh and HE IS REALLY RICH


So how exactly did I, queenka and NOT A PLAYER,  get together with Jonghyun? Lets just say he  saw me practising for out test at SM and we started talking. And we kept meeting up and then we  started to fall for each other… Yea well that's how it happened. OH and then he made me feel really  umm embarrassed in a way by asking me to be his girlfriend at the WHOLE school assembly.


Just then the bus arrived and before we knew it were in front of the entrance gates. I payed then Ben  and I entered. We started to walk to where I was supposed to be meeting Jonghyun and Ben was  supposed to meet his friends (I"M NOT HANGING OUT WITH HIM FOR THE ENTIRE DAY!!!)  I prepared my camera to get a surprise picture of him. But I suddenly stopped in my tracks, I felt my  eyes water and my knees tremble, my finger weakly pressed down to take a photo . Right in front of  me was Jonghyun with another girl KISSING. MY JONGHYUN!! I felt a mixture of sadness,  frustration and anger, I turned and ran off grabbed my little bro's arm and dragged him all the way  home, as I was running I looked back and saw Jonghyun smirking at me. When I got home I wanted  to run straight to my room stay there and do nothing but stare into space so I let Ben go to his  friends house for a sleepover.


*End of Flashback*


I felt strange, I was sad at what I saw, at him, and at me. I felt sad about myself that I couldn't have  met his expectations and he ended up cheating on me. I was angry at that girl, Jonghyun and myself  and was frustrated at that girl, Jonghyun and myself too. 'This day was supposed to be that best way  to start of the holidays but it ended up being the exact opposite' I whispered to myself.

Ring ding dong, ring ding dong,  ( SHINee aren't singer…. Yet…) ^-^

I glanced at my phone and saw that the caller ID was my best friend Tiffany and I knew that as much as I didn't want to pick up I had to or else she would keep calling until I finally answer. '?'hello? ' HEY ____ WANNA COME OVER?? WE"RE HAVING A SLEEP OVER!!! Hey wait why are you sniffling? How as your day with Jonghyun?? Wait don't reply just come over to my place NOW.' She said in 1 breath. And then rite then, at that moment she chose to hang up. Aish that girl…. I started to pack up some stuff then headed out to Tiffany's place which was pretty close. Her house is an MANSION. Although my house is bigger than hers, her one feels really warm and cuddly.

DING DONG!! ' HEY GUYS, _____ is here!!' I heard Sooyoung yell to the others. I  walked in  without them opening the door because I know where Tiffany hides the spare key. I just ring the  door bell coz I like it :D. I walked upstairs to Tiffany's HUGE, PINK BEDROOM to find Tiffany  standing by her drawer and Sooyoung lying flat down on her stomach flipping through a magazine,  Jessica going through Tiffany's new stuff, Taeyeon munching on popcorn and Hyoyeon stretching  out.


We call ourselves 'ANG3LZ', all of those friends supported me when I was with that jerk of a  boyfriend and were, are and always will be extremely nice and caring. Tiffany is the closest to me  and we almost can read each other's minds ( well I can since I'm a vampire but only sometimes).   She has an really sincere, sweet voice that is really appropriate for ballads. Sooyoung, well she's  really nice and is really good at imitating people. She is a really good actor. She is also really tall  ( in fact she is the tallest out of all of us) She has really nice legs :D. Jessica, she is considered really  icy and cold to a lot of people but once you get close to her its not too bad. But her glares are  deadly… She died her hair blonde too!! She is really stylish ( in fact we all are) and sings just as  well as Tiffany. Then comes Taeyeon, she is really nice and leader like but she is also really dorky.  Her voice is also amazing with a huge vocal range. Hyoyeon is a DANCING MACHINE, we really  like dancing together. Sometimes we goof around dancing couple dances :D She is really funny, her  voice isn't the best in the group but she is improving rapidly. Tiffany, Jessica and I are fluent in  English as they come from the USA ( but I know French, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish as well)  and have the best voices. In terms of skills I'm probably the best since my vocal range is larger than  anyone else's and fits more styles, I can also dance really well ( not as well as Hyoyeon but I'm  getting there) and I've been a model for the longest amount of time. We are basically like a family!!  Oh and did I mention that they are all trainees at SM as well?


 As always Tiffany is the first to notice my puffy eyes from the hours of crying. '___, what's  wrong??' I really didn’t feel like telling anyone what I had seen just hours ago, but at the same time  I knew that she won’t rest peacefully until I tell her and neither would my other best friends. I took a  deep breath and let out everything I've been holding in, all my thoughts, feelings, emotions and  tears. They all looked at each other as my tears poured down ( I swear they looked like there were  sniffing…), having some sort of conversation with their eyes, one which I could NOT understand.  They looked backed at me and Taeyeon started to speak. What they said nearly scared the life out of  me.


A/N i know that im quite a slow writer but please be patient with me! Oh and i've already started chapter 2 ^-^

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