Naw, .

Leap of Faith


A few weeks after Yong Guk and I started dating, here I was getting ready to perform with my crew, AOM. We had just perfected the choreography a few days prior, and I was so excited to show it off. More so, because I knew that Yong Guk was in the audience, and he was watching me. I wanted to look y for him, to show him what he could call his.


He knew that some of my fan girls were coming to the show too, but he told me he planned to fan boy and keep them away from me. I couldn't help but laugh at the memory of his face when he told me that. He looked like a little kid going to protect his toys from others. I couldn't help but smile to myself too. We were about to start the show and I peeked out at the crowd, looking for the sight of that familiar blond head.


When I spotted him I winked, and I saw him wave and blush at me. God, he's such a fan boy. I would've never guessed that Bang Yong Guk was gay, or that he could be so damn adorable. He really didn't seem like the type to me, but, I guess it's good for me because he's mine. All mine. Every last inch of him belongs to me. I went back to my crew and we huddled and said a few words to fire us up for the show.


When the lights went off, we walked onto the stage and got into position. When the lights came on, the music started playing, and my body started moving. I lost myself in the music, just letting my body do what it had practiced for weeks. It was so easy to do this. I was almost in a trance, moving lithely and smoothly, trying to put on my best show, mostly for the one person in the audience that I wanted to watch me. When the music slowed to a stop, we gathered in the center of the stage to bow and I heard the loudest, and deepest, "SARANGHAEYO!" I had ever heard.


And I knew exactly who screamed it. I smirked to myself and when we stood up from our bow I saw him, front and center in the crowd spazzing around. I would make so much fun of him later. But, he didn't know that. As far as he knew, I was stingy with my love. And I liked it that way; I wanted him to completely bow down to me. I couldn't wait to meet up with him after we left this place.




Why did I scream so loud? If anyone recognized me, I would be screwed. Not by Jay, but...screwed nonetheless. I patted my hair down and smoothed my hat back over it. I checked my clothes, making sure they were perfect, as I stood outside in the cold waiting for my boyfriend to appear. My cute little boyfriend. The guy who I admire, Jay Park. He's my boyfriend. It's been almost a month, and I still can't believe it's the truth.


I spent years watching him on TV and the internet, being his fan boy, and now here I am, dating him. I was so happy he agreed to date me too. Because it meant I could watch his AOM performances, and then take him home later. Well, this is the first AOM performance I get to see firsthand, and I'm also hoping he'll let me take him home. Ever since we had that argument on our first day as a couple, he's been a bit of a....diva.


I didn't expect him to be able to act so feminine, but I'm guessing it's because of his American background. Even Brian Joo can do it. It was interesting to me, to say the least, but I hoped he would give me what I wanted for once. The most we've done is hold hand and maybe a kiss here and there. I wanted more; I wanted to really get to know him. And damn it all if he wasn't going to give it to me. As I stood stamping my feet outside, I heard a door open and out he came. In all his glory.


His body, short, but amazing. I knew from photo-shoots that he had amazing muscles. It inspired me to work out and build my own. That way he can be proud to have me as his boyfriend too. He broke into a smile when he saw me and he walked over and slipped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest. This was perfect, because he’s so small. I giggled to myself and he looked up at me.


"What?" he asked. If he looked at me with those sparkly eyes and little elf ears, I lose it every time. I smiled and cupped his face in my hands. "I'm just adoring your cute little body." I chuckled at him, but stopped when he glared at me. "Bringing up my height again?" he asked with a hint of ice in his voice. I was flustered at his comment; I hadn't meant to offend him. "N-no!" I pushed out. "I'm just saying that because you're smaller than me, we work so well together. I'm sorry. Kiss?" I leaned down to kiss his lips, hoping to ease his anger. He put his hand over my lips, looked me straight in the eyes and said "Naw, . No." before he turned away from me and began walking along the cold streets.




He didn't really upset me with the height thing, I just like teasing him. I smirked when I heard him run after me and slip his hand in mine. I didn't mind being seen with him on the streets, it was late, dark, and no one was out anyway. I gave his hand a squeeze before I decided to take my teasing further. "So," I started. "Did you enjoy the show?" Of course I wanted him to compliment me. "Yeah. It was hot." he said quietly. I could tell he was blushing even without looking at him.


"The dance?" I asked coyly. I didn't have to wait long until I got an answer. Yong Guk pulled me into an alley and pushed me against the wall and leaned down to kiss me. It was short and sweet, just the way he thought I liked them. I surprised him by reaching up and pulling him back down to me, kissing him slowly and deeply. I shocked him by brushing my knee against his crotch, making him moan in to my mouth.


I pushed him away and smirked at him before continuing my walk back to my place. He caught up with but didn't grab my hand this time or anything. I walked to the door, and punched in my code to open the door. I pushed it open and walked in, with Yong Guk following me. We kicked our shoes off and walked to the living room. Yong Guk sat on the couch and I went to the kitchen to drink some water. I was watching him as he sat on the couch. He looked so good. Maybe, just maybe I'd give him what he wants. Maybe.


I walked back to the living room and instead of sitting on the couch; I sat on Yong Guk instead. "Ahh, so comfy." I sighed, stretching my arms and legs before snuggling onto him. I didn't get to snuggle much, because I felt a bulge growing in his pants. I admit, I freaked out a little. I looked up at Yong Guk and saw him looking at me. "Please, hyung?" He asked. ...I don't know what to do. I'll buy myself some time. "Nuh-uh." I told him. "How do I know you're clean?" Oh god, that was lame.




"What?" I asked. Was he asking if I had any diseases? Or if I took a shower? "Uhm, I took a shower hyung." I took him, with uncertainty in my voice. "And how do I know that?" He asked me. "Was I there? No, you could be lying." Why was he so concerned about me being clean? He's the one who danced and got all sweaty and hasn't showered. He's the dirty one, not me.


"You haven't showered yet Jay." I reminded him. I saw his eyes move around the room, he was clearly trying to think of something to say. "But I know where I've been." he said, looking defiant. "I know what I was up to. You were in that crowd, anything could've happened." I really had no idea what he was trying to get at. Suddenly, an idea hit me.


"Well, hyung. Let's compromise." I said as I watched his reaction. "Let's take a shower together." I saw him swallow, and I couldn't help but notice how y his Adam’s apple was. I put my hand on his shoulder and watched as he was struggling mentally with himself, debating whether he should give in or continue to be mean. He sighed and it was then I knew I had won.


"Fine." he said. "But there's one condition." With Jay, that 'one condition' could be anything. "What is that?" I asked, hoping my hesitancy didn't come through my voice. "You" he started as he trailed his finger down my chest, "get to wear the pink bathrobe." He smiled and then hopped off and went to the bathroom. Pink bathrobe? That’s it? That is all my little American Diva is gonna do to me? I can't believe this, there has to be more. I'll find out soon enough though.





I...wanted more bickering, but it didn't really happen.

Maybe next chapter there will be more, I'm not sure.

I don't really plan my chapters, they just...come out.

This means I have to write a 3rd chapter though :3

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Chapter 1: Well that was awkward yet hilarious.
Chapter 4: That was so cute!! Love how it ended!!! :3 Good job!
k0j3t4 #3
Chapter 4: Need more BangJay. :D totally love it!
Chapter 4: Aww! So cute!
Chapter 4: oh that was lovely *wipes tear* i don't even want to know what would happen if they had to hide their relationship.
Chapter 3: #1 is Jay Park and Yongguk is my #2....the fact that they just did mind....omg this is beautiful....I had to get up and take a walk during this. I had to prepare myself before reading this chapter. I wasn't ready and when I did make it through it omg its beautiful....I have no problem with this.
4EverMyUlzzang_KHC #7
OMGEEEEE!!! PERFECT amount of fluff and !! Idk why but i adore this pairing!! But there arent many stories of them together :( thanks for making my night!! And jay was a little diva in this lol
That was y and cute ;) good job!!
flowerman #9
I ship then now!! Bang such a badass lol , why u talked to the iest sunbaenim like that! Jay you pretty liitle mofo! So dame cute! Thanks a lot! I love Jay dirty thought , let him bang me in the shower. Hahahaaa wanna see them on the same stage or vairety show just once!
GaemChau #10
Aww~ The couple ring was cute^^