-end of the Jokes

Leap of Faith


I woke up the next morning, with the sun streaming into my eyes and my body feeling completely relaxed. I reached over to the side of the bed where I left Jay and patted but felt nothing. I turned to look and instead of my gorgeous elf's face, I was met with a piece of paper. I looked at it and read "I'm in the shower, and when I come out, I want breakfast you ho. No breakfast = no more for you." ! I didn't know how long he had been in the shower or how fast he would get out so I knew I had to act fast. I jumped out of the bed, put that stupid pink bathrobe on and ran to the kitchen. I knew he wouldn't just leave it at me wearing the bathrobe, I knew there was going to be something else he wanted from me. This was it, no food for him, no for me. The world is not fair. I rummaged through his cupboards looking for something edible. I saw that he had bread so I ran to the fridge to look for eggs and saw them there. I grabbed a bowl and quickly cracked the eggs into the bowl and threw the bread into the eggs. I left it there to soak up as I looked for cinnamon and sugar, the other two main ingredients I would need. I finally found them and noticed that the bread was ready to go, so I quickly put a pan on the stove and heated it up as I prepared plates and cups of orange juice. I put the bread on the pan and let it cook as I sprinkled cinnamon and powdered sugar on top, creating the perfect French toast for my perfect little cutie.




I heard him scrambling around in the kitchen as I took my shower and I guessed he saw my note. I decided to give him a few extra minutes, just to be nice, but then my stomach had to go and grumble at me, so I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, drying myself off before slipping my boxers on and pulling on my robe. I tied it around my waist and quickly yanked the bathroom door open and ran down the hall to the bathroom. If only I could catch him still making breakfast, I would totally win this round. I turned the corner into the kitchen and ! He was sitting down at the table, looking up at me, with food on the table. I lost. That's great, just awesome. Now I would have to put up with him being annoying and and wanting to shove his in me again. That hurt! I sat down with narrowed eyes and poked at the food. "You sure you made this?" I questioned. For all I know, he could've cheated with pre-prepared ingredients. He beamed at me and nodded. "You bet I did. I saw your little note there and knew that I had to." I sighed. I was supposed to decide when he had and when we didn't, yet here I go digging my very own grave. It was like my body just wanted to be ed silly by Bang Yong Guk and the monster in his pants. But me? Jay Park? I wanted my cute little to have a break, which I wasn't sure it would be getting from here on out. I glared at him and ate my breakfast. I had to admit, it was pretty good.




Watching him eat breakfast is so adorable. Yeah he's glaring at me, but whatever, it's worth it. He should know that since he lost, I now have freedom to him whenever I want. He should've seen this one coming. "So...you a little uh, hurt, this morning?" I joked. He shot me a deathly glare and I just lost. "Oh, don't be a sore loser." I chuckled. Oh god, the jokes, I could go on with them forever. I saw him lift his head up from his breakfast. "Well aren't we being a today?" he countered. Ah, I see where this is going. Now he wants a battle with words. "At least I'm not being an ." I retorted. Which is true. I was nice and made him breakfast, he's the who wrote that threatening note in the first place. He laughed a bit at that one before he set his fork down on his plate and laced his fingers together, looking at me. "I may be an , but at least I think with my head." he replied. "Oh yeah? Which one?" I responded, totally laughing this time. He walked right into that one. "The one you wish you were getting tonight." He replied before pushing away from the table and padding into his bedroom and shutting the door. Ah damn, I hope I didn't make him too mad. I wanted to appease my little cutie, not piss him off. I had thought of the perfect thing and decided now would be the time to use it. I went over to the bag I left in the living room when we arrived last night. I reached in and got the little package I had left there.




Damn, how could he outsmart with words too? I was losing my touch. I sat around on my bed and wondered what to do today. I wanted to thwart him from ing me up, but I wanted to torture him. I went over to my closet and chose a pair of tight blue jeans, a black wife beater and a cap to wear. I made sure the clothes were hugging me in all the right places before I went back to the living room and saw nothing but a little box on the table. Did he leave? I hope he didn't leave just because I went to the bedroom. I mean, yeah okay it did seem like I was mad at him, but I was cold. I wanted to put some clothes on. I walked over to the little box and unwrapped it. I opened it up and saw a small silver band inside. I took it out and saw the inscription. "Forever yours." He didn't. That er went all sappy on me and bought a couple ring. I had to admit, it was a super cute thing to do, and I was definitely happy to be able to wear something that proclaimed he was mine and I was his to the world. I slipped the ring onto my finger and saw that it fit perfectly. I set the box down and turned around to look for him, I went in all of the rooms and didn't find him, so I ran to the front door and opened it. Yong Guk was leaning against the door frame and I grabbed his jacket, turned him towards me and kissed him. He was surprised at the gesture and didn't know what to do. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me back, nice and slow, just the way I liked it.




I didn't want to, but I had to. I broke away from Jay and looked into his eyes. "You weren't mad were you?" I asked him, searching his eyes for any hint of an answer. Jay only laughed and looked down before hitting my arm. "I wasn't even mad in the first place. I was just cold. I went to get dressed and then came out and you were gone." I remember hearing how he was looking around, making little panicked noises as he searched for me. He grabbed my hand and smiled when he saw that I had a matching silver band on. "It was a nice touch, you know." He told me. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Oh it was, huh?" I replied as I brought my forehead down to his. "Even though I'm y to you, I love you, and I will be forever yours." He told me. My little cutie was finally being sappy right back to me. This day could not be better. I looked into his eyes. "You really mean that?" He was the first guy I had actually ever loved, let alone admired and dated. He is my perfection. I walked him back into the apartment and we shut the door. He looked at me and tapped his foot. "Well?" he said. "Well what?" I replied, confused at what he wanted. "Aren't you going to say something back to me? Or was my sap so amazing that I left you speechless?" He bowed as if he was accepting an award and I laughed. "You're so ridiculous." I told him, grabbing him into a tight hug. "But I couldn't see myself with anyone but you. I love you too, Jay." He sighed happily and we held our hands up to see the matching rings. “We’ll be together forever." He said as he held onto my other hand. "Yup, together forever."





Woo! I'm done with BangJay!

I hope you guys liked what was supposed to just be a one-shot.

I got my bickering, and my , so I'm content :3

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Chapter 1: Well that was awkward yet hilarious.
Chapter 4: That was so cute!! Love how it ended!!! :3 Good job!
k0j3t4 #3
Chapter 4: Need more BangJay. :D totally love it!
Chapter 4: Aww! So cute!
Chapter 4: oh that was lovely *wipes tear* i don't even want to know what would happen if they had to hide their relationship.
Chapter 3: omg...so...um...yeah...my #1 is Jay Park and Yongguk is my #2....the fact that they just did this....my mind....omg this is beautiful....I had to get up and take a walk during this. I had to prepare myself before reading this chapter. I wasn't ready and when I did make it through it omg its beautiful....I have no problem with this.
4EverMyUlzzang_KHC #7
OMGEEEEE!!! PERFECT amount of fluff and !! Idk why but i adore this pairing!! But there arent many stories of them together :( thanks for making my night!! And jay was a little diva in this lol
That was y and cute ;) good job!!
flowerman #9
I ship then now!! Bang such a badass lol , why u talked to the iest sunbaenim like that! Jay you pretty liitle mofo! So dame cute! Thanks a lot! I love Jay dirty thought , let him bang me in the shower. Hahahaaa wanna see them on the same stage or vairety show just once!
GaemChau #10
Aww~ The couple ring was cute^^