Crotch Adventures

Leap of Faith

My microphone battery wasn't working properly, . I had to stand up and try and get it out of my tight black jeans. I tried tugging it out, , it's like lodged in my pocket. I gave it one hard pull and it literally took a leap of faith out of my hand and landed into the crotch of the person next to me. I took no notice of who it was, I just instinctively reached for it. 


My hand brushed their crotch before they handed me back the battery. "I'm sorry." I blurted out. "It's alright." I heard come from the man next to me. I saw that it was Bang Yong Guk. Oh god, I just reached for his junk, and touched his crotch all because I wasn't thinking properly. What if people saw that? I hope it doesn't end up on the internet later or something.


I looked and saw a slight blush on his face. Is he blushing because of what just happened? No, he couldn't be. He's Bang Yong Guk! He's one of the most badass idols right now. He has fangirls and boys galore, why would he blush? I've got to focus on the show now that I have my battery back safe and sound from its little....crotch adventure.


He tried to put his hand in my pants! I saw it! I FELT it! I saw the way he practically threw that battery into my crotch, and how he didn't hesitate one bit to try and grab it back. I accepted his apology, because as a sunbae, he deserves forgiveness. I mean, I respect Jay a lot. He's a veteran in this business, he knows how it is for hip-hop. Of course, I had to go be a fanboy and blush, instead of calmly accepting his apology. I should go see him later and properly accept it, I suppose.


I am not going to go wearing this outfit though, you never know if there will be more microphones around somewhere. I could compliment him on his tattoos too. I might have one, but him? He is like the Tattoo Supreme, and each and every one of them is important to him. He's ballsy for an idol though, to have that many, and to continue adding on to them. I admire him actually. May as well tell him that too, it would seem normal coming from a rookie idol. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I looked over at the little kitten next to me and patted his head. I knew Zelo was tired. I think I'll just let the boys go home first, then go back on my own.


After the show was over, I just sat around in my dressing room, sending out tweets, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up and let Bang Yong Guk inside. "Oh, hello." I greeted. I wasn't exactly sure why he needed to come see me again when we had already gotten the weird apology out of the way. He scratched the back of his head and then sat in the chair across from me. I looked at him expectantly, not knowing what he would say.


After a while of his silence, I turned my attention back to my phone. "You know," he started hesitantly. "I admire you." I looked up at him, his eyes full of sincerity and a slight tinge on his cheeks. Was Bang Yong Guk, Jepp Blackman, saying HE admired ME? It was definitely the other way around. I laughed a bit. "Hey, no. I admire you. You have great flow." I complimented him. I couldn't believe I did. What he doesn't know is that I've been following him since his underground days, and I'd grown a fondness for him and always wanted to get to know him. I saw him smile and nod his head a bit.


He complimented me! I would totally be spazzing right now if I weren't in front of him. I calmly nodded my head and got up to leave. Before I took a step any closer to the door, I had a thought. I'm here, I'm a fan, I don't exactly know when the next time will be to see my idol. I turned back around to face him. Here goes nothing. I walked over to him and pulled him up into a hug. He looked a bit surprised and let out a little squeak.I thought I hugged him too hard, so I let him go and looked him over.


"Are you okay?" I asked him, worried I broke something. "No, I'm fine." He said. His face looked a little red. Could he be...blushing? I couldn't believe it. He liked my hug! I smiled widely at him and saw him look down at his feet. "What's wrong, sunbae?" I asked him. He looked back up at me and sighed softly. "Nothing, it's just. I think you're interesting, I kinda like you." he said shyly. Did he...did he just say I'm interesting? "Ah, I like you too." I told him. He chuckled to himself. "I don't know if you took that the way I meant it, but, I'm interested in you. A bit." he said. "So you DID throw the battery into my crotch!" I exclaimed. "You wouldn't have done that if you didn't like me!" I hit myself on the head. Of course, he likes me! This day can't get any better!


Did he just say that I threw my battery into his crotch? I really didn't, I swear. But, seeing how happy he looked, I didn't want to burst his bubble. I just smiled at him. He pulled me in for another hug and bent his head down to my ear. "When the day comes that we have , I'm topping." Whoa, what? Why does he get to decide that? "Uhm, no." I told him. "I'll be the one topping." He looked at me in disbelief.


"Why you? I'm taller than you!" Huh, throwing my height into it?! "Yeah, well I'm OLDER than you!" I countered. "My voice is deeper than yours!" What does that have to do with anything? "I have more tattoos than you!" Since he wanted to spew useless arguments, I would too. He looked away, then looked back at me as though he had an epiphany. "You have more tattoos than me!" I nodded my head.


I had JUST told him that. "That means you can handle more pain than me, which means you should bottom." Shiiit, his argument makes sense. I looked to the floor, hoping to come up with something good. I had run out of things to say though. I sighed. "Fine. But just know, since I'm bottoming, I get to decide when and IF we have ." Ha, that wiped the smile of his face. He put my hand in his and smiled. "Well, luckily I have a while to change your mind, we JUST told each other how we feel, we have lots of time."





Well that was...kind of not what I had in plan at all.

But, it worked out...I guess?

I was planning on only a one-shot, but I ended up with what seems will have more written to it?

I'm not sure yet...

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Chapter 1: Well that was awkward yet hilarious.
Chapter 4: That was so cute!! Love how it ended!!! :3 Good job!
k0j3t4 #3
Chapter 4: Need more BangJay. :D totally love it!
Chapter 4: Aww! So cute!
Chapter 4: oh that was lovely *wipes tear* i don't even want to know what would happen if they had to hide their relationship.
Chapter 3: #1 is Jay Park and Yongguk is my #2....the fact that they just did mind....omg this is beautiful....I had to get up and take a walk during this. I had to prepare myself before reading this chapter. I wasn't ready and when I did make it through it omg its beautiful....I have no problem with this.
4EverMyUlzzang_KHC #7
OMGEEEEE!!! PERFECT amount of fluff and !! Idk why but i adore this pairing!! But there arent many stories of them together :( thanks for making my night!! And jay was a little diva in this lol
That was y and cute ;) good job!!
flowerman #9
I ship then now!! Bang such a badass lol , why u talked to the iest sunbaenim like that! Jay you pretty liitle mofo! So dame cute! Thanks a lot! I love Jay dirty thought , let him bang me in the shower. Hahahaaa wanna see them on the same stage or vairety show just once!
GaemChau #10
Aww~ The couple ring was cute^^