Chapter 6

A Race To My Heart
As soon as Fate arrived at the boys' apartment, she immediately went straight to the kitchen. The boys followed her into the kitchen, and they sat down on the table near the kitchen counter.

"I'll prepare our snack now . . . Do you have any special requests? Any specific dish you want to eat?" Fate asked Max and the other boys.

U-Know shook his head. "Anything is fine with us. Just prepare whatever you want," he said with a smile.

Max smiled. "I'll definitely eat anything that you prepare."

Jaejoong laughed. "See . . . Max eats almost anything . . . just as long as it is edible."

"So you don't have to worry about preparing anything special. Max will surely finish any dish served in front of him without any complaints," Xiah added.

"Just make sure that you don't put in so much hot sauce or anything spicy . . . just like what Jaejoong does. My tongue is still aching from the last spicy dish he prepared for us," Micky said with a grin.

"Spicy? You guys don't like spicy foods?" she asked curiously.

U-Know let out a laugh. "Everything that Jaejoong cooks is spicy. So we're sort of afraid of eating spicy foods. Because frankly . . . all the foods that Jaejoong cooks can basically make an elephant jump into cold water. That's how spicy his dishes are . . ." he tried to explain.

"Hey! I never thought that you guys were actually complaining with the dishes I'm preparing," Jaejoong said as if hurt.

"We never complain . . . because we don't have any choice. And we know if we complain, we might end up eating take out foods instead," Xiah said with a laugh.

"And your home cooked meals is still better than take out foods," Micky added with a grin.

"Don't worry hyung. I'm not complaining . . . I just love all the dishes you prepare for us," Max said with a smile.

"Max, you're not complaining because you can eat any dish even if it is mixed with a million spices," Micky teased.

"Hyung, you're too much," Max complained.

Fate giggled. She was totally amused with the way the boys were teasing each other. Somehow she found the boys' closeness quite extraordinary.

Fate lightly laughed. "You guys are just so cute . . . I'll start cooking now. Don't worry. I won't make your tongues hurt with so much spice. . . But I will surely make you guys cry because of the taste," she said with a grin, as she started to gather all the needed ingredients for her dishes.

"Do you want me to help you?" Jaejoong asked Fate with a smile.

Fate smiled back at Jaejoong. "No, thanks. Just sit there and relax. Or better yet . . .why don't you guys just wait in the living room while I'm still cooking. I'll just call you after I'm finished. We can then all eat at the living room . . . while watching a movie. But you can start watching the movie while waiting for me, so you guys won't get bored," she suggested.

"A movie? Hmmm . . . that sounds like fun," Max commented.

"Yes, watching a movie seems the perfect relaxation for all of us," Micky said as well.

"But what are we going to watch?" Jaejoong asked.

"Our manager just brought us some new movies to watch two days ago. I asked him to buy some new cds and he also bought several movies as well," U-Know informed the others.

"That's great. It's settled then. We're all going to watch a movie," Xiah said with a grin.

"Would you like me to keep you company while you're cooking?" Max asked Fate sweetly.

"Max, some people don't want to be bothered whenever they are cooking. So don't bother Fate . . . she needs some peace when cooking," Jaejoong said with a grin.

"Oh . . . all right. I'll just go with the guys then. Are you sure . . . you want to be left alone?" Max asked again.

Fate smiled, then nodded. "Jaejoong is right. I work faster when I'm alone . . ."

"Well, come on Max. Let's leave your princess alone for a few minutes," Micky said with a smile.

The DBSK boys all stood up and went directly to the door.

"Just call us . . . if you need any help," Max said with concern.

Fate lightly laughed. "Don't worry, Max. I won't get eaten by vegetables and pasta," she said teasingly.

The other DBSK boys laughed as well. And they just pulled Max out of the kitchen.

More than half an hour passed . . .

Max just kept on looking back and forth between the TV screen and the door leading to the kitchen.

"What's taking Fate so long to cook?" he asked worriedly. "Maybe I should take a look."

"Nope . . . just sit here," Micky said as he grabbed Max's arm and made him sit closer to him.

"Max, you've gone to the kitchen almost every three minutes. You're the reason why she's taking so long to finish her cooking. You're totally disturbing her," Jaejoong said as he shook his head in disbelief and amusement.

"But hyung . . . I just want to see if she's all right . . . What if she needs my help or something?" Max tried to reason with his friends.

U-Know shook his head and grinned. "Fate will call us if she needs any help. So just sit and enjoy the movie . . ."

Max sighed. It seems he didn't have any choice but to follow his friends.

Several minutes passed . . .

A sweet aroma started to fill the living room . . .

"God! What is that sweet smell?" Micky asked suddenly.

"It smells so delicious," Xiah added.

"So can I go to the kitchen now . . . to see if Fate is finished?" Max asked his friends. Somehow he didn't want to leave Fate alone even for one minute. Being away from her was quite frustrating for him.

"No," Jaejoong replied with a smile. "Just leave her alone while she's cooking . . ."

Max sighed heavily. "But I want to see her already," he complained.

Micky laughed. "She's not going anywhere . . . so just relax. You don't have to act like her bodyguard or something," he teased.

"Our snack is ready . . ." Fate suddenly announced as she entered the living room.

"Finally . . ." Max exclaimed.

Fate curiously stared at Max. "Finally? Did I take such a long time to cook? Are you starving already?" she asked continuously.

"Well . . . I was really waiting for you . . . and not the food . . ." Max replied.

"Whoaah . . . That's a first! Max is actually waiting for a girl and not food," Micky said with a loud laugh.

Jaejoong grinned. "Max is a big boy now . . . He's no longer thinking about food but girls instead," he also teased.

"Do you think we should mark this day on our calendars?" Xiah asked with a maddening smile.

"Let's just post it in a blog or something," U-Know said as he joined in teasing Max.

Max blushed, and shyly looked at Fate. "All of you are embarrassing me," he cried out at the other DBSK boys.

Fate went straight to where Max was sitting. Then she took his hand and smiled at him.

"Come on, help me to get all the dishes out of the kitchen," she said sweetly.

Max smiled as well, then nodded.

As Max and Fate entered the kitchen, the other DBSK boys couldn't help but smile.

They were very happy that Max had found someone like Fate. She was totally sweet and very caring. She was the perfect match for someone like Max.

"Those two are really well-matched," Micky commented.

U-Know nodded. "Max is quite lucky. Fate is such a wonderful girl. We've only known her for a few days but I already feel so comfortable with her."

"Yes, Fate is really special. She's down to earth . . . considering she's rich and famous," Xiah said.

"I hope everything goes well between them," Jaejoong said with concern.

Micky sighed. "I just hope our status as singers and Fate's status as a famous race car driver doesn't clash with each other . . ."

"Somehow I am a bit concerned with our fans. I don't think Max's fans will be kind to Fate. I am a little bit worried that some fans might eventually harrass Fate," U-Know said as he sighed.

The other DBSK boys all exchanged glances with one another. They all knew being a member of a famous boy band was really very hard, not only on the physical aspect but on the emotional one as well. All of them knew having a relationship was very hard. They also knew that many obstacles were going to appear once they started a relationship with a girl. So as much as possible they avoided being involved with someone. They knew it wasn't only going to be hard on them, but mostly on the girl as well.

"I wish everything will be all right between Max and Fate. It would surely hurt Max if something suddenly happens to him and Fate. He really likes her. . ." Micky said with concern.

"Yes, we all know that Max is quite serious with her. He hasn't been this courageous before. He actually surprised me. He proved to me that he's no longer the little boy that we all keep on protecting and pampering," U-Know said again.

"Let's just hope that no news comes out about their relationship. As long as they keep a low profile, and no one knows about them being involved with each other . . . then they are basically safe," Xiah said.

Micky sighed. "Low profile? Are you kidding? They have already shown their relationship to the entire staff today. It would be a miracle if no news about them comes out by tomorrow morning," Jaejoong uttered.

"Well there's nothing we can do but wait. Let's just keep our fingers crossed. I really hope everything goes smoothly for Max and Fate," Micky said.

The other DBSK boys nodded. All of them were wishing very hard that nothing comes between Max and Fate, but somehow they knew it was impossible. As they kept on wishing, their hearts were being filled with fear. Somehow they already knew that something was going to happen . . . something was coming . . . or someone . . .

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CassieIndo #1
awwww finish already T_T
finally they are together at the end ..
thanks for this great story ^^ /go to ur next story xD/
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 42: Another awesome story authornim,, i just write long comment abt how great ur story on your another story,, and now i found another great story of yours,,
I rlly dont know what i must say, u'r rlly one of the great author,, please updte this story soon, and your another story as well,, pleeaasseesse... i beg u T_T
yuncasso #3
Chapter 42: Its been a while.glad that you finally update..hope u continue thisss...i' m a fan
Please please please update this? Pleaseeeee~~? (:
OMAIGAWD...found it!
Please continue this.. I cried a bucket on this fic before TT ilovehisfic, daebak! :)
love it read all the chapters cant wait for the update ^_^