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Me and my brother grew up together in Korea! We always took care of each other and never gave up on eachother...but, I feel like I messed everything up... 


"Oppa!" Gayoon yelled out running towards him to school, "Sorry for leaving you behind" Leedo said, "Yah! You liar stop acting" Gayoon yelled at him. Leedo giggled, "So do you want to go to the groceries store to bring back some food?" Leedo questioned her, "Sure" Gayoon replied, walking on the rocks. "Yah, be careful! You don't wanna fall like you did before when you were 3" Leedo told her, "I know~ but, I'll try to be careful!" she said hoping, Leedo sighed and they kept on walking their way to school! 

"Come on get down, we're almost here" Leedo said, "okay~" Gayoon's backpack got stuck on the bushes and when she was trying to get it off Leedo rushed her! "Hurry Up-" she fell but luckily Leedo caught Gayoon, "See I told you to be careful" Leedo said making her stand up. She sighed and they went inside of the school and then into their classes! 

After school Leedo and Gayoon stopped by the groceries store to get some groceries! "You wanna buy anything you like?" Leedo questioned when they got the cart, "hmm...okay!" Gayoon answered while picking up the onions. They grabbed the things and then checked out...after checking out they got back home and were greeted by their parents everyday they came back home! "Ohh~ Look at our son and daughter! Getting groccerises when we are getting old..." their mom said emotionally, "You could put them down on the tables and why won't you guys get changed" the dad said. They both nodded and they went into their rooms to get their clothes and then went to separate restrooms! 


"Hunny, don't you think it's already time for Gayoon to know?" Mom questioned , "No...we don't want her to be sad" dad answered back, "But- she will be sad!" Mom told him, he sighed..."it's okay...we'll find a way to not make him die...if we can..." dad said. 


When they got out of the restroom with their clothes on, they helped their parents cook and then they started eating after ALL of the work! 

"Leedo ah, you'll have to stay home tomorrow...and Gayoon! You have to go to school, " her dad said, "WHAT!? Why?" Gayoon questioned pouting..."We need to do 

something..." her dad answered, she sighed and nodded. After eating they went to sleep...

The next day she woke up earlier than Leedo, she got ready for school and started to walk to school! "Hey Gayoon!" she looked over to see Leedo's friends! "Oh hey!" She ran towards them, "Where's Gunhak? (Leedo)" Xion questioned, "Ah~ he's staying home today" Gayoon answered, they nodded knowing something. "Is anything wrong?" she questioned them, "NOPE! Not at all!~ Well, Leedo did tell us to come here to walk with you" Seoho said while they started walking, "Oh...and he still thinks that I'll get kidnapped like when I was young.." Gayoon sighed looking down! "Hey! At Least he is trying to protect you, you know that he's such a great big brother!" Keonhee told her, touching the blossom trees..."I know" she sighed. "Here!" Keonhee gave her the blossom's that he got from the tree, she grabbed it and held it! When they got to school she put the blossoms on the tree and then walked inside. 


"Ah~ Welcome back Leedo!" The doctor said to me, "Hello" I replied back,  "So you guys will have to wait for a moment while I just have to help some other patient in the same room you are going to and then I'll come back!" he said, making us follow him to the waiting room with toys and babies..."Sweetie sit down, you don't want to have a hard time" mom said, I sat down and started getting on my phone...it was 3:00 pm so I could call Gayoon! 

I pressed on her number and she picked it up real quickly! "Hey Gunhakie!~" She said smiling with the others, "Hello" I said back. "Hyung! What are you doing?" Xion questioned, "I'm...just in the hospital" I answered. "HOSPITAL!?" Gayoon said surprised and worried, "Did something happen to you!?" she said worriedly.."Uh- yeah...heh, I just broke my arm bone a bit..." I lied..I felt bad but  couldn't tell her! "Oh...you should be careful" she said, "I will'' I replied...the doctor then came and called us over! "I got to go now- bye!" I hung up on her and then walked to him...

(sorry but I don't wanna do all of the EXPLAINING! You know?) 

"And just keep this on your stomach so that your blood pressure will go slowly and not too fast!" the doctor said, we nodded and then we went to the cafeteria that they have here and then ate some things and went back home! 

We got home and then I sat on the couch, "Leedo you should just be resting for now since you have that thing on your stomach..." dad said, I nodded and then decided to watch some scary movies on my phone! 


After school I was gonna go back by myself but...they came to me! "We want to vi

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