
The All Seeing Eye
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Irene was having an awful day. So far her english teacher had unrealistic expectations on what highschool students can really do. In what realm did it make sense to create a story based on how fast you can type. What if the student types really fast from playing fps games. Not that thats whats happening to Irene. Though the same cant be said for Yeri or Joy who are both dreading the assignment. What was bothering her was the theme of the assignment : something outside the ordinary. That had to be the vageust promt ever and shes done a few for fun. Fun prompts that are direct and not obtuse. Its so broad in Irene's mind. Anything can be out of the ordinary especially to those tin foil hat people who find even an ant on the table as a point of contention. 

Most of her fellow classmates had the same thougth. Who made this clown a teacher and gave an assignment worth 40% of their grade. Some of Irene's classmate took it literally and started writing a personal account of their weird days, others took it to the next level and wrote fiction about aliens. Irene, well Irene is lost on the theme. Her days are pretty much down to a routine at this point and she does not have the most flamboyant mind or the will to write something like straight out of a super hero film. She likes to keep herseld grounded in reality and right now reality is offering her no inspiration. 

Everything is structured so she can perform well. She knows perfection is impossible but that does not mean that she will slack off and not try and be the best. She is very competitive and keeps to a routine day in and out and keeps to it like clockwork. 





She interacts with the same people everyday. She goes to the same places everyday and she talks with Joy and Yeri the most. There really isnt anything that is out of the ordinary or unexpected with her days. Everything is automatic. 

If this was any other student they would have just done something completely different than writing about their actual day. Something like alien abduction or cheese wheel hunting. But Irene isnt her moms child if she wasnt stubborn. So here she was walking towards the club room and people are giving her a wide berth. The few students on the hall quickly turned away and walked the other direction or pretended to be busy. Irene was known to be generaly amicable to most if not quiet but she is known to be able to discipline when needed, especially since she

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Hey guys if anyone finds the right songs and puts it down on the comments Ill comment under whoever gets both right. Have fun :)


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Chapter 6: Aww this is cute ❤
Chapter 6: Automatic~~ and oh~~ finally another WenRene. Well Wendy of course she knew your name.
Reader9 #3
Chapter 6: I feel so dumb lol. I read this again while listening to taemin and Wendy’s new song and dang the other singer is Taemin. The two songs in this chapter is Criminal and Automatic. Lol it’s written there in the chapter.
FateNdreaM #4
Chapter 6: Alien and Automatic...
Reader9 #5
Chapter 6: The red velvet song must be Automatic but I can’t get the the other one. I’m a gg stan so idk much outside
1712 streak #6
Chapter 6: Um.. I forget the title.. I will comment again if I remember
Chapter 5: When it comes to teasing their elder, I only believe in JoyRi 😂😂
Reader9 #8
Lmao yeri and joy teasing unnie and supportive bear confirmed uwu.
Chapter 4: They are so cute~
Soshivelvett #10
Chapter 4: Hehhe cutess they mettt