Moon and Sun

Moon and Sun

Centuries back, Sun and Moon would meet at Sunrise and Sunset. The sky would be colored in a beautiful purple color, stars glistening in a wonderful silver hue. 


Right now, Sun and Moon avoid each other how much they can. The stars and clouds whisper around that Sun got heartbroken with the help of shadow. 




Moon stood behind the glass wall at the Moon Castle. The sky was still tinted in bright blue, white clouds chasing each other in the slight breeze. They were whispering, rumors passed between them. 


,, My Moon.”


He slightly turned over his shoulder, stopped listening to the clouds, and instead gave his interest to his Confidant. ,, Yes?”


He received a slight bow. ,, The sky will turn dark soon.” his Confidant said. ,, Sun doesn’t seem happy. Sun rays aren’t warm anymore.”


Moon sighed and turned back. ,, I know. Clouds and Stars are whispering, Kyungsoo. But I can’t show up in Sun castle and demand to talk with Sun. They won’t let me in and you know it.”


His Confidant hummed. ,, Even your nights are getting colder now, Moon.” the short man walked up to stand beside the Moon. ,, The stars are whispering that it’s been ages since you came up to take over the day at Heaven’s Hill.”


,, Don’t call me Moon when it’s only the two of us, Kyungsoo.” Moon sighed, his forehead coming to rest on the glass. ,, Alright, Minseok. But don’t dodge the topic, please.” Kyungsoo raised one of his eyebrows, the Confidant’s dark eyes knowing.


,, It’s the same as the Sun Castle. Heaven’s Hill is a place where Moon takes over the day, a place where Sun takes over the night. And you know what happened the last time Sun and Moon met. “Minseok muttered, his lips drawn into a frown. 


The clouds were getting loud again, whispering. Moon won’t go take over the day from Heaven’s Hill, he’s scared. He knows Sun despises him.


,, Minseok, you’re Moon. The Ruler of the Night, The Brightest Star, Silver Light of the Night.”Kyungsoo named, his hand coming to rest on Minseok’s shoulder.  ,, You’re not the one to be guilty in this.”


Minseok only shook his head, his own silver-blue eyes closed. 


,, Minseok, you have to go take over the day at Heaven’s Hill.”Kyungsoo sighed and took two steps away from the glass wall. ,, I’ll be going, My Moon.”




The sky was tinted red, pink, and purple, ready to turn into dark blue. Moon stood still, his feet steady on the ground of Heaven’s Hill. Silver strands of his hair flowing in the air, slightly blue-tinted tunic flowing like it has its own life.


Moon noticed when Sun appeared. The air turned slightly warmer, the last bit of sun rays turning to reach the revealed skin. He stood, his head only ever so slightly turning to catch the gold eyes of Sun. 


The intake of breath Sun took was loud, sharp, and then he talked. ,, The day ends here. Let the sky turn dark, let the stars shine bright. Let the Night begin.” 


From the peripheral view, Moon saw Sun turn on his heel and start walking from Heaven’s Hill. Quickly gulping down the lump in his throat, Moon turned to him. ,, Sun.”


The blonde mop of the hair stopped moving, and the sound of steps wasn’t heard anymore. ,, Moon.” 


Minseok sighed. The last time he heard Sun use his formal title was centuries ago, on the day of their departure. 

,, Jongdae, I-”


,, It’s Sun for you, Moon.”


,, Sun, I’m sorry.”Minseok closed his eyes, kept them tightly shut. ,, I’m sorry,  the way I behaved four centuries ago wasn’t the best way how to handle things and-” 


,, Shut up, Moon. Please, just shut up.” Sun turned to him, his auburn gold eyes wet with tears. ,, Watch over the Night, Moon. Dark sky is my cue to leave.”


Minseok watched as Sun his heel, and with each step he took, Moon felt like he knew how much Sun despised him. 




A gush of wind announced the presence of someone who wasn’t Moon or Sun. Moon sighed and closed his eyes when a hand pressed against his chest. 


,, Shadow, put that hand down.” He took a step back, getting away from the petite Shadow. ,, My dear Moon, it’s been so long since you last came to take over the day.” Minseok opened his eyes, just to let his gaze fall upon a petite black-haired boy before him.


,, And it’s your fault, Shadow.” Moon sighed and sat down at the silver chair. ,, My dear Moon, you’re still so closed-minded. Did you ever considered a relationship with someone other than Sun?” Shadow moved closer, only to be stopped by Moon’s hand.


,, Don’t. My heart still belongs to Sun, even though he might despise me.”


,, My dear Moon. You’re dedicated to Sun so much, but he doesn’t appreciate your effort.” Shadow commented, his long fingers coming to brush away Moon’s silver hair. 


,, He may not appreciate my effort, but my heart belongs to him. I belong to him.” Moon said and waved his hand in the air, and with that, Shadow disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. 


Minseok sighed and closed his eyes. He told Shadow the truth about his feelings.




,, Was it the truth?”


Minseok whipped his head around and a soft smile found its way on his lips when he noticed Sun standing there. He slowly stood up and a gush of wind messed up his silver hair. 


,, The night ends here. Shall the sky be colored in a bright blue and shall the clouds chase each other around. Let the Day begin.”


He wanted to walk away when a warm hand landed on his forearm. ,, Answer me, Moon, please. Was it the truth?” Minseok looked up from the ground on Heaven’s Hill and looked into those warm auburn gold eyes.


,, I’m not used to lying. Everything I said to Shadow was the truth.” Minseok gently tugged at the warm hand, freeing his forearm. ,, Moon and Sun were once lovers. They were able to create beautiful things in an embrace of each other. I didn’t lie when I talked to Shadow. Moon’s heart belongs to Sun, as does Moon’s life. I am Moon and I belong to Sun, that’s you.” Minseok shook his head and took a step back. ,, You will own my heart forever, My Sun. I will get going now.”


And, like that, Sun was the one left standing on Heaven’s Hill.


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