Think Before You Speak


You're meeting Jungkook, your supposed boyfriend, for coffee. But are you two really together? After hearing about his latest escapades with his ex, you start to wonder if you're still together, or maybe if you were ever truly together at all. When he storytells, it's like he has no filter, that any and every thought he has needs to be voiced aloud. Will this instance of Jungkook displaying poor self-control be the one to end it all?



DISCLAIMER: This story is based on my own personal experience(s); however, it is still a work of fiction. I do not own Jungkook, BTS, or any other K-Pop references or images displayed in this story. Please do not copy, edit, or repost without my consent.

I also kind of rushed through this story...because I may or may not have had a bit too much to drink when first writing this and also now when I'm editing/formatting it so there's probably some messy errors. My tenses are probably not consistent, and if I terribly go from talking in the present tense to the past tense or vice versa, blame it on the a a a a a alcohol~~

I'll probably go back in a little bit to make any necessary corrections when I'm sober, but until then, I hope you enjoy this little story! ^^


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robinsons #1
Chapter 1: Why's jungkook like that tsktsk
Chapter 1: that hurted, real bad.