You, You, Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


heyyyyyyyy, u there. come here. >__<


if u already clicked this? congrats! you're getting a gift. (me), (as your new friend). please, be my friend. i'm desperate. T___T seems like just another ad, i know, but it is, and i truly need friends. so, please? hehe.. if not, it's okay. but if you're still reading this, here are some things to know about me:

  • i live on the plus side. i don't mind where you came from, i accept pluses and minuses. because? my sleep schedule is ruined. i sleep and wake up whenever.
  • i fc girls all the time. i don't mind who you fc.
  • i am of age irl. i prefer you be of age, too.
  • i am like, fl x ooc. mostly ooc, tho. good if ur ooc but it's okay if you're ic. but i don't do plotting.
  • the games i play are paladins, gta, csgo. but mostly paladins. also plato and imsg games (if u count those), let's plato. we can also take cute zpt pics together. movie dates? i'm totally in. i LOVE horror. i don't mind watching your favorite genre tho. <3
  • i don't know if i'm looking for relationship, i think if it happens, it happens. right now, friends? ^__^

so that's that, methinks. if you're interested, well i hope you are, do pm me with your twitter @ and/or dc tag. as of now i am only on those platforms. thank you for your consideration. <3

i'm dumb for publishing this when my aff account was private yesterday JASJSSKSKSK. i just noticed and i alr unprivate so.. yeah.. pls send me a pm. :D


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i know this might not be 1x1, but if you're interested of joining in a community, you should definitely check us out!
i'm jun! my fl's @soigaleos, lets be friends :D