I think of you

The Process of Flowering

Jongin woke up from yet another dream full of bright wide eyes, low breathy laughs, and beautiful heart-shaped smiles. The warm, autumn morning sun was streaming in through his mauve blinds and dancing around his room as he pulled himself out of bed.

His hair was a tousled mess and his heart was thumping a million beats per second. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and sighed.

It had been two whole weeks, exactly, since he’d first met the doe-eyed customer that now insisted on running a dozen laps around Jongin’s dreams each night. Jongin could never remember what the dreams had been about, but he knew they always centred around the man.

Jongin felt quite shallow for being so fixated on a man he’d met just once, and purely based on looks as well. But he felt so strongly about the man that he was convinced that it had been fate that had caused their paths to cross.

The way he saw it, every event in his life prior to meeting the man had aligned perfectly so as to ensure that they would meet.

And although he was starting to doubt himself, Jongin convinced himself to not lose faith. The next time he would see the man, he would be prepared, confident, and not look his cool like the last.

With that thought in mind, he dressed for work and left his one-bedroom apartment on the 10th floor of Park Residence to make his way to Season’s Blooms, the flower shop he worked at.

Despite having two entire weeks to prepare, Jongin remained an absolute mess when the petite man was back to visit the store that day. He saw the man crossing the street well before he entered the store and panicked.

He cursed himself for throwing on just a plain white shirt and worn-out jeans the very day he’d see the man again. But this wasn’t the time to be self-conscious, he was finally going to talk to the man again and he was determined to make the most out of this interaction.

Jongin took off his soiled gloves, wiped his hands on his parchment brown apron just as the man pushed open the clear glass door of the shop.

He pushed a startled Sehun out of his post at the counter and greeted the man with a big, wide smile that left his face feeling numb afterwards.

“Good morning, sir!”

The man wore a dull, pumpkin-orange sweater over a white button up shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of thick rimmed black glasses. A vintage style leather satchel hung on his left shoulder.

“Good morning,” He replied in his velvety soft voice. He stopped at the door hesitantly and looked around. “I just need something simple today, like tulips...” he thought out loud. His eyes trailed over to the pink tulips displayed at the shop front and he beamed. "Yeah, those would do just fine!"

Jongin stumbled out from behind the counter, his cheeks flushed a similar shade of pink to the tulips.

"Sure thing!" he stammered while walking towards the tulips. It seems as if Jongin was evolving backwards as he’d lost all sense of bipedalism at that very moment. How do you walk again? You just move one foot after another right?

Right foot, left foot, right...

Jongin could hear Sehun’s snickering from the other corner of the shop and, although he found it quite irritating, he ignored it.

He kept his head bowed low as he brushed past the oblivious stranger. While they were shoulder to shoulder, Jongin paused for a fragment of a second to take note of the crisp scent of green apple of the man, like a total creep.

Sooner than he would've liked, he was past the man and picking out a bunch of blushing pink tulips. Once he'd picked the best-looking flowers, he returned to his post behind the counter. The man stepped to the side to let him past this time.

“Was this for a gift?” Jongin asked, as he usually did while stumbling around for wrapping paper.

“Uh… no, not necessarily,” the man replied uncertainly, “Just felt like getting some flowers for the office.”

"Oh I see. Do you work around here?" Jongin managed to mumble despite the lump forming in his throat.

"Yeah, I work just around the block at Park establishments as an accountant," He replied, and his eyes were smiling the same way they did in Jongin’s dreams.

Jongin clutched onto the sides of his apron, his heart clenching as he forced himself to maintain eye contact.

"An accountant? That's really cool," Was all he managed in response.

The man chuckled, his laugh low and husky, "Thank you."

This encounter was beginning to feel even shorter than the last and Jongin’s smile faded when he’d handed the bouquet of flowers to the man who was now going through his wallet, trying to find the cash to pay.

The man fished out a few notes from his wallet and looked up at Jongin, their eyes meeting once again.

Jongin took the notes the man was offering him and handed him back the change he was owed. Jongin felt electric waves rushing through his finger tips as they lightly grazed the stranger’s palm as he dropped the change onto it.

Jongin could feel a dopey smile spreading on his face and he shook his head to rid of it.

The man put his change back into his wallet and pocketed the wallet. “Thanks for that.”

This was it. The chances of the man coming back any time soon were slimmer than slim and Jongin panicked.

Oh no, no! Please don’t go yet… I don’t even know your name yet!

"Well, thank you again for dropping by," Jongin hurriedly looked around the store and spotted the small bouquet of blue salvias that he’d wrapped out of boredom before the man had entered the store. He didn’t think much before quickly reaching over for it and holding it out to the customer.

“This... isn’t anything special, just a thank you for visiting the store again...!”

The customer’s smile sent all kinds of sparks down Jongin’s spine and he could’ve sworn that all the bones in his legs melted at the sight.

“Thank you… I’m honestly quite surprised you remembered me.”

Of course I remembered you! How could I possibly forget?

Jongin was too much of a coward to say those words out loud. It’s also not a very appropriate thing to say to a customers either so he just smiled and nodded.

“I’ll come back again if I need more flowers!” The man made to exit the store then paused and looked back at the florist, “My name’s Kyungsoo, by the way. It was nice seeing you again, Jongin.”

He nodded his head at Jongin's nametag at the look of bewilderment on Jongin's face, then walked out, taking yet another piece of Jongin's heart with him.

A/N ) I'm just editing and adding onto what I wrote like 3 years ago and I feel like the writing style is all kinds of messy because of that ): I'll probably go in and fix it a later time but for now, thank you for all the nice comments!! I'm really glad you guys liked the first chapter ^^

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Chapter 3: Asfjklfsdhj (♥.♥) they are so cute!! I love the thought of Kyungsoo going back to work, proudly wearing the clover
Chapter 2: If you look like crap, your crush is guaranteed to show up .·´¯`(>ヮ<)´¯`·. And Jongin trying to remember how to walk lmao I'm crying! So funny!!!

This is so great! (^ヮ^)-❤
Chapter 2: Its interesting I'll be waiting for more updates
Chapter 1: Ah, sooo cute! (♥ヮ♥) I'm excited to see what happens next!
lilykizaki #5
Chapter 1: Jongin omo ^~^
that's interesting... maybe they will meet somewhere outside so Jongin would have the chance to befriend him :)
can't wait
Rikasan #6
Chapter 1: Already so cute!!