Love at first sight

The Process of Flowering

The first time Kyungsoo entered the little flower shop at the corner of Myeongdong, Jongin had been a stumbling, stuttering mess. The doe-eyed man was dressed in a simple button-up shirt and faded denim jeans, his hair the usual careless mess. Jongin couldn’t help but notice how simply god-like the said man looked.

“H-hello, sir,” Jongin mentally cursed himself for being such a lame, nervous wreck, but he managed to continue, “How may I help you?”

Kyungsoo looked up at him, his wide eyes blinking curiously at Jongin.

“Oh, I was just hoping to buy some flowers for my friend, he’s currently in the hospital," Kyungsoo explained while looking around the flower shop, "Do you have any chrysanthemums? He really likes those.”

'Chrysanthemums… What a hard word to pronounce', Jongin thought. But the word had rolled off the male’s tongue so flawlessly and Jongin was in awe.

Kyungsoo's voice was so unexpectedly deep, pure and soft. It reminded Jongin of warm pancakes with honey drizzled over them on a Sunday morning. 

“Y-yeah-- Let me check if we have any in store,” Jongin cleared his throat then turned his back to the customer to go through the list of flowers they’d had delivered that morning, tracing his fingers down the page until it landed on the phrase ‘Chrysanthemums, limited supply’, “Yeah, we just had some delivered today.”

Kyungsoo beamed eagerly at Jongin’s words and allowed himself to be led over to a section at the far end of the store where a few pale gold Chrysanthemums were stored.

“We don’t have many,” Jongin added as he stepped aside to allow Kyungsoo to pick out the flowers he desired.

Kyungsoo shook his head dismissively, his eyes not leaving the flowers as he closely inspected them, “No, I just need a few anyway.”

Jongin nodded and felt extremely lame as he stood beside the man, wondering absentmindedly how he could possibly make the man stay a bit longer because God, Jongin could stare at this perfect human being for hours and hours without getting tired.

After what felt like a bare few minutes, Kyungsoo straightened up with three, pale gold Chrysanthemums in his hand.

“There, these three should be enough.”

Jongin panicked, 'That can’t have been all! Choose some more, I’ll give it to you for free!'

But he’d never say those words out loud, not to a customer.

“Sure, let me wrap those up for you,” he carefully took the flowers from the customer, his breath hitching for a second as the tips of his fingers brushed against the smooth skin of the man’s small, delicate hands.

By now, he was sure that the man must’ve thought him to be weird. Jongin wasn’t his usual socially extroverted self and he almost tripped over his own foot as he made his way back to the counter.

'Get it together, Jongin!'

Jongin took his sweet time wrapping the three flowers with a matching, gold shimmery wrapping paper and a light pink ribbon. Kyungsoo stood patiently in front of the counter.

When the bouquet was done, Jongin’s lower lip trembled.

Was this it? This perfect man, who’d made Jongin’s world turn upside down for the first time in his entire life, was just going to leave and Jongin would never, ever see him again.

He couldn’t let him leave like that, he just couldn’t.

Jongin handed the bouquet to the customer and hesitated as Kyungsoo took out his wallet to pay. He could practically hear the cogs turning in his mind. He needed to make this interaction as memorable as he possibly could while still remaining professional. 

Jongin reached out spontaneously and grabbed one of the lavender roses that was nearby, offering it to the man along with a small, sheepish smile.

“You’re our seventh customer of the day so here, a small thank you for stopping by and supporting our small business,” Jongin sounded like a salesperson but that was okay because he’d triggered a response from the man that made his insides flutter in ways he’d never experienced before.

“Wow, that’s… thank you!”

Kyungsoo took the flower in one hand after placing the exact amount of money he owed on the glass top of the table.

“Thank you, for the great service and for the beautiful flower! I’ll definitely be coming back soon!”

Kyungsoo's gentle smile reminded Jongin of soft, fluffy bunnies and rainbows and he couldn’t help the stupid grin that fixated on his face for the rest of the day. Even if his co-worker, Sehun, who came in late that day, had about it for what felt like years.


A/N ) tiny, short chapter (most of them will be, you've been warned!)

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Chapter 3: Asfjklfsdhj (♥.♥) they are so cute!! I love the thought of Kyungsoo going back to work, proudly wearing the clover
Chapter 2: If you look like crap, your crush is guaranteed to show up .·´¯`(>ヮ<)´¯`·. And Jongin trying to remember how to walk lmao I'm crying! So funny!!!

This is so great! (^ヮ^)-❤
Chapter 2: Its interesting I'll be waiting for more updates
Chapter 1: Ah, sooo cute! (♥ヮ♥) I'm excited to see what happens next!
lilykizaki #5
Chapter 1: Jongin omo ^~^
that's interesting... maybe they will meet somewhere outside so Jongin would have the chance to befriend him :)
can't wait
Rikasan #6
Chapter 1: Already so cute!!