Think of me

The Process of Flowering


Jongin had gone into work the next day wearing the same oversized t-shirt and worn-out blue jeans because he was convinced Kyungsoo would not come in two days in a row. But alas, Kyungsoo showed up once again around midday with a takeaway cup of coffee in hand and a friendly smile on his face.  

“I don’t actually need anything special today, just wanted to drop by,” he explained to Sehun who had greeted him.

“Ah, I see,” Sehun replied, taking a side-ways glance towards Jongin.

Jongin had pushed Sehun to the front and hopped behind one of the white wooden tables that were topped with various pots of flowers because he was feeling particularly shy today. He busied himself by starting to trim the leaves of some plants to avoid eye-contact with Kyungsoo.

“I’m sure Jongin over there will be happy to see you again,” Sehun said with a small snicker causing Jongin’s face to heat up.

Jongin shot a piercing glare at Sehun, but Kyungsoo just chuckled softly.

“I’m actually quite glad to see him again as well.”

Jongin’s eyes widened at the man’s response and his brows shot up in surprise, “Y-you are? Why?”

Sehun stepped out of Kyungsoo’s way so he could walk towards the table Jongin was working at, then went back to wiping down the glass windows. He didn’t want to get in their way, but he made sure he worked quietly enough so he could still listen in on their conversation.

“Well you see,” Kyungsoo began, after sitting down on the tall, white stool that Jongin had offered him and placed his coffee cup on the table, “I just moved to Seoul about a month ago and you’re pretty much the only genuinely friendly face I’ve seen around here. Not to mention, you actually remember me without me having to re-introduce myself over and over again.”

Kyungsoo paused to take a sip from his coffee then continued while Jongin stared at him in awe.

“I’m actually really introverted, and I struggle to make conversation with people I don’t know and stuff, but I don’t seem to have that problem with you…”

Kyungsoo went on but Jongin was starting space out now. How on Earth was he supposed to pay attention to anything when such a god of a man was this close to him?

Jongin couldn’t imagine why someone as good-looking and magnetic as Kyungsoo would have a hard time socialising with people. Nor could he understand how people could forget him. He literally could not get him out of his mind after his first five-minute interaction with him.

And he also could not get over just how beautiful Kyungsoo was. He was even more beautiful up close than Jongin had thought it was humanely possible. Kyungsoo’s warm-toned pale skin looked smooth and pore-less, his jet-black hair was swept back effortlessly off his forehead, and his lips looked so plump and so soft. Jongin longed to feel those velvety soft lips against his own, to discover what they taste like, perhaps they tasted like the coffee he was currently sipping on.

I wonder what type of coffee he likes to drink… He definitely seems like a flat white, no sugar kind of guy.

Jongin was brought out of the trance he hadn’t realised he had entered by Sehun’s loud, obnoxious fake cough.

“Oh – I –” Jongin stammered, quickly looking away from Kyungsoo, whom he had been staring at unblinkingly for a solid minute or two, “Sorry. What were we talking about?”

Kyungsoo simply laughed.

Jongin thought his laugh sounded like pumpkin spice and a warm sunny day.

Jongin opened his mouth to say something, he wasn’t quite sure what, and he never got to find out either. That very moment, Kyungsoo glanced at his wristwatch and stood up so fast as if the stool he had been sitting on had suddenly grown spikes.

“Christ! Is that the time?” He exclaimed then looked at Jongin, “I’m so sorry but I’ve got to get going, my break’s almost over.”

Jongin didn’t know what to do or what to say, he stood lamely while Kyungsoo got ready to leave again.

“Well—” he croaked then looked down at the plant in front of him. It was a pot of white clovers.

He plucked one of the clovers from the pot and held it out to Kyungsoo.

“Thanks for dropping by,” he smiled once Kyungsoo took the clover from him, “Will we be seeing you again any time soon?”

“I’m not working tomorrow but I will be on Friday, so I guess I’ll pop in then?” Kyungsoo slipped the clover into the pocket of his button-up shirt. The white flower peeked out of the pocket and looked happy to be somewhere so warm and cosy. “You don’t mind me dropping in like this, do you?”

Jongin shook his head so fast he almost got motion sick, “Not at all! I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Kyungsoo.”

“Thank you."

And with that, Kyungsoo left the store, taking with him all warmth in Jongin’s life.

“Ooh!” Sehun cooed once Kyungsoo was gone, “Does wittle Nini have a wittle crush?”

Jongin blushed and busied himself with cleaning up the counter.

"Don't even start, okay."

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Chapter 3: Asfjklfsdhj (♥.♥) they are so cute!! I love the thought of Kyungsoo going back to work, proudly wearing the clover
Chapter 2: If you look like crap, your crush is guaranteed to show up .·´¯`(>ヮ<)´¯`·. And Jongin trying to remember how to walk lmao I'm crying! So funny!!!

This is so great! (^ヮ^)-❤
Chapter 2: Its interesting I'll be waiting for more updates
Chapter 1: Ah, sooo cute! (♥ヮ♥) I'm excited to see what happens next!
lilykizaki #5
Chapter 1: Jongin omo ^~^
that's interesting... maybe they will meet somewhere outside so Jongin would have the chance to befriend him :)
can't wait
Rikasan #6
Chapter 1: Already so cute!!