a stressful day

Unexcpected Love


their all school talking to each other again. kim junsu bought sohee some flowers because she kinda likes him but only as a friend. So their all still flirting and talking. The teacher is teaching but G-dragon and yoona are passing notes and sitting by each other. But their just talking about friend stuff so their just friends. all the boys are getting mad because the girls just like them as friends. They have no idea what to do. So their all gonna meet this weekend by the lake. while it's still the week their all gonna try to get closer to each other. At lunch they all sit at the table near a window because it had the most beautiful view of a nice green grass and patch of flowers. All the boys and all the girls sit there because they really only want to hang out with each other. They all ran out of ideas to talk about they've been talking to long and about so much they don't know what to talk about. DING DING DING DING!!!!!!! They all wave good bye to each other.the next morning all the boys are noting down anything to talk about with girls.
 only a few more days till the weekend. what too talk about uhh this is so hard it's making my head hurt on no i only have a little time left uhhh!!!

It's time to go they all shove their notes into their pockets. it's time for class.  they all sit by each other the same thing as yesterday but their all not talking to each other the reason their not talking because they don't know what to talk about they forgot about their notes because they were too nervous so they forgot. Everyday was the same they didn't talk they only sat by each other ate by each other nothing else. Just the same thing everyday they were all getting bored nothing to do at all nothing to talk about. They were all frustrated. all the boys were thinking only a few more days till the weekend. while all the girls were thinking when are they gonna talk to us.

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