
Unexcpected Love

G-dragon is having the best dream ever. until RING RING RING!!! and reminds him that todays school.

G-dragon: UHHHH school!

he's so mad at his friend because he's actually dating someone that he likes so he starts a really big fight with jaeboom while kim junsu was trying to stop it he got involved. so he, jaeboom, and kim junsu got detention the next day. while the three girls yoona, sohee and yoobin are eatin lunch yoobin got so mad at yoona because she was hanging out with jaeboom. So she started a whole school food fight. so they got detension. So the next morning after a normal day of school they have detension. they all sit far away from each other.

Jaeboom: I'm getting really bored.

Kim junsu: calm down yeesh.

Jaeboom: why don't you calm down.

sohee: why don't you both shut up you guys are so annoying.

yoona: your just as annoying as them.

all yelling at each other. teacher walks in.

Teacher: if i here another word from this class you guys will have extra detention.

all talking to each other. G-dragon scoots closer to yoona.

G-dragon: hey i'm G-dragon.

Yoona: hey i'm yoona.

while G-dragon and yoona are talking. Jaeboom is trying to flirt with yoobin. so while their all talking to each other. kim junsu is trying to talk to sohee. But she doesn't seem to like him. so hes trying to impress her by lifting a desk with one arm but can't. the teacher walks in again.

Teacher: what are all of you guys doing sitting on desks, flirting, lifting desks back in your seats.

they all go back to talking to the teacher as she leaves. kim junsu this time instead of him lifting desks he's doing push ups. to help him and too impress sohee. G-dragon and yoona are getting along really well. and so are the rest of them except jaeboom and yoobin aren't getting along she thinks he's not impressive like the other guys.

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